
shānɡ pǐn mínɡ chēnɡ
  • Trade name;name of a commodity
  1. 商品名称存储在一个SQLVARCHAR列中。

    The item names are stored in an SQL VARCHAR column .

  2. 今年8月,科学家在《柳叶刀》上说,H5N1型毒株对扎纳米韦(商品名称Relenze)产生抗药性的可能性要小于达菲。

    In August , researchers suggested in The Lancet that H5N1 would be less likely to become resistant to zanamivir also called Relenza than to Tamiflu ( see Bird flu : in favour of contingency plans ) .

  3. 介绍了一种新型刚性棒状高性能纤维聚[2,5-二羟基-1,4-苯撑吡啶并二咪唑](PIPD,商品名称为M5)的合成、结构与性能以及应用前景。

    A kind high performance fiber M5 was introduced , the paper expounded synthesis , structure and proper-ties of the rigid-rod polymer fiber .

  4. 本文分析了CAC食品和动物饲料分类标准框架确定的原则、分类方式、确定商品名称需要考虑的主要因素,总结归纳了CAC食品和饲料分类标准的框架和内容概要。

    This article analyzes the principles , classification methods , the main factors considered in deciding the product name , and summarizes the framework and main contents of the standards of Classification of Food and Animal Feeds .

  5. 学生能够听懂商品名称,价格以及购物计划。

    Students can understand product name , price and shopping plan .

  6. 医生在开药品处方时通常使用商品名称,而不使用通用名称。

    Physicians often prescribed medicines by trade name rather than generic name .

  7. 商品名称的命名及其翻译刍议

    Discussion about the naming of brand names and Their Translation

  8. 有商品名称的,还应当注明商品名称。

    The trade name , if any , shall also be indicated .

  9. 为商品名称,包件数量及种类栏。

    Description of goods ; number and king of packages .

  10. 商品名称之民俗文化解析

    An Analysis to the Customs and Culture in Commodity Names

  11. 英译中文商品名称的语用失误研究

    Research into the Pragmatic Failures in the English Translation of Chinese Brand Names

  12. 即使是同样商品名称,有时保证内容也不同。

    The guarantee contents might diversify even to commodities with same product names .

  13. 出口商品名称和商标的翻译

    The Translation of Names and Trademarks of Exported Commodities

  14. 商品名称与广告翻译漫谈

    On Translating the Name of Goods and Its Advertisement

  15. 商品名称的美学特征与英语商品名称的翻译

    Aesthetic Properties of Commodity Names and Their Translation

  16. 协调制度(商品名称及编码协调制度)

    HS ( Harmonized Commodity and Coding System )

  17. 商品名称翻译的美学原理

    Aesthetic Principles Applied to Translating Names of Commodities

  18. 商品名称应当依照商品分类表填写;

    The goods shall be listed in the application according to the Classification of Goods .

  19. 商品名称、规格及包装

    Name of Commodity , Specifications and Packing

  20. 海关协调制度编码、商品名称及特殊条件

    HS Code , Commodity and Special Conditions

  21. 应在装船日前至少10天用电传或电报通知买方合同号、商品名称、数量、船名、船龄、船

    10 days prior to the date of shipment , inform the Buyer by telex or cable

  22. 商品名称及数量或金额

    Commodity and Quantity or Amount

  23. 第二个原因是,抗生素制造商为了市场的目的,要给它一个商品名称。

    Second , each manufacturer of an antibiotic assigns to it for marketing purposes a trade name .

  24. 论商品名称的翻译

    ON Commodity Names Translation

  25. 在这个问题上,同为商品名称的使用同音字的企业接受记者采访。

    On this issue , an interview with reporters for the use of trade names homophonic word of an enterprise .

  26. 具体商品名称及商品编码见《货物自动进口许可商品目录》。

    For the specific names and codes of the merchandises , please refer to the Catalogue of Goods Subject to Automatic Import License .

  27. 本附件列出按《商品名称及编码协调制度》HS6位编码表示的纺织品和服装产品。

    This Annex lists textile and clothing products defined by Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System ( HS ) codes at the six-digit level .

  28. 商品名称未列入商品分类表的,应当附送商品说明。

    If any goods are not included in the Classification of Goods , a description of the goods shall be attached to the application .

  29. 从语用翻译的角度出发,结合大量的实例分析,深入探讨了我国商品名称翻译中的语用失误之处。

    Starting from this point of view , the author has thoroughly discussed the pragmatic failures in the English translation of Chinese brand names .

  30. 从语言与文化的关系的角度出发,对商品名称进行中华民俗文化方面的解析。

    Viewing from the relationship between language and culture , this article analyzes the commodity names from the aspect of the Chinese customs and culture .