
  • 网络trading system;trade system;Globex;RTS
  1. 目前基于Internet的网上证券交易系统成为了主流的应用模式。

    At present based on the Internet of online securities trading system became the mainstream application mode .

  2. 在MessageBroker中,交易系统处理客户端发送的交易。

    In Message Broker , the trading system processes the trade sent by the client .

  3. 无纸商业交易系统

    a system of paperless business transactions

  4. SET协议下电子交易系统的研究

    Study on An Electronic Transaction System Based on SET Protocol

  5. 基于Internet的水权拍卖交易系统设计

    Design of Water Right Online-Auction System Based on Internet

  6. 作者旨在研究和实现一个基于SET协议的安全电子交易系统,并对相关的安全性问题进行分析。

    Author aims to design and implement a secure electronic transaction system based on SET protocol , moreover , analyzes the security of the system .

  7. 基于CA的粮食网上交易系统

    Grain Online Trade System Based on CA

  8. 随着票据交易系统里的用户不断的增加,票据导入的数量也不断增加,交易系统的Web服务器显得难以应付高速增长的业务。

    As the continued increase of the users and transaction amounts , the Bill Exchange System web server cannot maintain the high performance .

  9. 该方案能够解决电子图书在线交易系统的公平性问题,同时能够保持原有SET协议的安全性、可追究性和匿名性等电子商务协议的特点。

    The fairness problem of e-book online trading system is solved , moreover , the security , accountability and anonymity of electronic commerce protocol can be preserved .

  10. J2EE架构在网上股票交易系统中的应用

    The Application of the Architecture of J 2 EE in on-line Stock Trading System

  11. 本文通过Swarm模拟平台,运用基于Agent的模型研究股票交易系统。

    This paper gives picture of research to stock exchange system analysis using agent-based model with Swarm simulation platform .

  12. 您可以从像数据库、交易系统、内容提供者或者远程Web站点等各种数据源获取信息。

    You can get information from a variety of data sources , such as databases , transaction systems , content providers , or remote Web sites .

  13. 基于Multi-agent的撮合交易系统体系结构

    Structure of Multi-agent Making Match Tradeoff System

  14. 基于SSL协议的网上证券交易系统的安全方案

    A Security Scheme of On-line Negotiable Securities Transaction System based on SSL Protocol

  15. 基于Intel架构的大型券商集中交易系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of large-scale securities centralized trade system with Intel Architecture

  16. 基于MAS的智能网上交易系统设计与实现

    Design and Implement the Model of Intelligent Network Trade System Based on MAS

  17. ESB交易系统负责执行客户端发送的交易。

    The ESB trading system is responsible for executing the trade sent by the client .

  18. WAP证券交易系统中间件结构及安全性策略

    Middleware Technic and Its Implementation in WAP Stock Exchange System

  19. MessageBroker交易系统组件是交易处理系统的一个逻辑组件,这里介绍它是出于完整性的考虑。

    The Message Broker trading system component is a logical component of a trading processing system and is presented here for completeness .

  20. VRML在房地产交易系统中的应用

    Application of VRML in Real Estate Transaction System

  21. 运用PB实现多点异地期货交易系统中的多RDBMS操作

    Multi-RDBMS Operation in Futures Exchange System

  22. IMF还表示,这些交易系统的活动几乎是不受市场调控者的控制的。

    Also , the IMF says the activity of these trading systems is outside the reach of market regulators .

  23. 纳斯达克1997年建立了高效的电子交易系统(ElectronicCommunicationNetworks,简称ECN),保证每一个计算机终端均能获得所有公开交易信息,使其日交易能力增加到40亿股/天。

    In 1997 , NASDAQ established the high-efficient Electronic Communication Networks ( ECN ), which can ensure every computer terminal receive all open dealing information .

  24. 在过去10年中,SOA原则已成为交易系统向电子商务和端到端业务流程集成演化的基础。

    In the past decade , SOA principles have been the foundation for the evolution of transactional systems to e-business and end-to-end business process integration .

  25. 短期负荷预测软件用来实现电力系统短期负荷预测的功能,是能量管理系统(EMS)和电力市场交易系统的基本部分。

    STLF ( Short-Term Load Forecasting ) software is developed for realizing the function of short-term load forecasting .

  26. 研究了一种基于ASP技术的网上校园交易系统,此系统具有用户使用更简单、界面更直观等优点。

    A kind of campus-based ASP technology for online trading system , this system has a simpler user interface more intuitive and so on .

  27. 基于TUXEDO中间件的医疗保险交易系统的设计

    The Design of the Medical Insurance Trade System Based on Medium Component Tuxedo

  28. 由像是OliverBossert这样的志愿者所支持,Fabien已经开始建立了一个工具组(toolset),以用来建造与测试自动交易系统(automatictradesystems)。

    Supported by volunteers like Oliver Bossert , Fabien has begun creating a toolset for creating and testing automatic trade systems .

  29. ATR是如何计算的?下面我们会简单解释的;如何利用ART设计交易系统?我们随后也会用几个简单例子说明众多方法中的一些。

    The following is a brief explanation of how ATR is calculated and a few simple examples of the many ways that ATR can be used to design profitable trading systems .

  30. 国内ASP一般都会向客户提供多种功能不同的软件,从较为基本的域名注册、电子邮件到客户关系管理、网上交易系统。

    Generally speaking , ASP in Chinese mainland offers several types of software with different functions including services from basic domain registration , email to complex customer relation management and Internet business system .