
  • Victoria's Secret;Victoria Secret;PINK
  1. 吉吉·哈迪德(GigiHadid)大概可以昂首挺胸擦亮天使翅膀了,在即将到来的维多利亚的秘密内衣秀(Victoria’sSecretFashionShow)中,吉吉的加入已经毋庸置疑。

    Gigi Hadid can go ahead and dust off her angel wings , because she 's confirmed to walk in the upcoming Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show .

  2. 小李于去年春夏与布莱克·莱弗利(BlakeLively)约会。两人分手后,他于12月起和维多利亚的秘密超模艾丽约会。

    DiCaprio and the Victoria 's Secret stunner first stepped out in December of last year , a few months after he and Blake Lively ended their spring and summer romance .

  3. 美国品牌“维多利亚的秘密”将在华开设第一家门店,意大利顶级奢侈内衣品牌LaPerla和德国黛安芬等企业正在华增加门店数量,并正向中国大城市以外的地区进军。

    US brand Victoria 's Secret will open its first store , and companies including Italy 's ultra-luxury La Perla and Germany 's Triumph are adding stores and moving beyond China 's mega-cities .

  4. 维多利亚的秘密,在我耳边耳语的恋曲。

    Victoria 's secret , whispering a love song in my ear .

  5. 研究表明维多利亚的秘密香水可驱蚊

    Victoria 's Secret Perfume Repels Mosquitos , According to Research

  6. 想要练成“维多利亚的秘密”模特的马甲线?

    Angling to get the abs of a Victoria 's Secret model ?

  7. “维多利亚的秘密”也不是什么好货色。

    Victoria 's secret is just as bad .

  8. 需要更多的证据证明维多利亚的秘密(维密)正成为文胸界的边缘产品吗?

    Need more evidence that Victoria 's Secret is becoming the Sears of Brassieres ?

  9. 不知名女子:维多利亚的秘密?

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE : Victoria 's Secret ?

  10. 在为女士内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密走秀17年之后,亚历珊德拉·安布罗西奥宣布将退出维密秀。

    Alessandra Ambrosio has announced her retirement from Victoria 's Secret after 17 years with the lingerie brand .

  11. “维多利亚的秘密”表演给我的职业生涯带来了巨大的改变,因为那么多的人都观看演出。

    It changed my career a lot doing the Victoria 's Secret show , because so many people watch it .

  12. 维多利亚的秘密内衣秀刚刚拉开华丽巨幕,今年的秀也是有史以来最奢华复杂的一次。

    The Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show just taped , and this year 's was one of the most elaborate ever .

  13. 曾在“维多利亚的秘密”公司做过模特的阿德瑞娜利玛名列第六,詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特和妮可·基德曼并列第七。

    Former Victoria 's Secret model Adriana Lima came in sixth , followed by Jennifer Love-Hewitt and Nicole Kidman , who tied for seventh .

  14. 收入最高的十位模特中有九位都在内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密有相应的工作,大码模特阿什莉是唯一的例外。

    Nine out of the top 10 have all worked with Victoria 's Secret in some capacity , with curve model Ashley being the only exception .

  15. 自从2012年比伯在“维多利亚的秘密”时装秀上被撞见与米兰达暧昧,布鲁姆和比伯两人便结下了梁子。

    Bloom and Bieber have been at odds ever since the " Heartbreaker " singer was seen getting flirty with model Kerr at a Victoria 's Secret fashion show in 2012 .

  16. 我和“维多利亚的秘密”合作已经有些年头了,所以这些好心人回顾了我在这里和他们共同度过的10年,并制作成了这段小短片!

    I 've been with Victoria 's Secret for quite some time now , so the good people there have gone back over my decade with them and made this little film !

  17. 通过我的信件和许多意见读然而,许多人说,他们已经没有任何麻烦就在百货公司文胸尝试,甚至在维多利亚的秘密。

    Reading through my correspondence and many of the comments however , many men say that they have had no trouble trying on bras in department stores and even in Victoria 's Secret .

  18. 2009年,她有史位在维多利亚的秘密时装秀中走台步的东亚模特,而且她连续标志性内衣店时装秀上的固定模特。

    In2009 , she became the first-ever East Asian model to walk in a Victoria 's Secret fashion show and she continues to be a fixture in the iconic lingerie store 's shows .

  19. 已经太迟了,我真后悔没带那套“维多利亚的秘密”牌丝绸睡衣,那是上上次生日时我母亲送给我的礼物,它们依然连标签都没拆,放在我家那边的衣橱的某个角落里。

    Too late to regret not packing the Victoria 's Secret silk pajamas my mother got me two birthdays ago , which still had the tags on them in a drawer somewhere back home .

  20. 如今,该内衣秀每年举办一次,都有数亿人通过电视转播或网络直播观看“维多利亚的秘密”内衣发布会的整个过程。

    Today , the lingerie show held once a year , there are hundreds of millions of people watched via live television or network ," Victoria 's Secret " lingerie conference , the entire process .

  21. 1999年在美国首创的“维多利亚的秘密”内衣秀一出现,以其性感、奢华、靓丽的风格风靡一时,引领了当年时尚的风潮。

    First of its kind in the United States in1999 ," Victoria 's Secret " lingerie show appeared , with its sexy , luxurious , beautiful style all the rage , leading the fashion trend that year .

  22. 在所有的观众中,观看维多利亚的秘密秀的观众比去年的数量减少了32%,观众人数不到500万。

    Among total viewers , Victoria 's Secret was off 32 percent from the year before - pulling just under 5 million viewers . These new lows come after several years of steady drops for the holiday event .

  23. 近日,总部位于美国的著名内衣品牌“维多利亚的秘密”的一名中国办事处员工向中国日报透露称,该公司将在华开设首家出售其标志性文胸和内裤的零售店。

    Famous lingerie brand Victoria 's Secret is opening its first store in China that will actually offer its iconic bras and panties , an employee of the United States-based company 's China office confirmed to China Daily .

  24. 这位乡村流行歌手当地时间11月13日周三出现在纽约维多利亚的秘密内衣秀秀场和一堆天使们走秀。

    The country-pop star shared the Victoria 's Secret Fashion Show runway with the so-called Angels in NYC on Wednesday , Nov. 13 , and it turns out that she and at least one of the women go way back .

  25. 在纽约举办了多次其标志性的时装秀之后,内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密又来到伦敦、巴黎、戛纳和洛杉矶举办维密秀,而在2017年,该全球女士内衣行业巨头来到了上海。

    After years of filming its iconic fashion show in New York City , Victoria 's Secret has travelled to London , Paris , Cannes and Los Angeles , and for 2017 the global lingerie giant is heading to Shanghai .

  26. 新墨西哥州大学的一项研究发现维多利亚的秘密性感香水对于驱赶携带病毒的两类蚊子有中等效果:白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊(又叫做传播寨卡病毒的物种)。

    A study from New Mexico State University ( NMSU ) found that Victoria 's Secret Bombshell perfume is moderately effective at repelling two types of disease-carrying mosquitos : Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti ( aka the species spreading Zika ) .