
  • 网络money market rate;Money Market Interest Rates;money markets
  1. 欧洲央行的目标应该是确保隔夜货币市场利率重新趋向于零。

    The goal should be to ensure that the overnight money market rate converges back towards zero .

  2. 在2008年第3季度,90天货币市场利率约为3%,如今在0.4%左右。

    In Q3 2008 , the 90-day money market rate was roughly 3 % versus roughly 0.4 % now .

  3. 中国货币市场利率上周飙升至两位数以及银行间市场冻结时,有人曾经谈论北京方面是否即将迎来自己的雷曼时刻(Lehmanmoment)。

    When money market rates in China last week spiked to double digits and the interbank market froze , there had been talk about whether Beijing was nearing its Lehman moment .

  4. 随着计算这一利率的英国银行家协会(britishbankersassociation)将于月底召开一次重要会议,货币市场利率的波动性日益加大。

    Rates in the money markets have been moving in an increasingly volatile manner ahead of a crucial meeting at the end of the month of the British Bankers Association , which calculates the benchmark .

  5. 货币市场利率上升威胁到欧元区复苏的前景,劳埃德银行(Lloydsbank)市场战略主管查尔斯迪贝尔(CharlesDiebel)说。

    Rising money market rates threaten the prospects of a eurozone recovery , said Charles Diebel , head of market strategy at Lloyds bank .

  6. 表现为不断迅速增长的巨额的存贷差、M2与M1的持续背离、超额存款准备金的高企和货币市场利率的低位运行。

    The performances is that large variance growths rapidly between saves and loans . M2 and M1 continually deviation , excess reserve of banks has a high level and money market interest rate has a low level .

  7. 当前我国金融运行中存在着银行流动性过剩的突出问题,其主要表现为存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、M2与M1持续背离、货币市场利率持续走低等。

    A prominent issue in present China 's financial operation is that there exists excessive liquidity within banking industry , the main exhibitions of which are : Enlarging loan-deposit gap , high excessive reserve , deviated M2 and M1 , and decreasing interest rate of money market , etc.

  8. 同时,中国央行也提高了货币市场利率以吸收流动性。

    The central bank also has raised money-market rates to drain liquidity .

  9. 短期回购利率是重要的货币市场利率,是短期债券发行定价和利率衍生品定价的重要基准,也是套利资金的成本,其对市场的影响越来越大。

    The short-term buyback interest rate is the important money market interest rate .

  10. 随着货币市场利率飙升,银行间拆借利率也已大幅上升。

    With money market rates soaring , interbank rates have also shot up .

  11. 货币市场利率风险与规避

    How to Manage Interest Rate Risk in Money Market

  12. 目前,中国债券利率和货币市场利率已经能够自由浮动。

    Bond and money-market interest rates already float freely .

  13. 应该用哪一个模型来描述中国货币市场利率的动态变化

    Which Model Should Be Appropriate to Describe the Dynamics of Chinese Money Market Interest Rates

  14. 甚至就连3个月期货币市场利率的下跌,也只是事情的一个方面。

    Even the fall in three-month money market rates only tells part of the story .

  15. 几乎所有地区(包括欧元区)的货币市场利率都接近于零。

    Money market interest rates are close to zero almost everywhere and that includes the eurozone .

  16. 我国货币市场利率期限结构及其与宏观经济关联性研究

    The Term Structure of Interest Rates in the Money Market and Macroeconomic Factors : Evidences from China

  17. 而曾因下调存款准备金率而大幅下跌的货币市场利率,也几乎没有变化。

    Money market rates , which once tumbled in response to RRR cuts , have also barely budged .

  18. 市场对该声明反应良好,欧元区债券期货随即下跌,货币市场利率有所缓和。

    Markets welcomed the announcement , with euro-zone bond futures falling and money-market rates easing in its wake .

  19. 欧元区一年期货币市场利率为2.1%,而美国为0.8%。

    Eurozone one-year money market rates are 2.1 per cent , against 0.8 per cent in the US .

  20. 突显中国流动性依然受限的一个迹象是,本周货币市场利率出现飙升。

    In a stark reminder that liquidity is still constrained in China , money market rates surged this week .

  21. 银行间货币市场利率攀升至11%,达到自2004年夏季俄罗斯小型银行危机以来的最高水平。

    Interbank money market rates climbed to 11 per cent , their highest since a mini-banking crisis in summer 2004 .

  22. 第二部分介绍了国内外对货币市场利率的研究动态和本文的创新之处。

    The second part of the domestic money market interest rates on the Research Development and innovation of this paper .

  23. 中国央行的政策已导致货币市场利率大幅下降,这些利率决定着企业和银行的短期借款成本。

    The moves led to sharp falls in money market interest rates , which determine short-term borrowing costs for companies and banks .

  24. 自那以来,中国央行将货币市场利率引导至高于钱荒之前平均值大约150个基点的水平。

    The central bank has since guided money market rates to levels roughly 150 basis points higher than the average before the cash crunch .

  25. 一些自身流动性充足的银行也开始发挥稳定器作用向市场融出资金,货币市场利率已回稳,中国央行在声明中表示。

    Several strong banks have already started to play an important role in providing funds to the market and stabilising interest rates , it said .

  26. 本文论证了双曲模型是描述中国货币市场利率动态变化的最佳单因子利率模型。

    This article demonstrates that hyperbolic model is the most suitable single-factor interest rate model to describe the dynamics of Chinese money market interest rates .

  27. 研究发现货币市场利率的走势能够引导债券市场的长期利率和总体走势;

    Studies reveal that performance of interest rate can , to a large extent , affect the long-term rate and general trend of bond market .

  28. 货币市场利率的变化对社保基金产生的短期效应和长期效应是有区别的。

    The short term and long term effects which the change of the interest rate in money market putting on the social insurance funds are different .

  29. 互换息差(即国债收益率与货币市场利率之差,是一个衡量银行信贷质量的指标)仍未恢复到正常水平。

    Swap spreads , the difference between government bond yields and money market rates and a measure of bank credit quality , remain some way from looking normal .

  30. 欧元区大约40%的房贷和75%的商业贷款都与货币市场利率挂钩。

    Around 40 per cent of loans to households across the currency bloc are tied to money market rates while the figure for business loans is 75 per cent .