
lěi jìn shuì
  • progressive tax/taxation
  1. 但要为实施累进税的合理性做辩护,没必要用上麋鹿角的例子。

    But one need not invoke elk antlers to justify progressive taxation .

  2. 收入再分配的最直接的方法就是推行累进税。

    The most direct approach to income redistribution is to levy progressive taxes .

  3. 理想的解决方案是按照个人财富净值征收一种全球性的累进税。

    The ideal solution would be a global progressive tax on individual net worth .

  4. 征收高额累进税。

    A heavy progressive or graduated income tax .

  5. 统一累进税:抗日根据地财政建设的伟大创举

    Unified Progressive Tax in the Anti-Japanese Base Aras

  6. 当税基增长,税率亦增长时,这个税就是累进税。

    A tax will be referred to as progressive where the tax rate increases as the base increases .

  7. 现在有一种观点强调用累进税来调节贫富差距。

    Now there is one opinion which seeks to adjust the gap between the rich and poor through progressive taxation .

  8. 王安石还停止了劳役,建立了靠从所有的家庭征收的累进税提供资金的有偿服务体系。

    he also replaced corv é e labour with a hired-service system financed by a graduated tax levied on all families .

  9. 这部现代所得税法的前身是以累进税原则为基础的。

    A forerunner of the modern income tax , it was based on the principle of graduated , or progressive , taxation .

  10. 对于国际组织的资金筹集方式,发达国家和发展中国家有着不同的看法,是按人头税,还是累进税,各执一词。

    There are different views for the developed countries and the developing ones on the model of financing from the international organization .

  11. 而二次世界大战时,他们毫不犹豫的,再次提高了对富人的征税,这就是累进税的由来。

    They did it again , even more decisively in World War Two , and that 's how we got progressive taxes .

  12. 境内货物进入保税物流中心视同出口离境,入中心即退税。累进税、比例税和累退税

    Goods from domestic China are regarded as exports and enjoy VAT rebate when entering BLC . Progressive , proportional , and regressive taxes

  13. 财政政策研究所的提议是,对价值500万美元及以上的昂贵寓所加征一项累进税。

    A proposal from the Fiscal Policy Institute would impose a graduated tax on pieds - à - terre worth $ 5 million or more .

  14. 他们采用了我们今天称为累进税的税收政策,鼓励城市内部和城市之间的贸易,以求为国家带来更多的财政收入。

    They employed what we would today call progressive tax policies , which encouraged trade within and between cities to stimulate greater revenues for the state .

  15. 实际上,在所有富国中,除了美国,这样的福利(而不是累进税体系)成为了减少不平等性最重要的手段。

    In virtually all rich countries other than America such benefits ( rather than progressive tax systems ) became the most important instruments for reducing inequality .

  16. 统一累进税实行以后,不仅可以进一步奠定财政的基础,而且必然提高各阶层的生产热忱。

    This taxation system will help improve the financial foundation and will certainly enhance the enthusiasm of the people of the various social strata for developing production .

  17. 在此基础上,本文又从企业经营方式、融资、投资、企业的价格和产量等方面深入分析了公司所得税对国民经济的影响,指出开征累进税是为了限制大公司的垄断;

    Meanwhile this paper gives an intense analysis of the effects of corporation income tax on national economy in terms of management forms , financing , investment , prices and output .

  18. 从联邦税收标准来看,个人所得税是一种累进税,也就是说,你挣的钱越多,其中用于缴税的钱所占总收人的比例也越高。

    On the federal level , the personal income tax is a graduated tax , which means that the more you make , the higher the percentage of your income that you pay in taxes .

  19. 累进所得税及遗产税只不过是富人缴纳的一种公平特权税金。

    The graduated income tax and death duties are no more than a fair ~ paid by the rich .

  20. 因为联邦政府实行累进所得税,所以,你挣的越多,缴的所得税就越高。

    As the federal government has a graduated income tax , the more you earn , the higher tax you have to pay .

  21. 他有时会展现出自己骨子里对自由市场的支持。他曾经尝试以“固定”所得税代替累进所得税。

    His free-market instincts sometimes show ; he once flirted with the idea of a " flat , " rather than progressive , income tax .

  22. 威尔逊通过了降低关税、累进所得税、禁止童工、铁路工人八小时工作制等法案。

    Wilson passed bills for lower tariffs , a graduated income tax , the prohibition of child labor , 8-hour days for railroad workers , and more .

  23. 一些反对者也接受增加其它税项,例如引入累进利得税、提高利得税和资产增值税。

    Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises , such as the introduction of progressive profits tax , increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax .

  24. 实现这一点的方式包括设置累进消费税,对债务和股本实行同等税收待遇,同时大幅降低股息和资本利得税率。

    Ways to achieve this include a progressive consumption tax , equalising the tax treatment of debt and equity , and drastically lowering tax rates on dividends and capital gains .

  25. 联邦政府征收累进所得税,也就是说,随着个人收的增长,征税的百分比率(百分之十到百分之七十)也在增长。

    The federal government has a graduated income tax , that is , the percentage of the tax ( 14 to 70 percent ) increases as a person 's income increases .

  26. 人民币汇率制度改革应该引入高累进托宾交易税

    Reform of RMB Exchange Rate System : A Strategy of High Progressive Tobin Transfer Tax

  27. 第三,政府要更多地实施累进的消费税和所得税,这样可以通过减少资源浪费和收入不平等来提高一国的整体幸福水平。

    Thirdly , the government should implement more stricter progressive consumption tax and income tax , and by doing this we can improve the national happiness level due to reducing income inequality and waste of resources and other ways .

  28. 由于累进的个人所得税理论依据&边际效用递减理论的缺陷,以及累进税制在实践中存在的弊端,使累进税制难以实现收入公平再分配目标。

    Because of the defect of law of diminishing marginal utility on which progressive tax is based , and the abuse of progressive tax in practices , it is difficult for progressive tax to redistribute income fairly .