
  • bargain;Specials;Special Offers
  1. 现在许多商家推出一些价格稍高的商品试图将消费者从1美元的特价商品中吸引回来。

    Many are now introducing higher-priced items to entice consumers away from $ 1 specials .

  2. 自2011年来,Facebook一直在采用这种“地理围栏”技术。它能够让商家招揽临近的客户,这些客户实际上可能也想获得提供特别优惠和特价商品的广告信息。好处是,你可以获得更多相关的广告和推销信息。

    This kind of " geo-fencing , " which Facebook has had since 2011 , enables businesses to court nearby customers who might actually want to get ads offering special deals , in-store specials , etc. The upside : more relevant ads and promos you can actually use .

  3. 顾客争先恐后地抢购最便宜的特价商品。

    Shoppers were scrambling to get the best bargains .

  4. 去四处转转,看有没有特价商品。

    Shop around for special offers .

  5. 本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。

    This month 's offers include a shirt , trousers and bed covers

  6. SEANCALLEBS(CNN记者):黑色星期五是传统的节日购物季节的开始。在沃尔玛,购物节拥有一个非常狂热的开始。许多人今天一大早就来了。大约在东部时间早上五点钟,他们就来搜寻特价商品。

    SEAN CALLEBS , CNN CORRESPONDENT ( on camera ) : Black Friday , the traditional start of the holiday shopping season .

  7. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理WHITFIELD:黑色星期五,人们花费更多的时间在商店购买特价商品。

    WHITFIELD : Black Friday specials longer hours at the stores online deals .

  8. 购物时商场规定,“打折、特价商品不能退换”。

    Shopping malls refuse to change discounted and special offer goods .

  9. 顾客搞不清哪些是特价商品。

    Customers are confused by the range of products on offer .

  10. 特例特价商品售出后无质量问题不能退换。

    You can 't return specific merchandise without any quality problem .

  11. 找到最好的有线电视,宽带互联网和数字电话特价商品。

    Find the Best Cable TV , Broadband Internet and Digital Phone Specials .

  12. 这是给了钜惠的特价商品。

    There was a great scurry for bargains .

  13. 把特价商品陈列在店铺入口,对不对?

    Place bargains at the entrance , right ?

  14. 宣传促销活动或特价商品。

    Advertise a sale or special offer .

  15. 大家忙着去抢购特价商品。

    There was a great scurry bargains .

  16. 特价商品屋的销售人手比较小,所以这种商店可能不会送货上门。

    there may be fewer sales people ; and the store probably doesn 't deliver purchases .

  17. 这是特价商品。

    It 's a special price .

  18. 超市做很多广告宣传,提供很多“特价商品”,因为他们想你买更多的东西。

    Supermarket advertise a lot and offer " specials " because they want you to buy a lot .

  19. 宣传促销活动或特价商品。请介绍产品、服务或成员的促销活动。

    Advertise a sale or a special offer . Describe an offer for a product , service , or membership .

  20. 超市通常使用免费停车的承诺和大量特价商品等伎俩来诱惑我们。

    Supermarkets lure us in with shopping tricks such as the promise of free parking and lots of special offers .

  21. 许多商场对某些特价商品提供四折,或买一送一的打折券。小心啦!

    Coupons offer discounts such as40 % off , or special deals , such as two for the price of one .

  22. 如果对你来说,这些方便不如价格重要,那你可以去一些特价商品屋去采购。

    If convenience isn 't important to you as price , you many want to shop in some of the discount houses .

  23. 还有以低价供货的特价商品屋和专营各种不大值钱的东西十美分商店。

    There are discount houses offering goods at low prices , and dime stores specializing in a wide range of inexpensive items .

  24. 特价商品屋之所以能这样做,有下列几种原因:他们不能像大百货公司提供给买主的那些服务项目;

    They can do so for several reasons . They don 't offer the same services to buyers that department stores do ;

  25. 而西尔斯首次决定在感恩节营业,尽管其仍把最好的特价商品留到黑色星期五。

    Sears decided to open on Thanksgiving Day itself for the first time , though still holding back its best bargains for Black Friday .

  26. 寻找特价商品时,我的建议向来是:知道自己在找什么东西,知道它们通常的价格。

    When you 're deal hunting , my advice has always been : Know which items you 're looking for and what they generally cost .

  27. 我丈夫告诉我,他们正在去沃尔玛的路上,因为沃尔玛有一些特价商品。

    It is , well , my husband says he is on the way to Wal-Mart ' cause they got some deals , just say it .

  28. 像“虚拟葡萄园”这样的公司业已开始采用类似的技术将有关特价商品、产品推销或其他活动的信息“推”向用户。

    Companies such as Virtual Vineyards are already starting to use similar technologies to push messages to customers about special sales , product offerings , or other events .

  29. 然而当货物送达时,许女士发现其质量极差,且许女士还被告知由于这件卫生洁具是特价商品,订金不予退还。

    But when it was delivered , Xu found it was poor quality and she was told the deposit could not be repaid because it was a sale product .

  30. 前台商品展示及销售该部分主要包括新品上市、特价商品、销售排行、购物车、会员管理、商品公告及订单查询、商品查询等。

    Display and sale of the commodity front section includes new products , special offers , sales rankings , shopping cart , member management , product announcements and order inquiries , product inquiries .