
  • 网络Reductionism;reductionist
  1. 内格尔非还原主义理论是一种二元论,但他提出一些具体观点,有利于唯物主义的发展。

    Nagel 's non reductionism is a kind of dualism , but he advances some concrete views which are beneficial to the development of materialism .

  2. 其根本局限在于无视客观世界的多样性,陷入了抽象的还原主义和唯意志论。

    The major limitation of the theory is that Nietzsche defies the diversity of the objective world , and is thus trapped in the abstract reductionism and voluntarism .

  3. 例如,一个还原主义者会如何解释生物圈呢?

    How would a reductionist explain the biosphere , for example ?

  4. 这样,基于还原主义的意义理论就不能充分解释话语意义的生成机制。

    So the reductionism-based meaning theories cannot present any mechanism of meaning generation in communication .

  5. 当前,许多语文教师在阅读教学中持有还原主义阅读观,把阅读看作是还原作者本意,追寻作者我思的过程。

    In reading instruction , our teachers conceive an old reading ideas that we call it reductive reading ideas .

  6. 还原主义的国际政治经济学只能描述国际体系内政治与经济作用的某一方面,而不能解释体系内的国际关系。

    The IPE of Reductionist could explain certain interactions between politics and economics , but not the international relations within the system .

  7. 但拉克劳、墨菲的链接虽然力图避免近代哲学的本质主义和还原主义,但却仍然避免不了其精致的唯心倾向和向上的还原论的嫌疑。

    However , Post-Marxist theory and the theory of articulation could not avoid the shortcomings with the trends of upward reductionism and so on .

  8. 从17世纪到20世纪晚期,在伽利略、培根、笛卡尔和牛顿等所创建理论的基础上,出现了一种以机械论、决定论和还原主义为特征的现代科学范式。

    From the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century , there emerged a modern science paradigm , which was based on the doctrines established by such scientists as galileo , bacon , Descartes and newton , with mechanism , determinism and reductionism as its characteristics .

  9. 通过对这一典型风格的意识形态批判分析,不仅能够还原现代主义主观孤立的表面背后真实的历史,也能为今天面临的文化转向提供新的借鉴意义。

    Through the ideological analyse to this typical style , it can reduce modernism subjective isolated true history under surface not merely to criticize , but also can offer the new reference meaning for the changes that the culture faced today .

  10. 信息科学研究纲领能够在更为综合超越的层面上有效化解还原论和整体主义的简单对立,并能够对自组织行为的复杂性机制进行深入而具体的阐释。

    Information science study creed can on bedding of more synthetic and surpassing , effectively digest simple opposition of reductionism and wholeness ism , also can go deep and concrete explanation to complexity mechanism of self-organizing .

  11. 作者希望通过这样的系统论述,还原王小波与个人主义关系的全貌,并对其进行理性解读和客观评判。

    Through the systematic discussion , the author expects to restore the panorama of the relationship between Wang and his " individualism " . Besides , the author is also looking forward to interpreting it rationally and judging objectively .

  12. 虽然戴德金同意弗雷格将数看作客观独立的对象,但他拒绝将数还原为类或概念的外延的还原主义立场。

    Dedekind refuses the reductionism which suggests to reduce number to class or the extension of conception , though he agrees with Frege that every individual number is self-subsistent object .

  13. 在笔者看来,罗森堡达尔文还原论思想的意义一方面在于坚持了还原的物理主义的基本立场,另一方面也为调和还原论与自然选择理论提供了一种新的尝试。

    In my opinion , Rosenberg established the position of physicalism and reductionism on one hand , and found a new way to mediate Reductionism and the Theory of Natural Selection on the other hand .