
  • 网络other business income;Other operating income;Other Business Revenue;Other operating revenue
  1. 当前,我国商业银行营业收入主要依靠传统的信贷业务收入,而非利息业务收入和其他业务收入占比很小。

    Commercial banks of China rely mainly on traditional credit business for bank business income rather than non-interest revenue and other business income nowadays .

  2. 然后,笔者对非利息收入概念作了界定,将其细分为手续费及佣金收入、投资收益、汇兑及汇率产品收入和其他业务收入作为本文模型的解释变量。

    Then , this paper defined the concept of non-interest income , and subdivided into fee and commission income , investment income , foreign exchange and foreign exchange products revenue and other operating income as explanatory variables .

  3. 在投行的其他业务收入较小的情况下,会导致投行过于重视公关和合规能力,而忽视专业水准的提升。

    Under the condition of rather smaller income from other investment banking business , it will lead to investment banks putting too much emphasis on public relations and compliance capabilities , and ignoring the professional level of ascension .

  4. 苹果的软件和服务,包括iTunes、应用Store,来自授权和其他业务的收入等,2013年超过160亿美元,并依然在稳定增长。

    Apple 's software and services category , which includes iTunes , its Apps Store , revenue from warranties and other businesses , brought in sales of more than $ 16 billion in 2013 and is growing steadily .

  5. 外汇贷款业务以外的其他金融业务收入,按收入全额征收工商统一税,税率为5%;

    Consolidated industrial and commercial tax is levied in full amount of the incomes from other financial businesses than foreign exchange loan business at a 5 percent tax rate ;

  6. 贷款和其他银行业务的收入增长依然停滞。

    Revenue growth from lending and other bank activities continues to be stalled .

  7. 对于去年第四季度,“其他”业务的收入成本同比增长153%,至15亿元人民币,该公司称,这一增加主要是由微信支付发生的银行手续费驱动的。

    For the fourth quarter , " other " revenue expenses rose 153 per cent to Rmb1.5bn , an increase it said was " mainly driven " by bank transaction fees accrued by WeChat Pay .