
Chapter 1 : There is summary of trade dress .
Chapter 2 : Introduce different protective mode of trade dress to people .
This article summarizes the appellation , conception and range of trade dress . Main basic conceptions are definite here .
This paper studies four forms of mass-cultural architecture : symbolic form , propagation form , commodity form , scientific form .
In the period of the homogeneity of products , trade dress is one of key factors to make consumer do a decision . Whose trade dress attracts consumer , who can gain more economic interest .
The contract is the final legal result of the individual transaction and the expression forms of life insurance product .
China is one of ancient civilization nations . Commodity and money have existed for a long time . Financial markets are also developed continually .
Summary the relationship between the entrances , open methods of professional market and the location of market , types of goods and layout pattern .
In modeling shape on the packaging of goods will pay more attention to product branding , product display shelves in the supermarket in effect , serialized product , simple of packaging , personalized packaging , wide application of environmental friendly materials .
As a special and emerging market , carbon emission trading has its own special characters . It is different from traditional commodity market in both commodity style and trading basis .
It relate to diverse theory , such as functionality theory etc. Chapter 4 : First introduces the protection to the trade dress in current Chinese intellectual property law .
There exists two corresponding relations between the first relative value demonstration and the first pattern transformation on the one hand , and between the second relative value demonstration and the second pattern transformation of the commodity on the other .