
  • 网络audience commodity
  1. 电视购物作为电视行业竞争的产物之一,它通过电视媒体向广大受众发布商品信息广告以及相应的热线电话号码,以销售产品。

    TV shopping as one of the products of the TV industry competition , it is to a large audience through the television media advertise commodity information and corresponding hotline telephone number , in order to sell products .

  2. 本研究的结果表明:第一,广告已经成为农村受众获取商品信息的重要渠道,并且对农村受众的生产生活起着积极作用。

    The obtained main results are as follows : ( 1 ) The advertisements have become the important channel that the rural audience obtained the information of commodity . And the advertisements played an active role in the production and living of rural audience .

  3. 在产品同质化趋势加剧的现代消费社会,广告不仅向受众传递商品信息,说服其采取购买行为,还影响着受众的生活方式、价值观念和精神取向,更成为了现代文化的传播者与创造者。

    In the modern Consumer Society , where the trend of product homogenization becomes more and more obvious , advertising does not only deliver commodity information to audience or persuade them to take purchasing action , but also affect their lifestyles , values and spiritual orientations .

  4. 广告翻译的目的也是为了在目的语目标市场实现其劝说功能,从而使广告受众购买某种商品。

    Advertisement translation aims at achieving persuading the potential consumers in the target market into buying a product and promoting the sale of products .

  5. 接下来从两个方面分析肥皂剧的观众:观众作为商品化的受众和作为商品的消费者和文化资源的使用者。

    Then , the paper analyzes the audience of Soap Operas from two aspects : the audience as " merchandised group " and as consumers of commodities and users of cultural resources .

  6. 据了解,环球购物频道主要通过有线电视网络播出,同时还汇聚了网络及手机、广播等立体化平台,致力于向受众展示中国制造商品以及国际知名品牌。

    " Global Go " is a cable TV program with internet , mobile phone and radio broadcasting platforms , offering audiences all over the world information on both China-made and world-famous brands .

  7. 《星球大战》系列影片的营销思想则主要分析受众、媒介和市场三个方面。电影营销中受众作为商品、释码者和差异性个体的三重身份为电影营销提供了新的思路和方法。

    The audience in film marketing , as a commodity , decoder and different individual , the triple identity provides the new ideas and methods for films marketing .