
shānɡ pǐn xiāo shòu liànɡ
  • offtake
  1. 基于改进BP算法的商品销售量的预测

    Application and Research on Sales Volume Prediction of Commodities Based on Improved BP Algorithm

  2. 奢侈商品销售量戎增是该国繁荣的标志。

    The increasing sale of luxury goods is index of the country 's prosperity .

  3. 季节性商品销售量预测模型

    A new sales volume forecast model

  4. 文摘:市场日益扩大,商品销售量已经成为了一种不确定性信息,市场缤纷复杂,企业生产周期也趋于了不确定。

    Abstract : markets develop daily , commodity sales are becoming into an unascertained information , and markets are diversified , enterprise production cycles tend to be unascertained .

  5. 通过各类商品销售量变化对价格变化灵敏度的差异,分析了商品需求弹性不同时,价格变化对销售收入的影响。

    Through the differences made by saies quantity and its corresponding flexible priCe sensitivity , this paper analoges how the priCe change influences the sales revenue when demand elasticity varies .

  6. 如超市每天的商品销售量与销售金额,股票的开盘价、收盘价、成交量等。

    For example , daily sales volume in supermarket , the stock opening price , closing price , trading volume , they are all be regard as the time series data .

  7. 本文首先根据优惠券销售的特点,将顾客进行类型分析,其次对不同类型的顾客建立商品销售量模型,建立了以商家利润最大化为目标函数的定价模型。

    After the commodity sales volume model established in term of the type of customers , the mathematical programming model , which the merchant 's maximum profit was chosen as the objective function , was established .

  8. 在分析研究的过程中采用抽样调查法和购物历史数据分析法,找出节目编排策略和受众需求之间的关系,并在此基础上提出以提高商品销售量为目的电视购物节目编排策略。

    On the analysis process of research , sampling survey method and history shopping data analysis were used to find out the relationship between programming strategy and the audience demand . On this basis , puts forward TV shopping programming strategy for the purpose of improving the market sales .

  9. 商品房销售量受多个因素的作用,而且这些作用多是非线性的。

    Commercial housing sale volume is affected by several nonlinear factors .

  10. 投入广告可以扩大商品的销售量,但投入必须恰当。

    Ad can enlarge the sales volume , but cost must exact .

  11. 那类商品的销售量在冬季总要减少的。

    Sales of that type of article always drop off during the winter months .

  12. 商品房销售量预测模型研究

    Research on Forecast Model of Commercial Housing Consumption

  13. 对于增加商品的销售量,提高顾客的忠诚度等都有较大的贡献。

    It can increase the sales of merchandise and enhance the loyalty of customers .

  14. 马氏链的计算机仿真模型分析是利用计算机多次模拟商品房销售量过程,对未来销量进行预测;

    The computer simulation model of Markov chain simulates the sale process of commercial housing and forecasts the future commercial housing consumption .

  15. 商品房销售量预测实质上是实现一个非线性的映射。

    The prediction of the commercial housing sale volume is essentially to realize a nonlinear mapping from the input space to the output space .

  16. 运用回归分析方法建立的某类销售量预测模型,对季节变化关联较强的商品的销售量有较高的预测精确度。

    Certain sales volume prediction model established on the basis of regression analysis method has higher prediction precision to the types of commodity that closely related to the change of seasons .

  17. 商家一般认为一些小策略,比如价钱以1开头,比以2开头--就像19.99美元和20美元那样--能增加商品的销售量。

    The psychological trick of seeing a one instead of a two at the front of a price , as in $ 19.99 versus $ 20 can work to increase sales .

  18. 应用灰色控制系统理论建立了上海市商品房销售量和销售总额的动态灰预测模型,预测结果与精度检验表明,该预测模型能够反映上海市商品房销售的动态变化趋势。

    Based on the grey control system , the dynamic model of forecasting commercial housing sales volume and total sales in Shanghai is built . The forecast results and accuracy after checking expatiates that this model can reflect the tendency dynamically of commercial housing sales .

  19. 本文通过建立的回归模型,对商品住宅的销售量进行了预测。

    This paper forecasts the sales volume of commodity dwelling by regression model .

  20. 商品包装与销售量有很大关系。

    Packaging has a close bearing on sales .

  21. 报告中,惠誉评级公司指出了制造业数量的下滑以及商品和服务销售量的迅猛下跌。

    In its report , Fitch Ratings noted a reduction in manufacturing and sharply lower sales of goods and services .

  22. 国际反假冒联盟是总部设在华盛顿的非盈利性组织,旨在通过与电子商务网站签署协议来减少假冒商品的在线销售量。

    IACC is a Washington-based nonprofit organization that seeks to reduce the volume of counterfeit goods sold online by signing agreements with e-commerce websites .

  23. 市场份额是指经营者的特定商品销售额或者销售量在相关市场的比重。

    " Market share " means the percentage of the sales amount or volume of a specific commodity of the business operator in the relevant market .

  24. 论文采用多层次模糊综合评判的方法对影响商品房市场销售量的因素进行了分析、归纳,从而把各影响因素量化后进行排序和选取。

    The paper adopts the method of the multi-layer fuzzy synthesis judgment to analysis and induce the factors which affect the consumption of the commercial housing and arrange and chose them after quantizing these factors .

  25. 商品降价可以扩大销售量与销售额,但降价的时机和降价的幅度必须恰当。

    Sales volume and sales profit could be expanded through commodity markdown , but only in the right time and amplitude .

  26. 在商品经济发展中,工商企业预测商品销售量是最实际的经济问题。

    In the development of commodity economy , predicting sales volume is a practical economic problem for enterprises .

  27. 来自瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)的数据显示,今年4月中国商品房销售额下降了7.8%,而中国40个大中城市的商品房销售量降幅则超过了20%。

    Chinese real estate sales dropped 7.8 per cent in April , while volumes dropped more than 20 per cent in the top 40 cities in China , data from Credit Suisse show .

  28. 推荐系统可以有效地与用户交互,依据用户的兴趣偏好进行个性化商品推荐,对提升用户对电子商务网络平台的满意度,增加商品的销售量起着重要的作用。

    Personalized recommend system can effectively resolve the problem with interacting with the users and recommend goods basing on their preference and interest , which improves satisfaction and increases the sales of commodities .

  29. 对商品实行数字编码陈列,能使顾客对其欲选购商品直呼其号,售货员则直取其样,从而有利于求购目标的实现,扩大商品销售量,提高经济效益。

    Display of commodities in digital code enables the customers to choose the number of the goods and salesman to select the sampling directly in order to reach the purchasing goal and expand the sales volume .