
lì xī shōu rù
  • interest income
  1. 其结果是,工行去年的净利息收入仅增加10%,远低于汇丰(hsbc)等亚洲竞争对手的增长幅度。

    As a result , net interest income rose just 6 per cent , sharply below the growth racked up by some of its Asian competitors , such as HSBC .

  2. 向国外保管人收受利息收入给予宽限期间

    Grace period for the receipt of interest income from overseas custodians

  3. 他们是隐瞒利息收入的逃税者。

    They are tax dodgers who hide their interest earnings .

  4. 商业银行为控制利率风险并维持其净利息收入的稳定增长,加强利率风险管理已经势在必行。NET的DMA驱动程序和USB驱动程序的设计和实现。

    To controll interest rate risk and maintain their net interest income commercial banks should take action to perfect interest rate risk management .

  5. 相比之下,巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)的国债指数在这十年实现了85%的总体回报率(包括资本收益和利息收入)。

    By contrast , a Barclays Capital index of Treasury bonds has delivered a total return , including capital gains and interest , of 85 per cent this decade .

  6. 通知规定对QFII取得来源于中国境内的股息、红利和利息收入征收企业所得税的比例为10%;

    The Notice regulated that Where a QFII obtains such incomes as dividends , bonuses and interests sourced from China ; it shall pay the enterprise income tax at the rate of10 % .

  7. 此外,esdra自第6年起便会从希腊政府得到较高的利息收入,要偿还efsf已经拨付的贷款可谓绰绰有余。

    Moreover , the higher coupon esdra receives from the Greek government from year 6 would more than pay for the EFSF funds already disbursed .

  8. 其次是国有银行的研究现状与文献综述,国有商业银行的研究主要集中在规模经济、产权制度和非利息收入等方面,而研究方法则是DEA分析方法。

    Followed by state-owned Banks , the research present situation and the literature review , research mainly focus on economies of scale of state-owned commercial Banks , property right system and the non-interest income , etc. , and the research method is DEA analysis method .

  9. 应收分期偿还票据折价应收票据上的延期利息收入

    Discount on installment contracts receivable deferred payment of interests on notes

  10. 这就抑制了银行来自利息收入的收益增长。

    That has limited their earnings growth from interest income .

  11. 由即时起,在本地赚取的利息收入豁免缴交利得税。

    Exempt interest income earned locally from profits tax with immediate effect .

  12. 我国商业银行非利息收入对绩效影响的实证研究

    The Research on Non-interest Income and Performance of Commercial Banks in China

  13. 债券利息收入及卖出债券所得价款;

    Bond interest income and the proceeds from selling bonds ;

  14. 爱:由于1994年的非常利息收入有5600万美元

    E : Due to non-interest income of fifty-six million dollars

  15. 净利息收入达九千九百万英镑。

    Leaving us with a net interest income of ninety-nine million pounds .

  16. 非利息收入的增长前景也日趋黯淡。

    The prospects for non-interest income are also dwindling .

  17. 解析美国商业银行的非利息收入

    A Study of US Commercial Banks ' Non-Interest Income

  18. 股份制商业银行的非利息收入同银行绩效成正相关。

    Non-interest income of joint-stock commercial banks was positively correlated with bank performance .

  19. 凡存放金融机构、融资贷与他人等所产生之利息收入皆属之。

    Interest revenues resulting from deposits with financial institution or loan to others .

  20. 欧盟银行业的非利息收入

    Non - interest Income in EU Banking Sector

  21. 代表:噢,你们在非利息收入这一块也获得了很大的收益。

    V : Oh , you also achieved a significant increase in non-interest income .

  22. 如公司有多于一种的利息收入,应如何填报?

    What happens if the company has more than one type of interest income ?

  23. 不过在巨大的纯利息收入面前,这些损失也变得微不足道了。

    However , this loss was dwarfed by the pboc 's net interest income .

  24. 失业保险费及其利息收入;

    The unemployment premium and interest incomes ;

  25. 净利或净收益分配表应收票据上的延期利息收入

    Statement of allocation of net profits or net income deferred payment of interests on notes

  26. 国债利息收入;

    The interest incomes from treasury bonds ;

  27. 增加利息收入。

    You will increase your interest return .

  28. 中国银行业非利息收入与利息收入相关性研究

    A Study of Correlation between Non-interest Income and Interest Income of China 's Commercial Bank

  29. 在银行的资产负债表收缩情况下,银行已不可单单依赖利息收入。

    As long as the loan portfolio contracts , banks cannot rely merely on interest income .

  30. 可说到底,工行海外资产的利息收入还不到总数的2%。

    But still , assets overseas account for less than 2 per cent of interest income .