
  1. 目前的提案把重点放在了自愿捐助专利的特许使用金上。

    Current proposals focus on royalty payments for voluntary patent contributions .

  2. 不得要求特许使用金或者收取任何分发和改编的费用。

    Must not require royalty payments or any other fee for redistribution or modification .

  3. 另外在迈克尔杰克逊项目中使用到的知识产权方面将会使迈克尔杰克逊遗产公司得到一笔特许使用金。

    The Estate of Michael Jackson will also receive royalty payments on various aspects of its intellectual property used in the Michael Jackson projects .

  4. 联盟和码头工人之间的症结一直在于工会工人基于货物重量的特许使用金。

    The sticking point between the Union and the dork workers has been over the royalty payments to Union workers , based on cargo weight .