
Discuss of Argentina Financial Crisis and the Problem of Development Fund in Developing Country
New-Liberalism and Financial Crisis in Argentina
The financial crisis of Argentina at the end of 2001 made these discussions more widely and popular .
Sluggish growth in trade and the delayed resolution of the financial crisis in Argentina dragged down much of Latin America 's economy , although there are hints of recovery .
All of the crises , including ERM crisis in 1992-1993 , Mexican crisis in 1994-1995 , Asian crisis in 1997-1998 , Russian crisis in 1998 and Argentine crisis in 2001 , showed strong contagion effect .
The important lesson from Argentinian financial crisis , the fraud case of foreign exchange transaction in Allied Irish Banks , Asian financial crisis , etc. are about the transparency problem that the financial disclosure of information is not enough .
The influence of this crisis lasted for so long , endangering in a wide range , which made Argentine financial crisis known as one of the most representative of economic crisis in that particular historical period at the beginning of the 21st century .
Financial Liberalization and Banking Crisis In Argentina
Many Argentineans started using safe deposit boxes instead of regular bank accounts following a2001 financial crisis .
This thesis starts from the background of the Argentine debt financial crisis , and analyzes from three specific aspects , in economic , social and political levels . Then it describes the process of the crisis in Argentina in detail .
I hope that in the writing process of this thesis , with careful analysis of the Argentine financial crisis , in the perspective of developing countries , the trend of economic development could be gradually sort out in the post-crisis era .
A Comparative Study of Financial Crisis in Argentine and Thailand
By the end of 2007 , the Argentine financial crisis broke out again .
Recently the Argentina Financial Crisis caused the world to focus the attention on the macroeconomic effect of currency board system .
Beginning with the financial crisis in 1997 Southeast Asia , in 1998 Russia and in 2000 Argentina and Venezuela , the instability of the global capital market prevailed over every corner of the world .
Causes of argentina 's debt crisis and its lessons