
  1. 还原利率R的实质及其确定方法

    The Essence of Capitalization Rate R and Its Determination

  2. 本论文定义还原利率为收益还原法估价中使用的现金流公式中的利率r,其本质是资本投资的预期收益率。

    The thesis defines return rate is R of cash flow formula for income capitalization approach . The essence is capital investment expectation return rate .

  3. 不动产估价中还原利率的研究

    Study of Capitalization Rate in the Appraisal of Real Estate

  4. 房地产还原利率的构成与测算

    Composing and calculation of real estate yields interest rate swap

  5. 林地收益价格主要由纯收益和还原利率决定;

    The income price is mainly decided by pure income and rate of interest .

  6. 风险补偿法确定房地产还原利率的定量研究

    The Quantitative study of Real Estate Reduction Rate Measured By the Risk Compensation Method

  7. 海域评估中还原利率确定方法的研究

    Research on the method in determining capitalization rate of price evaluation of sea area used

  8. 还原利率与使用权年限的关系及应用

    Tre relationship between yield and years limit of right to use an asset and Its Applications

  9. 农用地土地还原利率的确定方法研究

    Research on the Determining Methodology of the Rate of Interest to Land Back in Agricultural Land

  10. 根据我国房地产市场的实际运作特点,考虑到土地投资在房地产总投资中的比重,本文提出了一种新的确定还原利率的方法。

    In this method , land investment percentage in the total investment has been under consideration .

  11. 不动产还原利率作为不动产估价中不可或缺的重要参数,对不动产的价格有着显著的影响作用。

    As the indispensable important parameter in appraising of real estate , capitalization rate has significant influence on the price of real estate .

  12. 如果房屋增层后能使用一定年限,加固增层比拆除新建更加经济,结合所研究的实例,当还原利率为8%时,这一年限大致为7~9年。

    For engineering examples studied in paper , this number of years is about seven to nine according the reduction rate of 8 percent .

  13. 研究了纯收益和还原利率在实际应用中的若干问题,重点探讨了纯收益中包含的内容,尤其是否包含折旧,并介绍了确定还原利率的综合方法。

    Income approach is an important method to estimate the cost of real estate , it depends on two major parameters : net income and capitalization rate for correct application .

  14. 此外,笔者指出了在引用不动产还原利率时可能的谬误或不当,澄清了一些含混的概念和错误的理解。

    In addition , the writer has pointed out the possible falsehood or impropriety while quoting real estate capitalization rate , and has clarified some ambiguous concept and improper understanding .

  15. 分析应用该方法的应计费项并提出确定农地还原利率的可行途径,以期获得农业用地宗地价格的合理评估值。

    It analyses the expenses in detail and raises the way of determining the rate of income capitalization and at last the justified appreciation plot price of agricultural land is obtained .

  16. 笔者主要以和林格尔县城关镇为例,阐述小城镇还原利率确定的方法和各类用地基准地价评估方法的选取。

    Taking Chengguan Town in Horinger County for instance , this article elaborates the methods of establishing interest rate reduction in small towns and the methods of evaluating benchmark land prices of all kinds of land use .

  17. 鉴于投入产出法是国际上公认的比较成熟的土地估价方法之一,利用投入产出法对桑园估价,桑园收益价格主要由桑蚕净收益及土地还原利率决定。

    In view of input-output method being generally acknowledged riper in the world , when we evaluate mulberry field with input-output method income price of mulberry field is mainly determined by silkworm net income and capitalization rate for the land .

  18. 在提出技术思路和要点的基础上,分析加油站土地估价中如何确定客观收益及还原利率的选择,并介绍运用收益还原法评估加油站用地的方法。

    Based on the technical thinking and gists , the choice of capitalization rate and how to confirm its objective incomes were analyzed and the application of method of the income capitalization in the evaluation of the land of gas station was introduced .

  19. 收益还原法在农用地土地价格中的评估有很大的优势,能较好地评估出土地价格,但因为土地还原利率的确定存在困难,一定程度上限制了收益还原法的应用。

    Proceeds to reinstate law in the course of agricultural land price assessments have great advantage , which can better assess the land price , but because the interest rates are difficult to reinstate the land to some extent the application of the proceeds to restore law is limited .