
lì xī shuì
  • interest tax;coupon tax
  1. 我们发现对于不同的消费者类型,利息税具有不同的刺激作用。

    We show that interest tax may or may not stimulate consumption .

  2. 利息税存废的经济学分析

    On the Economic Analysis of the Existence and Abolishment of the Interest Tax

  3. 本文在一个简单的动态一般均衡模型中,通过分析利息税冲击的两种效应&提高边际消费倾向和降低资本存量,发现利息税冲击对稳态(steadystate)消费的瞬时是正的;

    By analyzing two effects of interest-tax shock , under a simple model of general equilibrium dynamics-the increasing marginal propensity to consumption and reducing capital stock-we find the effect of interest-tax shock on steady-state consumption and steady-state income in long-run .

  4. 我国开征利息税的经济效应分析

    An Analysis of Economic Effects of Levying Taxes on Deposit Interest

  5. 有收入所得税、利息税、遗产税等等。

    We have income tax , inheritance tax , and others .

  6. 非债务税盾不能构成利息税盾的替代;

    Non-debt tax shields are not substitute for tax shields .

  7. 利息税冲击对稳态消费的一般均衡影响

    The Equilibrium Impact of the Interest-Tax Shocks on Steady Consumption

  8. 利息税政策效应浅析

    Analysis on the Policy Effects of the Interest Tax

  9. 利息税税率调整更有效

    It is More Efficient to Regulate Interest Tax

  10. 要纳利息税吗?

    Do I have to pay interst tax ?

  11. 和其它欧盟国家一样,德国也没有抵押利息税的减免。

    There is no mortgage interest tax relief as in some other EU countries .

  12. 我们也给出了对于利息税长期效果的估计和政策建议。

    We also give some predictions on the long term effect of interest tax .

  13. 浅谈我国利息税存在的弊端及其政策建议

    The Discussion of the Drawback of Interest Tax in Our Country and Some Policy Recommendations

  14. 我国利息税政策效应分析

    Analyse of Interest-tax Policy Effect in China

  15. 第三章介绍了我国征收利息税的相关情况,并分析了其产生的政策效应以及产生效应的原因。

    Chapter three introduces the circumstance of re-collecting interest tax and reducing interest tax rate .

  16. 要通知银行你的税号以避免缴纳高利息税。

    The duty sign that should notice a bank you grows with avoiding pay usury duty .

  17. 官方媒体报道,5%的利息税将暂免征收。

    State media said a 5 per cent withholding tax levied on interest income would be suspended .

  18. 今天,美国可以通过免除利息税鼓励个人购买国债。

    Today , the US could encourage domestic retail purchases of its bonds by eliminating taxes on interest paid .

  19. 主要讨论利息税的政策属性,政府对利息税作用的预期并就进一步优化利息税政策提出变20%的统一比例税率为超额累进税率;

    This paper mainly discussed the policy property of interest tax and analyzed the expectation of Chinese government on it .

  20. 税收负担将严重影响我们利息税贬值前利润和分期偿付利润,同时也将影响M&A项目的战略性决策。

    The tax burden will impact our EBITDA significantly , and will influence strategic decision on M & A project .

  21. 第四章在介绍国外利息税的征收情况的基础上,得出了对我国利息税改革的启示。

    Chapter four introduces the circumstance of collecting interest tax in all countries and analysis the effect on our country .

  22. 本文建立一个消费者跨时间消费选择的生命周期模型来分析利息税对消费的刺激作用。

    In this paper we build a simple two-period life cycle model to analyze the effect of interest tax on consumption .

  23. 其中一个简单的方法就是在某个不征收利息税的离岸金融中心开设银行账户。

    One simple way to do this is to open a bank account in an OFC that does not tax interest payments .

  24. 这是利息税对储蓄的收入效应和替代效应在中国具体的市场经济环境中综合作用的结果。

    And this is the integrated result of the income effect and substitute effect of interest tax in China 's market economy environment .

  25. 针对利息税存废之争,阐述了现阶段利息税存在的必要性。

    In terms of the controversy of interest tax existing or abolishing , the necessity of interest tax existing in present period was described .

  26. 如果你申请新的信贷,包括房屋按揭,你将来的利息税就会超高。

    If you are approved for new lines of credit - including a home mortgage - your future interest rates will be sky high .

  27. 主要介绍了利息税的内涵、征税原则以及经济效应。

    This chapter mainly introduces the definition and content of interest tax , the principle of collecting interest tax , the effect of interest tax .

  28. 开征存款利息税对储蓄存款的影响将是持久的,个人存款实名制对储蓄存款的影响是暂时的。

    The effect of taxation over interest of household deposit will be permanent , while that of real deposit system on household deposit will be temporary .

  29. 该法庭发言人称,在汇丰瑞士分行拥有资金的比利时富有客户,本应缴付35%的利息税。

    A spokesman for the court said wealthy Belgian clients with money in Swiss branches of HSBC are meant to incur 35 per cent tax on interest .

  30. 而近年来,连续下调利率,并开征存款利息税,实施存款实名制,都在不同程度上促进了居民资产结构多元化的调整。

    In recent yeas , constantly decrease the interest rate , and levy the tax of deposit , these measures promoted the adjustment of structure of residents asset .