
wén shū
  • document;book;clerk;clerical staff;copy clerk;official dispatch;pen-pusher;pencil pusher;official despatch
文书 [wén shū]
  • (1) [document;official despatch]∶指公文、书信、契约等

  • 手把文书口称敕。--唐. 白居易《卖炭翁》

  • 文书下行直省。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

  • (2) [copy clerk]∶从事公文、书信工作的人员

  • (3) [book]∶文字书籍

文书[wén shū]
  1. 第七十七条送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。

    Article 77 A receipt shall be required for every litigation document that is served and it shall bear the date of receipt noted by the signature or seal of the person on whom the document was served .

  2. 我也说了他可能用了Q,假设的文书,这是通过对比路加和马太福音发现的。

    I 've also said he probably used Q , this hypothetical document because we find that by comparing Luke and Matthew .

  3. 我们正在努力降低有关此事的文书工作量。

    We 're trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved .

  4. 他也有很多文书工作要处理。

    He , too , had a lot of paperwork to get through .

  5. 她身兼城镇文书、执业会计师和公证人数职。

    She is the town clerk and a certified public accountant and notary public .

  6. 律师提交了释放文书。

    The lawyer turned over the release papers .

  7. 在生产的每个阶段都有文书工作——填表格,报批,写信。

    At every stage in the production there will be paperwork — forms to fill in , permissions to obtain , letters to write .

  8. 她做了大部分文书工作。

    She handled most of the paperwork .

  9. 2.GiantShoeMuseum大鞋博物馆大鞋博物馆位于西雅图著名的派克市场,是老西雅图文书商店外围的一面展示墙,给这家商店带来了不少生意。

    Located in the famous Pike Place Market of Seattle , the Giant Shoe Museum is a single exhibit wall located on the outside of the Old Seattle Paperworks store and brings a lot of business to the shop as a result .

  10. Deskstaging指用一些文件、已经完成的工作和看似很重要的文书摆满桌面,看上去显得你很忙的样子,但其实你在网上瞎溜达,看着视频,做着一些跟工作无关的事情,即“桌面装忙”。

    Desk staging is the practice of covering your desk with papers , completed work , and other important-looking papers to give the appearance that you are really busy when really you 're surfing the net , watching videos and doing other non-work things .

  11. 如果你觉得能在午饭前做完这些文书工作,那你也太异想天开了。

    If you think you can finish all this paperwork before lunch , you 're away with the fairies .

  12. 调解书和其他应当由人民法院执行的法律文书,当事人必须履行。

    The parties concerned must comply with the conciliation statement and other legal documents that are to be executed by the people 's court .

  13. 第二百四十七条人民法院对在中华人民共和国领域内没有住所的当事人送达诉讼文书,可以采用下列方式:

    Article 247 A people 's court may serve litigation documents on a party who has no domicile within the territory of the People 's Republic of China in the following ways :

  14. 美英法律文书中的brief译名

    Translations of the Term Brief in Anglo-American Legal Documents

  15. 目的是用Web服务代替客户的大部分行政文书工作,从而“加强”其供给链。

    My goal was to replace most of my client 's administrative paperwork with a Web service , thereby " fastening " their supply chain .

  16. 基于文本生成Schema内容规划方法,建立了作战文书自动生成的内容结构模型。

    A content planning model method of Operation Document Generation , which is based on Schema , is presented .

  17. 在DOS状态下显示WPS文书文件一法

    A Method for Displaying Text Files of WPS in DOS

  18. 用NLP技术实现军用文书自动生成系统设计

    Design of Automatic Generation System for Military Documents With NLP Technology

  19. 但facebook表示,在澳大利亚这一案件中使用该社交网站送达法律文书,据信是此类案例中的第一桩。

    However , Facebook said the use of the networking site in the Australian case was thought to be the first of its kind .

  20. 本文给出修改DOS内部命令TYPE的方法,使其不仅能显示文本文件,也能显示WPS文书文件。

    In this paper , the type command in DOS is modified so that it can be used to display the contents of WPS files .

  21. 本文介绍用dBASEⅡ语言设计的文书档案管理系统的软件技巧,对于字符串连接和宏代换(?)

    The technique of using dBASE II to develop the document management systems is presented in the paper .

  22. 但是,要实现基于XML的作战文书的自动归档、立卷、销毁、分发、查询和利用等功能,就必须结合成熟的关系数据库技术。

    Yet , to realize the functions as automatic pigeonhole , register , destroy , distribute , query and use of military operation document based on XML , the mature technique of relation database must be used .

  23. NLG技术在C~3I系统作战文书生成中的应用

    Application of NLG-Technology to Generation of Operation Document in C ~ 3I System

  24. 通过对大量DICOM图像的分析和对DICOM标准文书的分析了解了图像的结构组成,同时对BMP图像进行分析得出BMP图像的结构组成,提出进行DICOM图像与BMP图像转换的方法。

    The structures of DICOM image and BMP image are introduced through the analyses of them and DICOM standard . The method of translating DICOM image into BMP one is also presented .

  25. 斯坦福大学(stanforduniversity)的一位医师出具了诊断书,法庭文书上仅证实是马尔多纳多医生(drmaldonado),“郭炳湘过去偶尔咨询过他的参考意见”。

    This diagnosis was made by a doctor at Stanford University , identified in court papers only as Dr Maldonado , whom " Walter Kwok had in the past occasionally consulted for a second opinion " .

  26. 中国涉外法律及其文书翻译探讨

    On Translation of Chinese Laws and Related Documents Concerning Foreign Affairs

  27. 法律文书教学与学生素质培养

    The Teaching Of Legal Writ And Cultivating The Student 's Makings

  28. 网络健康检查及数据分析试谈医院文书档案材料的鉴定

    NETWORK CHECKUP AND DATA ANALYSIS Discussion on checkup of hospital archives

  29. 裁判文书是司法公正的最终载体。

    The judicative paper is the last carrier of judicial justice .

  30. 老板通常都没时间阅读冗长的文书。

    The boss is usually no time to read lengthy documents .