- 名Interest expense;interest disbursement

Greece could cut its interest bill by 15 per cent of GDP in this way , according to capital economics .
This year , the primary fiscal balance ( before interest ) might be a deficit of about 1 per cent of gross domestic product , worse than the IMF forecast in April [ NO LINK AVAILABLE ] .
The primary deficit , representing the excess of government spending excluding interest payments over tax receipts , is on track to hit a belt-popping 7.7 % this year & a level that prompted the International Monetary Fund to say the United States needs to get its act together .
In the eyes of Pierre Cailleteau , Moody 's chief economist , the key ratio is not debt-to-GDP but interest payments as a proportion of government revenues .
Starting with its " primary budget surplus " ( tax revenues exceeding total non-interest outlays ) , it can eliminate its overall budget deficit if it cuts spending by just 3 per cent of gross domestic product in a budget that equals half of GDP .
The second option would be to pursue the same plan until Greece achieves a primary balance the fiscal balance before the payment of interest and then to default , or at least to renegotiate the programme with the IMF and the EU .
Indeed , the study says the budgets of most advanced economies , excluding interest payments , would need 20 consecutive years of surpluses exceeding 2 per cent of gross domestic product – starting now – just to bring the debt-to-GDP ratio back to its pre-crisis level .
These functions would absorb three-quarters of non-interest spending by 2050 .
An interest rate a little above 6 per cent would wipe that profit out .
Input Variables : interest expense , operation expense , asset discount , owner capital .
Even five basis points would add $ 50bn of annual interest expense for taxpayers .
However , if you pay a5-10 own , your interest payments will be much lower .
If you do either of these things will result in more debt and higher interest payments .
And with the economy buoyant , debtors could afford to meet their interest payments without defaulting .
If you pay back your loan , they make a bundle of money in interest payments .
At the same time , pay the first payment also means that the reduction of interest payments .
Recession , onerous interest payment schedules , and severe fiscal adjustment measures can quickly make debt levels unsustainable .
Secondly , this thesis uses interest expense plus capitalized interest divide average debt to measure the debt cost .
At the current average interest rate , that costs $ 372 billion in interest payments in one year .
These three financial indicators are interest expense ratio , operating cash inflows variation coefficient and extra dividend pay rate .
The writer stresses that we should not over-estimate the reduction on the enterprises interest expenditure by changing debts into shares .
Consider , for example , what the latest budget proposal from the Obama administration says about interest payments on federal debt ;
Another option is to eliminate – or limit – Americans ' ability to reduce their taxable income by deducting mortgage interest payments .
More than 80 % construction funds for the Longtan Hydropower Project is loaned from the Banks so that its financing cost is relative high .
Another important objective of the bill is to strengthen anti-avoidance provisions relating to deductions for interest payments-one of the allowable deductions under profits tax .
Interest charges after the asset is ready for use are recorded as interest expense , not as part of the cost of the asset .
Business profitability is good , gearing has declined and interest payments as a share of profits are around the lowest level for many years .
Second , the accumulation of more debt and a return to normal interest rates will raise the share of federal spending devoted to interest payments .
From 2000 and onward , people were using their home-equity lines to pay off their credit-cards bills to reduce the interest on their credit cards .
The cost of bank loan is much higher than that of enterprise bonds . But you can get loan when you need with low interest .