
  1. One major concept in SugarCRM is the ability to relate records to one another .


  2. Begin by adding the custom entry point into the SugarCRM web services API .


  3. Several customer relationship management ( CRM ) applications are available on the cloud , including SugarCRM .


  4. Finally , you saw an example script that shows how to call SugarCRM web services using XML data .


  5. Bonita 's process engine interfaces seamlessly with SugarCRM to make this possible .


  6. This entry point is the URL that clients call over HTTP POST to execute SugarCRM web services methods .


  7. Now that you understand how REST Web services work , see how you can interact with SugarCRM using their Web services interface .


  8. This allows you to concentrate on the code pieces that you need to add to SugarCRM to make everything work as expected .


  9. As previously mentioned , their upcoming CORE CRM product will provide web based CRM access into their solution suite through SugarCRM .


  10. The search application also enables the application user to add that Twitter user as a potential contact in SugarCRM , an open source CRM system .


  11. The connectors framework provides a standardized way to connect your SugarCRM records to data in an another application over REST or SOAP Web services .


  12. In this article you learned about the SugarCRM connectors framework , which provides a way to connect to outside data sources from inside your application .


  13. Users can click the Add to CRM button on the third UI form to add the Twitter user to their business contacts in SugarCRM .


  14. RPC handles the integration of the two databases . A company using products such as DotProject and SugarCRM separately would not have access to such integration .


  15. The company is making use of technologies such as Eclipse RCP , DotProject , and SugarCRM to deliver quicker more cost effective solutions than their competitors .


  16. The source portion controls the configuration of the connector , getting the data from the Web service , and mapping the existing SugarCRM module field to a field used by the remote Web service .


  17. A connector to this service is a very useful add-on to SugarCRM ; it gives users of the application a quick look into the latest news items for the Account record the user is currently viewing .


  18. This is critical to enable smartphone apps to be written for large enterprise applications such as SAP or SugarCRM ( ERP or CRM apps ), because no company uses an " out of the box " schema .


  19. Given the highly dynamic nature of PHP configuration , we chose the application-centric design ( that is , designed for SugarCRM ) as the immediate enablement solution ; our intent was to revisit the more generic and reusable approach by implementing modular code .
