
  • 网络Software development kit;software developer kit;Sdk;SDKs
  1. 我们的软件开发工具包也允许其他人在这个平台上打造移动应用。

    The SDK will allow others to build on top of that .

  2. JAVAHOME%环境变量是到Java软件开发工具包(JDK)安装的完整路径。

    The % JAVA_HOME % environment variable is the full path to your Java software development kit ( JDK ) installation .

  3. Zuma软件开发工具包使DSP的开发过程大大简化。

    The Zuma software development environment facilitates the development of DSP chips .

  4. 当第一款iPhone手机于2007年发布时,Apple公司没有为其智能手机配备任何一款软件开发工具包,而是叫编程人员自己去编写基于网络的应用软件。

    When Apple released the original iPhone in2007 , the company offered no software developer kit for the smartphone and told developers to make web-based apps .

  5. SDK:软件开发工具包

    SDK : software development kit

  6. 而古尔曼通过诠释最新版IOS7软件开发工具包中隐藏极深的文件,得出了完全相反的结论。

    Interpreting files hidden deep within the latest version of the IOS 7 Software Developers Kit , gurman reaches the opposite conclusion .

  7. 本文演示如何构建一个Java™应用程序,该应用程序使用AOL的客户机软件开发工具包(SDK)库从用户那里获取命令。

    This article demonstrates how you can build a Java ™ application that uses the client software development kit ( SDK ) libraries from AOL to get commands from users .

  8. 采用微软公司推出的数字视频的软件开发工具包VFW代替传统的模拟摄像机实现视频捕捉。

    Microsoft introduced the use of digital video software development kit VFW replace traditional analog video cameras to capture images .

  9. 语音识别技术、SDK软件开发工具包、单片机及步进电机等为语音控制激光扫描系统的研究与开发提供了软件和硬件支持。

    Speech Recognition technology , SDK software development tools , single chip computer , and stepping motor offer supports to research on and development of voice control and laser scan system in terms of hardware and software .

  10. 它提供了教程、代码示例、软件开发工具包(SDKs)、文章、文档、留言板、博客等你在为微软平台编程时所能想到的其他一切东西。

    It offers tutorials , samples , SDKs , articles , documentation , message boards , blogs , and everything else you could dream of when programming for a Microsoft platform .

  11. 内部由树莓派驱动,还装有MarsCatSDK(软件开发工具包),这是一个开源软件开发库,你可以完全控制机器人的所有功能并进行编程,也使它成为了很有趣的STEM教育和研究工具。

    Inside , it 's powered by a Raspberry Pi , and it ships with MarsCat SDK , which is an open software development library that allows you to fully control and program all of the robot 's functions . This makes it an interesting gadget for STEM education and research , too .

  12. 移动后端即服务(Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service)供应商Kii公司平台营销高级副总裁米克?松树表示,这则招聘广告说到的是客户端应用开发,而不是软件开发工具包,因此不会同Kii的产品形成直接竞争。

    Miko Matsumura , SVP of platform marketing for Kii , a Mobile-Backend-as-a-Service ( MBaaS ) provider , said this post talks about client app development rather than a software development kit so would not be directly competitive with what Kii does .

  13. 软件开发工具包的先决条件

    Prerequisite for the Software Development Kit

  14. 该公司的软件开发工具包就类似一个图书馆,为失真的图像导航,并提供数字泛倾斜缩放浏览。

    The company 's software development kit provides a library that allows distortion-free navigation within the image and provides digital pan-tilt-zoom viewing .

  15. 基本上你拿一块硬件主板,一个完善的软件开发工具包,就能轻松快捷地打造出新的东西。

    So basically you can get a hardware board , a full software development kit tools and actually build stuff easily and quickly .

  16. 我们去年公布的产品,现在已经研发出了第二代,但今天我们要讨论的是软件开发工具包。

    We 're on the second generation of everything we announced last year , but today what we talked about is the software developer kits .

  17. 一旦他们掌握了这三种技术,他们就有了一个好的基础软件开发工具包,并且很容易通过其他的插件添加新增的功能。

    Once they master these three technologies , they have a good basic software development toolkit , and it 's easy to add new capabilities incrementally through other plug-ins .

  18. 源代码包包括基本软件包,开发工具包和专用软件包。最后由于时间等各种原因,有些想法还未实现,有些实现也不完整。

    Source code packages include the basic functional packages , development tool kits , and special purpose packages . Finally , due to lack of time and various other reasons , some ideas has not been implemented yet and some are not completely implemented .