
  • 网络cultural goods;culture commodity;cultural commodity;cultural product
  1. 试论文化商品市场的政府规制

    Culture On Regulation to Market of Cultural Goods

  2. 由于电视剧是一种比较特殊的文化商品,它投资巨大的特殊性就决定了其必须有丰厚的回报。

    The teleplay is a special kind of cultural goods , and its huge investment will ask for rich returns certainly .

  3. 他们的一个目标是东京中心地区新大久保(Shin-Okubo),这里以韩国餐馆和售卖韩国流行文化商品的店铺知名。

    One target has been the central Tokyo neighborhood of Shin-Okubo , known for Korean restaurants and shops selling South Korean pop-culture goods .

  4. 文化商品的特殊性与文化的经济化趋势

    The Particularity of Cultural Commodities and the Economic Trends of Culture

  5. 略论文化商品的价值与价格

    Brief Discussion on the Value and Price of Cultural Commodity

  6. 民族旅游文化商品化与民族传统文化的发展

    Commoditization of Ethnic Tourism Culture and the Development of Ethnic Traditional Culture

  7. 文化商品具有双重属性,同时又具有其特殊性。

    Cultural commodities have both dual attributes and its particularity .

  8. 文化商品是具有不同于物质产品的特殊性能的商品。

    Culture commodity possesses special natures differing from that of material goods .

  9. 消费价值、美感经验与客家文化商品购买意愿之研究

    A Study of Consumption Value , Aesthetics Experience and Purchase Intention of Hakka Cultural Commodity

  10. 真人秀从根本上来说是一种文化商品,追求的是高收视率。

    Fundamentally , reality show is a kind of cultural product which pursues high ratings .

  11. 文化商品中的文化价值和审美价值的的实现往往是通过经济价值的实现为前提;

    The realization of culture value is often based on the realization of economic worth .

  12. 文化商品为文化产业的发展创造经济价值,同时文化商品也是传递文化内涵的主要载具。

    Cultural commodity creates economic value for cultural industry , meanwhile , cultural commodity contains and deliver culture connotation .

  13. 小说期刊作为文化商品,其创作、编辑、发行都受到小说市场影响。

    Fiction Periodicals as a cultural product , its creation , editing , distribution are affected by the fiction market .

  14. 作为这一领域中的特殊产品,文化商品以其特殊性不断推动着社会的发展。

    As the special product in this domain , the culture commodity are constantly pushing forward the development of society with this particularity .

  15. 戏剧产品是一种特殊的文化商品,戏剧生产则是文化经济产业的一个重要组成部分。

    The product of drama is a special cultural commodity . The manufacture of dramatic art is an important component of cultural economic industry .

  16. 结论发现:文化商品是博物馆用以面对挑战和强化博物馆活力的一种积极手段,同时也是与社会大众沟通的新媒介;

    Cultural commodity gives museums a positive way to face challenges and reinforce vitality and it is also a new medium for public communication .

  17. 电影不仅是在科学技术推动下具有经济效益的文化商品,而且是大众文化以及意识形态普及传播的重要载体。

    Film is not only of great economic culture production by the technology , but also vital carrier of disseminating popular culture and ideology .

  18. 同时,它也是文化商品,在电视动画周围的动画相关商品市场存在着巨大市场空间。

    On the other hand , it has commodity value , cause there exists a huge market around the TV animation and the related commodities .

  19. 在购物中心里,物质商品已俨然成为一种文化商品,而购物中心本身也成为一种符号性的空间。

    The material goods in the shopping mall seems to be a kind of cultural products , moreover , the shopping mall itself become a symbolical space .

  20. 文化商品是指文化产品消费者在交换过程中所得到的文化精神产品的文化娱乐服务的总和。

    Cultural commodities refers to the sum total of the cultural and entertainment services of cultural and spiritual products that consumers of cultural products obtain in the exchange process .

  21. 由此,电影已经不是一种纯艺术,而是物化形态的艺术样式和广泛传播的特殊文化商品的结合体。

    From this , the movie was already not one kind of pure art , but is the transformation shape artistic style and the widespread dissemination special cultural commodity marriage .

  22. 《新周刊》作为文化商品,在文化市场中率先打出了品牌化的经营思路,为文化商品开创了一条成功通向市场经济的道路。

    As a cultural product , New Weekly firstly began the management method of quality goods in cultural market , it initiates a successful way to market economy for cultural products .

  23. 作者指出,民族旅游文化商品化对民族传统文化的发展既有积极影响,也有消极影响。

    This author does not agree with this view and points out that commoditization of ethnic tourism culture has both positive and negative impact on the development of the ethnic traditional culture .

  24. 文化商品的双重属性表现在它具有商品属性和社会意识形态性,文化商品的三个特殊性是指文化商品消费的永恒性、文化商品的复杂性和创新性。

    The duality of cultural commodities is exhibited in the commercial attribute and its characteristic of social awareness formation while the important characteristics refer to the perpetuity of cultural commodity consumption , complexity and innovativeness of cultural commodities .

  25. 电影作为一种文化商品,其创造出的生动且辨识度高的银幕形象不但能成为一种跨越国籍的民族符号,而且具有消费价值。

    Film as a cultural commodity , has created a vivid , and high identification of screen image , and it will not only become a national symbol of the cross-nationality , but also has somewhat consumption value .

  26. 影视艺术是一种特殊的文化商品,既具有商品性,又具有文化性,对这两个特性的不同处理,造成了两版《红楼梦》不同的品质。

    Film Art is a special kind of cultural goods , both a commodity , but also has cultural , different treatment of these two characteristics , resulting in two different version of " A Dream of Red Mansions " quality .

  27. 1994年到2002年,世界核心文化商品(包括古董收藏、书籍、报纸杂志、其它印刷品、音像制品、视觉艺术品及视听媒体)贸易额由380亿美元增长到了600亿美元。

    The trade volume of international core cultural goods ( including heritage goods , books , newspaper periodicals , other printed matter , recorded media , visual art works and audiovisual media ) is increased from 38 billion to 60 billion from 1994 to 2002 .

  28. 其次利用相关数据计算了我国核心文化商品的国际市场占有率和贸易竞争力指数,认为目前我国文化商品国际市场占有率低,竞争力非常薄弱。

    Secondly , by taking advantage of related data to calculate the international market share and trade competition index of our core cultural goods , the paper draws the conclusion that the international market share is under the level , leading to the weak competitiveness of our cultural trade .

  29. 对体育商品属性,以及对体育商品的一般性特征与本质特征进行了分析研究,认为体育商品具有两重属性,其区别于一般文化商品的本质特征在于它的健身性与竞争性。

    The attributes of sports commodities and the nature and general characteristics of sports commodities have been studied and analyzed in this paper . It is concluded that there exist dual attributes-its fitness feature and its competitive feature-in sports commodities , which make it different from other cultural commodities .

  30. 在很多农场主看来,这种旅游完全是一种厚颜无耻的行径,它试图让一个行将消失的、真正意义上的文化成为商品。

    Many of the ranchers themselves see all this tourism as a cheeky attempt to commercialise a real and vanishing culture .