
  • 网络Product Concept
  1. 例如,有可能提供赞助的人也许不理解企业家对一个新的商品概念的远见卓识。

    For example , potential sponsors may not understand an entrepreneur 's vision of a new commercial concept .

  2. 根据特征价格指数理论,提出经济统计意义上的标准特征商品概念。

    From the viewpoint of economics and statistics and based on the hedonic price index theory , a concept of standard hedonic goods is defined .

  3. 品牌形象展示,不仅高档、独特、醒目,在视觉的表现上亦可传达强有力的商品概念、内容、风格及质感。

    To show the brand image , not only top-grade , unique , striking , but also embody in vision of transmitting the powerful concept , content , style and reality of goods .

  4. 本文以金融型保险商品概念注释当代保险经济与金融经济的融合,在金融型保险公司经营理论基础上,提出金融型保险公司的产品市场定价理论。

    This article uses the concept for finance-type insurance to annotate the convergence between contemporary insurance economics and finance economics , on the basis of operation theory in financial-type insurance company , put forward the market pricing theories of the financial-type insurance company products .

  5. 论信息商品价格概念及其形成机制

    On the Concept of Information Commodity Price and Its Formation Mechanism

  6. 协同商品设计概念方案成本计算方法研究

    Cost Calculating Method for Collaborative Commodity Design Conceptual Scheme

  7. 其次,在深化对价值、劳动、生产劳动、产品、商品等概念认识的基础上,分析了创造价值的劳动以及第三产业中哪些劳动是创造价值的。

    Then , we analyze the labor creating value as well as labor creating value in the third industry .

  8. 目前国内学术界对旅游商品的概念、定义还未达成共识。

    The present domestic academic circles to the tourist commodity concept and the definition have not achieved the mutual recognition .

  9. 市场经济条件下,商品林概念和外延日益丰富,商品林资源与一般商品的属性互有异同;

    In the market economy system , the concept of merchandise wood is increasingly abundant , and somewhat different from the general merchandise .

  10. 在此基础上,构建了协同商品设计概念方案成本计算模型,并给出了模型的算法设计。

    Then , based on these three strategies , the conceptual scheme general cost calculating model is set up , and the model algorithm is given .

  11. 第一章介绍了技术、技术商品的概念,指出了研究技术商品价格模型的意义和作用。

    In chapter 1 we introduce the concept of technology and technology commodity , pointing out the significance and function of the study of the technology pricing model .

  12. 其特殊性在于:第一,全球价值链概念的提出来源于管理学范畴,它是对全球商品链概念的延伸与拓展,因而该理论具备以企业为主体的微观基础。

    Firstly , the concept of global value chain has been extended on the basis of global commodity chain which derives from management , and this provides a micro-scope to GVC theory .

  13. 我国于1998年开始实行住房分配货币化,广大城镇居民有了住房商品的概念,标志着房地产行业全面步入市场化时代。

    Majority of urban residents have the concept of home goods since China introduced in Distribution of Housing Monetization in 1998 , it makes Real estate industry entered the era of market-oriented .

  14. 第一部分为导论部分,主要内容为本文的选题依据及对比较优势和出口商品结构概念的辨析与界定。

    Part one is the introduction part , the main content , for the selected title basis herein and differentiating and defining to the comparative advantage and concept of export commodity structure .

  15. 论文重新梳理了旅游商品的概念、范围、基本特征等基础性问题,在此基础上分析了旅游商品整体概念、新产品开发战略、旅游商品文化性等内容。

    The paper tidies up the concept , coverage , and basic characteristics of tourism commodity . On this base , it analyzes the whole concept , thedevelopment strategy of new tourism commodity , and the tourism commodity culture .

  16. 提出了商品动力学概念,对商品流通系统中的一些基本概念进行了数学刻画,建立了商品动力学中商品流通系统的数学模型。

    A new notion of the commodity dynamics , go on mathematics to depict to some of the basic concept in the commodity circulation system is proposed , and the mathematics model of development course of commodity circulation systems is established .

  17. 商品住宅的概念日渐被城市居民所接受。

    City residents day by day have accepted the concept of commodity house .

  18. 本文讨论了旅游商品的基本概念,论述了旅游商品开发的重要意义。

    The paper discussed the basic concept of tourism commodity , expounded the significance of tourism commodity exploitation .

  19. 对区域旅游商品及其相关概念的界定作了初步探讨,同时分析了区域旅游商品的类型、特征及其开发原则。

    Secondly , on the basis of this distinction , we analyze the classifying , characters , and exploitation principles of tourist commodities .

  20. 本文试图从商品的一般概念和技术商品的比较中,归纳技术商品及其有关价值与价格的基本特征。

    The elementary characters of tech-commodity and related value and price are deduced in this paper from the comparison of tech-commodities with the conventional ones .

  21. 简单而言,本文的创新在于尝试界定出口商品宏观质量概念内涵评价体系,当然,限于各种条件限制,研究成果仍旧是不成熟的。

    In short , this article tries to define the export macro-innovation is the connotation of quality evaluation system , of course , limited to a variety of conditions , research is still immature .

  22. 通过大量的文献资料和前人研究结果阐述了文化、民族传统体育文化与商品文化的概念、特征、起源,以及它们相互之间的关系。

    By a lot of documentation and the predecessor of the findings set out culture , the concept of national traditional sports culture and commodity culture , characteristics , origin , and the relationships between each other .

  23. 浅析我国商品住宅市场的概念现象

    Analysis of the conception phenomenon in the native commercial residence market

  24. 分析信息商品质量成本的概念和内容构成。

    This paper begins with the analysis of the meaning and content construction of quality costs of information commodity .

  25. 根据马克思关于商品价值实体的概念和商品价值相对性原理,衡量各种劳动创造价值的能力的尺度应该是社会平均劳动而非简单劳动。

    According to Marx , the measure to weigh the ability of creating value is not simple labor but social labor on average .

  26. 方法:通过引入商品管理的有关概念,分析如何在药品零售连锁企业中有效地进行商品管理。

    METHODS : By means of introducing the concept of commodity management , its effective application in Chinese pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises was analysed .

  27. 知识产权与无形财产权、信息产权、工业版权、商品化权等概念具有一定的联系与区别。

    There exist a certain relation and differences in the conceptions between intellectual property rights and invisible property rights , information property rights , industrial copyrights , commercialization rights .

  28. 聚合物水泥是系列产品的统称,如作为具体商品名就会造成概念上的混乱。

    The polymer - cement is a general term for series of products of this kind . If it is used as commodity name one may get confused conceptually .

  29. 文章分析了信息商品定制营销的概念、特点和策略,并就如何实现信息商品的定制营销提出了可行的方法。

    The thesis analyses information goods scaled market produce , concept , feature and tactics , at the same time , put forwards how to realize information goods scaled marketing .

  30. 第五章结合空间的生产与消费文化,提出了形象的商品价值这一概念,试图阐明现代消费社会对城市意象与城市空间形态的影响,并进行了案例分析。

    Combining the theories of ' the production of space ' and ' consumption culture ', chapter five proposes the conception of ' commercial value of image ' to illustrate how consumption culture affects urban image and urban space form .