
lěi tuì shuì
  • regressive rote
  1. 如果平均税率与税基的变化成反比时,这个税被称作累退税。

    If the average tax varies in an opposite direction to the tax base .

  2. 该计划中应当包含福利改革,也应通过进一步调低累退税额度弥补边际税率的分段调低造成的收入减少。

    That programme should include entitlement reform and fund phased reductions of marginal tax rates by further reducing allowances .

  3. 境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口离境,入中心即退税。累进税、比例税和累退税

    Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC . Progressive , proportional , and regressive taxes