
  • 网络Profit income;Profit Revenue
  1. BT模式既缓解政府的财政压力,加快基础设施建设的步伐,还可以使企业获得稳定可观的利润收入。

    BT model not only can ease the financial pressure of the government , but also accelerate the pace of infrastructure construction and enable the company gain stable profit .

  2. 证券经纪业务的经营成本与利润收入构成;

    The Stock Exchange the cost and the profit ;

  3. 新合同可能使你减少利润收入,因此要调整制度来减少费用。

    The new Contract is likely to reduce returns and trim back the system to cut costs .

  4. 论微利经济对中国证券市场的影响证券经纪业务的经营成本与利润收入构成;

    The Impact of Tiny - Profit Economy on Securities Business of China the cost and the profit ;

  5. 作为商业银行中间业务的重要组成部分,国际业务逐渐发展成为商业银行的一项重要的业务,已成为商业银行重要的利润收入来源。

    As an important part of intermediary business , the international business become a significant source of profit and income for commercial bank .

  6. 未来几年,整个劳动力群体有可能从公司利润收入中获取更高比例。

    It is possible that over the next few years labour as a whole will capture a bigger share of income from corporate profits .

  7. 商业银行的国际业务作为其利润收入的重要来源已经逐渐发展成为商业银行的一项重要的业务活动。

    By way of a significant source of profit and income , the international business of Commercial Bank becomes an important business activity for banks .

  8. 据最近的研究表明住房消费信贷业务已经成为全球商业银行利润收入最高的贷款业务之一。

    According to recent studies suggest that the housing consumer credit business has become the world 's top commercial bank profits in one of the loans .

  9. 这一方面使公司得到最大化的收益,另一方面相应可以降低成本,增加利润收入。

    On the one hand , it makes the enterprise earnings maximized . At the same time , it can correspond reduce costs and increase profits .

  10. 去年,在穆迪发布了一根关于高盛的报告,该报告称,高盛没有简单地把风险当成利润收入的对立面,而是当作“利润来源”。

    Describing its risk philosophy , Moody 's said Goldman saw risk not only as the counterpart to revenues or profit , but as " the source of profit " .

  11. 公共项目建设的目的不同于一般项目建设的目的,一般项目建设往往关注的是项目的利润收入,因而需要对其进行财务评价。

    The purpose of public projects is different from the purpose of common projects . The common projects mainly focus on the economic profit , so we need to do financial evaluation to them .

  12. ASC税后利润占收入的6%至10%。

    ASC 's after-tax profits range between 6 per cent and 10 per cent of revenues .

  13. 如果其他所有人都这样做,投资总额将下降,且随着利润和收入的下降,他们的悲观预期将最终自我实现(self-fulfilling)。

    If all others do the same , aggregate investment declines and their pessimism is self-fulfilling as profits and incomes fall .

  14. 在PayPal战争时代发挥作用的产品和政策决策已经成为结构性问题,与此同时在提高利润和收入方面还有很多限制。

    Product and policy decisions that made a lot of sense in the era of " The Paypal Wars " became structural issues , accompanied by limitations gathered in an attempt to improve profitability and revenue .

  15. 利润是收入与支出的正数差。

    Profit is a positive difference between income and expenses .

  16. 生出、产生或挣得(利润,收入)

    To produce , yield , or earn ( profits or income ) .

  17. 净利润:收入减去费用后的剩余。

    Net income : the remainder after all expenses have been deducted from revenues .

  18. 苹果的利润和收入超出了共识预期。

    Profits and revenues beat consensus estimates .

  19. 现在,宝洁有一半的项目达到了利润和收入目标,高于2000年时的15%。

    Half its projects now meet profit and revenue targets , up from 15 per cent in 2000 .

  20. 如果你是自雇人士,然后创造更多价值会自动转化为更高的利润和收入。

    If you are self-employed , then creating more value will automatically translate into higher profits & income .

  21. 不过,帕玛拉特所拥有似乎很机敏的能力,可以通过收购快速提高利润和收入,才打消市场疑虑。

    Only Parmalat 's seemingly astute ability to rapidly grow earnings and revenues with acquisitions had placated those concerns .

  22. 虽然经济学家的利润也是收入减去成本后的差额,但是经济学家对利润有严格的定义。

    Although economist 's profit is also the balance between income and cost , profit is strictly defined by economists .

  23. 与直接向消费者销售商品化的平面屏幕相比,这种方式不仅可以带来高利润的收入,还可以加深消费者的参与度。

    This will bring in high-profit streams of revenue while engaging the customer in a much deeper way than selling them a commoditized flat screen .

  24. 由于利润等于收入减去成本,所以营业利润的持续增长按来源可以分为收入增加和成本降低这两种原因。

    As the profit is equals to revenue minus cost , sustained growth in operating profit can be divided into increased revenue and lower costs .

  25. 但它预计那些只有不到一半销售额在美国取得的企业,利润和收入都将下降10%。

    But it expects both earnings and revenues to be down 10 per cent for companies that generate less than half their sales in the US .

  26. 贷款损失拨备作为商业银行防范预期风险的一道屏障,是银行基于贷款资产未来可能的损失而从利润或收入中提取的缓冲准备金,主要用于弥补到期不能收回的贷款损失。

    Loan loss provision as a barrier for commercial banks to prevent the expected risk is extracted from the profits or income , which is mainly used to make up for the expected losses .

  27. 《财富》杂志最新发表的世界500强排名显示大公司们已经从2013年的不景气中走出来,利润和收入都创造了历史最高记录。

    The latest Fortune Global 500 list of the worlds biggest companies by revenues shows that the largest firms were back in rude health in 2013 , with all-time records for profits and revenue .

  28. 本周二,苹果(Apple)这样告诉投资者:下个季度的利润率、收入和净利润都会低于投资者此前的预期。

    Here 's what Apple told investors about its business Tuesday : Margins , revenues , and profits in the next quarter all will be worse than investors had expected .

  29. 总利润为总收入减去成本。

    Gross profit is defined as revenue generated minus the cost .

  30. 买家感兴趣的是利润,不是收入。

    Buyers are interested in profits , not revenue .