
zì rán fā shēnɡ
  • autogeny;autogenesis;self-generation;abiogeny;naturally occur
  1. 因此,研究估计,地球大气中自然发生的氧化或清洁有2%到16%是由闪电完成的。

    As a result , the study estimates that somewhere between 2 % and 16 % of the oxidizing , or cleaning that happens naturally in the Earth 's atmosphere , is done by lightning .

  2. 有些DNA的变化是自然发生的不会产生有害影响;这些在一个群体中的变化被称为多态性。

    Some changes in DNA occur naturally and lead to no harmful effects ; these changes in a population are called polymorphisms .

  3. 模型和模型加治疗组喂饲致石饲料30天,使金黄地鼠胆石症由其自然发生率50%提高到100%(P<0.05)。

    After 30 day , the natural formation rate of gallstone rose to 50 % ( contral group ), while model group , the formation rate was 100 % .

  4. 结果人类自然发生的肺肿瘤细胞含有ER、PR,其阳性率分别为42.9%和30.4%;

    Results : There were ER and PR in human lung cancer , the positive rates were 42.9 % and 30.4 % separately .

  5. 美拉德反应(Maillardreaction)是食品原料中的氨基化合物(氨基酸,肽和蛋白质)和羰基化合物(糖类)在食品加工和储藏过程中自然发生的反应。

    The Maillard reaction is a reaction between amino ( amino acid and protein ) and carbonyl compounds in food during storage , preparation , or processing of foods .

  6. 目的:WHV/myc转基因小鼠其肝脏肿瘤的自然发生率很高,本研究旨在细胞水平探测WHV/myc转基因小鼠肝癌发生过程中。

    WHV / myc transgenic mice develop liver tumors spontaneously at a high frequency .

  7. 非肥胖型糖尿病小鼠(NOD)能自然发生1型糖尿病,是目前研究1型糖尿病的主要动物模型。

    Nonobese diabetic ( NOD ) mice spontaneously develop type-1 diabetes and are considered to be one of the best animal models for human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus .

  8. 目的:探讨体表心电图的形态学特征对自然发生的宽QRS心动过速的鉴别诊断价值。

    Objective : The morphological features of surface ECG of spontaneous wide QRS complex tachycardia were investigated , value of ECG Criteria for the differential diagnosis was evaluated .

  9. 自然发生的同源三倍体水稻DNA甲基化与基因表达变化研究几乎没有,然而同源多倍体与水稻多倍体都与进化相关,因而同源多倍体与水稻多倍体基因表达与进化的研究也不应该被忽视。

    Few researches were conducted on DNA methylation mutation and gene expression change of rice natural-genesic triploid . However , both of autopolyploid and rice polyploid are related to evolution , which should not be ignored in the research of polyploid evolution and gene expression .

  10. 但是在人类同样研究IGF1由于的自然发生的GHR突变极端的稀有不可能。

    But it was impossible to study IGF1 in humans in the same way due to the extreme rarity of the naturally occurring GHR mutation .

  11. 目的:为了解不同胎龄新生儿脑室内出血(IHV)自然发生率。

    Objective : Intraventricular hemorrhage ( IVH ) is the major cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity .

  12. 每种DRACO还包含了一个“投递标签”,从自然发生的蛋白质获得,通过它获准穿越细胞粘膜进入到人体或动物体细胞的便利。

    Each DRACO also includes a " delivery tag ," taken from naturally occurring proteins , that allows it to cross cell membranes and enter any human or animal cell .

  13. 局部扭转这种转变借用伦敦金融城编年史作者和评论家菲利普奥格(philipaugar)的话,让银行家们重新变得绅士将并非易事,也不会自然发生。

    Partially reversing that transformation making bankers gentlemanly again , to steal a phrase from city chronicler and critic Philip augar will not be easy , or happen on its own .

  14. 结果:本院近20年内HP和双胎妊娠的自然发生率分别约为1∶4000及1∶140次宫内妊娠(IUP)。

    Results : The natural rate of HP and twin pregnancy ( TP ) in recent twenty years were approximately 1 ∶ 4 000 and 1 ∶ 140 intrauterine pregnancies ( IUP ) in our hospital , respectively .

  15. 目的对比鱼粉和干酪素为蛋白质来源的饮食对自然发生高脂血症(SHC)大鼠慢性肾衰发展的不同影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of different dietary proteins of fish meat and casein upon the progression of chronic renal failure ( CRF ) in spontaneously hypercholesterolemic ( SHC ) rats .

  16. 外星人会让这一切自然发生,并且不会干涉。

    The ETs will let it all flow-and will not interfere .

  17. 流产可自然发生,称自然流产。

    Spontaneous abortion at earlier stages of pregnancy is called miscarriage .

  18. 一切都是自然发生的,在你长大的过程中。

    It will happen all by itseif as you get older .

  19. 放下需要努力吗?还是会自然发生?

    Does it take efforts , or will it happen naturally ?

  20. 这些威胁包括自然发生的细菌和其他病原体导致的变质。

    These threats include both naturally-occurring spoilage bacteria and pathogens .

  21. 这和火山爆发时自然发生的过程是一样的。

    It 's the same process that happens naturally when volcanoes erupt .

  22. 他们想让一切都自然发生。

    They want to let it all flow naturally .

  23. 对此,图片说明必须解释现场情况,避免误导读者以为画面中是自然发生的场景。

    The caption must not mislead the reader into believing these images are spontaneous .

  24. 柑橘多倍体的自然发生与利用

    Spontaneous Generation and Utilization of Polyploids in Genus

  25. 本研究所收集到的语料都是自然发生的语料。

    All the collected data is naturally occurring .

  26. 然后,这个过程自行开始,合一祝福会接管,接下来的事就会自然发生。

    Then the process begins , the deeksha takes over and it naturally happens .

  27. 天坑通常是一起自然发生的事件。

    Sinkholes are usually a naturally occuring event .

  28. 臭氧自然发生在上层大气层,帮助抹去紫外线幅射。

    Ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere and helps to mop up ultraviolet radiation .

  29. 通过田间系统调查和室内饲养观察,初步研究了白僵菌的自然发生规律。

    The natural occurrence patterns of Beauveria bassiana were investigated in both fields and laboratories .

  30. 大多数已发表的研究在温室中模拟干旱条件,它们发生的速度比自然发生的速度更快。

    Most published studies simulated drought conditions in greenhouses more rapidly than would occur naturally .