
  • 网络Currency futures contract
  1. 现代意义上的金融衍生品产生于上世纪七十年代,美国芝加哥商业交易所率先推出货币期货合约,标志着现代意义上的金融衍生品的诞生。

    The financial derivatives in the modern sense were emerged in the seventies of the last century . The United States Chicago Mercantile Exchange was the first to introduce currency futures contracts , marking the birth of financial derivatives in the modern sense .

  2. 当我们被允许利用客户的派生金融工具时,我们会运用货币期货合约来保护在货币疲软时投资组合的资本价值。

    Where we are permitted to use derivatives by our clients , we may use forward currency contracts to protect the capital value of a portfolio against a weak currency .

  3. 货币期货可转让期货合约,其中定明持有人可在未来日期以特定价格买入或卖出特定货币。

    Currency futures a transferable futures contract that specifies the price at which a specified currency can be bought or sold at a future date .