
ruǎn mù
  • cork;cork wood;phello-
软木 [ruǎn mù]
  • [cork] 栓皮栎树茎的外层组织,幼年茎中有表皮、皮层组织和周皮,老年茎中有次生韧皮部和周皮,很厚,商业上用作塞子和绝缘体

软木[ruǎn mù]
  1. 软木塞砰的一声从瓶口迸了出来。

    The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop .

  2. 海浪变得汹涌澎湃,把小船像漂浮的软木塞一样抛来甩去。

    The seas grew turbulent , tossing the small boat like a cork

  3. 其制作材料是软木,看起来像是云杉。

    It was made of soft lumber , spruce by the look of it

  4. 他用软木塞塞住玻璃瓶。

    He stopped the glass bottle with a cork .

  5. 软木是极易浮起的材料。

    Cork is a very buoyant material .

  6. 另外一种是3层夹层结构FRP,/软木/FRP粘结组合。

    The other is the sandwich structure , FRP / Balsa / FRP .

  7. 软木纤维增强PP复合材料的研究软木纤维蒸汽闪爆改性及其形态结构表征

    Softwood Fibers as Reinforcing Materials for Polypropylene Based Composites STUDY ON STRUCTURAL CHANGES OF SOFT WOOD CELLULOSES TREADED BY THE STEAM EXPLOSION

  8. 第五天和第六天里,游客们会被带往安达卢西亚的更南处,深入软木橡树国家公园(LosAlcornocalesNationalPark),这是西班牙境内软木橡树森林覆盖面积最大的国家公园。

    Days 5 and 6 take travelers farther south to Andalusia , into Los Alcornocales National Park , the largest national park in Spain housing cork forestry .

  9. 伊利诺斯州立大学的AlanNathan领导物理学家们对软木填塞球棍做了条件控制测试。

    So physicists led by the University of Illinois 's Alan Nathan tested corked bats under controlled conditions .

  10. 软木塞不是造成一切tca污染的罪魁祸首,这确实不假。

    It is certainly true that cork was not the culprit for all TCA infections .

  11. 我司专业生产轻质橡胶成型底,PU中底和成型底,大底片、发泡底片以及软木中底等橡胶成型底。

    Our factory specializes in producing light Rubber Outsoles , PU Insoles and Outsoles , RB Sheets , Foaming Sheets , Cork Insoles and so on .

  12. 栓皮栎(QuercusvariabilisBl)是我国最重要的软木资源树种。软木材料漂白方法研究

    Quercus variabilis is one of the primary sources of industrial cork in China . METHODS RESEARCH OF BLEACHING SOFTWOOD MATERIAL

  13. VAE乳胶复合非织造布/软木纸材料的工艺性能研究

    Study on the technology of nonwoven fabric / cork paper composite product based on the vinylacetate / ethylene emulsion

  14. 实验证明:通过控制厚度比,可使GFRP/软木/GFRP具有乐器用材料的振动特性。

    By controlling the thickness ratio , it is confirmed that the GFRP / Balsa / GFRP can have the same vibration properties as the musical instrument materials .

  15. 1882年由PaschalPlant设计软木泳衣,这件泳衣由网状布料和表面软木填充物组成,软木良好的浮力可以让游泳者浮在水中漂浮。

    A cork swimming suit patent designed by Paschal Plant in 1882 . The clothing item consisted of mesh or netted fabric with cork applied to the surface . The buoyancy of cork allows the swimmer to float on water .

  16. 为了改善软木纤维和聚丙烯母体之间的相容性,用马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(MAPP)对软木纤维进行接枝处理,用MAPP或用三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)对软木纤维进行改性处理。

    To improve the compatibility between softwood fibers and the PP matrix , the fibers were either grafted with maleated polypropylene ( MAPP ), treated by adding MAPP , or mixed with ethylene / propylene / diene terpolymer ( EPDM ) .

  17. 松木是软木,柚木是硬木

    Pine be a soft wood and teak be a hard wood

  18. 软木树皮和沉木是很好的装饰材料。

    Cork bark and driftwood are attractive items to decorate with .

  19. 软木砖导热系数与容重的关系

    Discussion of the relationship between thermal conductivity and density of corkboard

  20. 主要阐述了软木施工工艺流程和操作特点。

    The construction technological process and operating characteristics are mainly elaborated .

  21. 非织造布/软木纸复合工艺与产品弯折性能研究

    Bending Property and Composite Technology of Nonwovens Fabric / Cork Paper

  22. 就好像是软木塞落入了酒瓶之中。

    It was Iike Ietting the cork out of a bottie .

  23. 滚箱式织物起球仪箱体用软木复合材料特性

    The characteristic of cork composites material for box fabric pilling tester

  24. 软木膨化工艺及软木地板挥发性成分的研究

    Cork Expansion Process and Analysis of Volatile Constituents in Cork Flooring

  25. 这是否能解释为什么美国职棒大联盟禁止“软木化”?

    Does this explain why Major League Baseball prohibits " corking "?

  26. 松是软木;橡是硬木。

    Pine is a softwood , oak is a hardwood .

  27. 纤维增强软木橡胶密封材料的研制

    Development of Fibre Reinforced Soft Wood and Rubber Sealing Materials

  28. 上面并有塑料覆盖着,但底部是软木做的。

    They 're covered with plastic but have cork on the bottoms .

  29. 虹吸酒入瓶子并且用软木塞塞好。

    Siphon the wine into the bottles and cork them .

  30. 冷轧不锈薄板(带)软木(薄)板,软木纸

    Cold Rolled Stainless Steel Board ( Strip ) cork sheet