
jiāo yì shuì
  • Transaction tax;trade tax
  1. 从宏观调控的角度看,可以采取三种措施来降低噪音交易者的交易:公开市场操作;征收交易税;征收短期资本收益税。

    From macro control aspects , three measures should be taken to reduce the noise trade : open market operation ; trade tax and short-term capital income tax .

  2. 梵蒂冈在声明中强烈支持征收金融交易税的提议即“托宾税”(tobintax)、或是更为人所熟知的“罗宾汉税”(robinhoodtax),最近它一直是人们谈论的话题。

    The Vatican statement strongly backs the proposal of a financial transaction tax a " Tobin tax " or , popularly , a " Robin Hood tax " in the form in which it has been talked about most recently .

  3. 朔伊布勒将于本周二会晤法国财长弗兰索瓦巴胡安(franoisbaroin)讨论此次危机,并提出金融交易税等补救措施。

    Mr Sch uble is to meet French counterpart Fran OIS baroin on Tuesday to discuss the crisis and proposed remedies such as a tax on financial transactions .

  4. 为防止另一场金融危机,IMF向20国集团(G20)财长提交了一份中期报告,内容涉及向银行征税或开征交易税的提议,目的是试图抑制冒险行为。

    Further to its drive to prevent another financial crisis , the IMF has submitted an interim report to ministers from the Group of 20 countries , who meet this week in Washington , on proposals for bank levies or transaction taxes to try to discourage risky behaviour .

  5. 两国都希望开征金融交易税。

    And both countries want to introduce a financial transactions tax .

  6. 交易税通常也不适合用于确保金融安全。

    Nor are transaction taxes generally suited to making finance safe .

  7. 金融交易税是以什么扭曲为目标的呢?

    What distortion is a tax on financial transactions targeted at ?

  8. 本文针对证券交易税的影响,利用最新的数据进行了实证检验。

    This article make an empirical test for the impact of securities transaction taxes a.

  9. 二手房交易税调控效果及税收调控策略研究线性控制器正比控制器

    Regulation and Control Effects of Tax on Transaction of Second-Hand House and Taxation Strategies

  10. 人民币汇率制度改革应该引入高累进托宾交易税

    Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System : A Strategy of High Progressive Tobin Transfer Tax

  11. 默克尔和萨科齐星期二还提出了一项关于在欧洲范围内征收金融交易税的计划。

    Merkel and Sarkozy put forward a plan Tuesday for a Europe-wide tax on financial transactions .

  12. 一时间,有关二手房交易税的是是非非被炒得沸沸扬扬。

    For a time , the second-hand housing transactions tax controversies surrounding this subject in seething hot .

  13. 投资者要非常小心的观察交易税的高低来判断政府的用意。

    Investors have watched the level of the tax carefully as an indication of the government 's position .

  14. 从去年秋天起到交易税下降前,上海a股指数已经下跌了一半。

    Since the autumn , the benchmark shanghai-a-share index had fallen by half before the tax was changed .

  15. 伦敦金融城不必为繁重的金融交易税而担忧,同时还可以无视欧洲的金融法规。

    The City would not have to worry so much about a financial-transaction tax and creeping European finance rules .

  16. 法国表示即使德国不加入,自己仍然会继续开展征收金融交易税。

    France says it may go ahead with a financial transaction tax even if Germany does not join in .

  17. 默克尔与萨科齐共同提议,要在欧元区17个国家实现财政平衡,统一企业税率并征收新的金融交易税。

    Among their suggestions were balanced-budget rules in all17 euro-zone countries , harmonised corporate-tax rates and a levy on financial transactions .

  18. 但即便在这个问题上,正确的解决办法也不是开征交易税,而是对这些合约中不合理特性直接加以限制的监管规定。

    Even here , the right solution is not transaction taxes but regulation restricting the undesirable features of these contracts directly .

  19. 交易税既不像一些反对者所说的那样,是搬起石头砸自己的脚,也不像支持者预想的那样能够直接开征。

    Transaction taxes are neither as self-defeating as some opponents claim nor as straightforward to put in place as proponents think .

  20. 证券交易税是不论证券交易盈亏,一律按税率全额课征,因而,它可以通过增减证券交易成本,直接影响投资者的交易决策与交易行为,从而影响证券市场的发展。

    The tax on securities exchange can influence investors ' decision and behavior directly through increasing or decreasing the cost of transaction .

  21. 在布隆迪,八月份支付的预算支持资金支持了中止对13种基本食品项目征收的海关关税和国内交易税。

    In Burundi , budget support disbursed in August supported suspension of custom duties and domestic transaction taxes on13 basic food items .

  22. 与交易税不同,针对流动性风险收费,瞄准的是风险的生成本身,从而有益于金融和财政稳定。

    Unlike transaction taxes , charges on liquidity risk target the creation of risk itself , contributing to financial and fiscal stability .

  23. 这些措施比较具有技术性,与欧盟限制奖金或者征收金融交易税的努力相比,缺乏民粹吸引力。

    These measures sound technical , and lack the populist appeal of EU efforts to limit bonuses or impose a financial transactions tax .

  24. 因为中央政府推出了交易税和对抵押贷款的要求更严格了,大多数中心城市的房地产交易量都有些下滑。

    Transaction volumes in most urban centres have also dropped , because the government has imposed a property-sales tax and tightened mortgage requirements .

  25. 国际上成熟的证券市场课税一般包括印花税、证券交易税、证券所得税以及证券遗赠税。

    The tax in the international mature stock market contains stamp tax , securities exchange tax , securities income tax and securities bequest tax .

  26. 前段时间,坎特伯雷大主教对加强监管尤其是开征金融交易税的呼吁予以了支持,为其赋予了道德上的权威。

    This week , the Archbishop of Canterbury has thrown his moral authority behind the calls for tougher regulation , in particular a financial transaction tax .

  27. 英国对于金融交易税持反对态度,争论这会使得商业中心从伦敦转移到亚洲。

    Britain is opposed to the idea of a financial transaction tax , arguing it would drive business away from the City of London to Asia .

  28. 在第三世界,有两种形式的外汇交易税是人们所特别熟悉的&强制外汇和进口预付保证金。

    Two forms of tax on foreign exchange transactions are especially well known in the third world – compulsory foreign exchange levies and advance import deposits .

  29. 有人说房产税根本没必要征,因为在买房的时候就付交易税了,还有其它多种形式的一次性税收。

    Others say the tax is redundant since buyers and sellers already pay a transaction tax on real-estate deals , as well as other one-time taxes .

  30. 很显然,保守党只是悄无声息的反对交易税,并且建议用其它方法来为保险基金筹钱。

    Tellingly , the Tories have only quietly opposed the idea of a transactions tax and have suggested other ways of raising money for an insurance fund .