
tōng bào
  • report;communication;notify;circular;bulletin;message;circulate a notice;journal;notification for general information
通报 [tōng bào]
  • (1) [circulate a notice;notification for general information]∶上级机关把有关情况以书面形式通告下级机关

  • 通报批评

  • (2) [circular;communication;message]∶通告下级机关的文件

  • 关于情况的通报

  • (3) [bulletin;journal]∶报道科学动态、成果的刊物

  • 科学通报

通报[tōng bào]
  1. 行政责任的承担方式有通报批评、行政处分和赔偿损失等。

    The way of administrative responsibilities such as circulate a notice of criticism , administrative sanction and compensate for a loss .

  2. 国家商检部门可以公布抽查检验结果或者向有关部门通报抽查检验情况。

    The State Administration for Commodity Inspection may publicize the result of the random inspection or circulate a notice about it to the relevant departments .

  3. 校方疏忽了,没有向这孩子的父母通报这件事。

    The school had been negligent in not informing the child 's parents about the incident .

  4. 埃伦会通过电话及时向我通报进展情况。

    Ellen would keep me abreast of the progress by phone .

  5. 负责军情通报的官员们声称今天没有飞机被击落。

    Military briefers say no planes were shot down today .

  6. 为国王动手术的外科医生通报了其伤势的最新详情。

    The surgeon who operated on the King released new details of his injuries

  7. 很多医生没有报告病例,尽管食物中毒是应该通报的。

    Many doctors fail to report cases , even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease .

  8. 在英国广播公司电视台发送给1,800家报社的新闻通报中,这项提议得到了广泛的宣传。

    The proposal has been widely publicised in BBC-TV press information circulars sent to 1,800 newspapers .

  9. 你看到政府关于解决物价问题的通报了吗?

    Did you see that circular from the government about their attack on prices ?

  10. 斯考克罗夫特会见迪尼茨,向上通报苏联关于联合弃权的建议。

    Scowcroft met with Dinitz to brief him on the Soviet proposal for a joint abstention .

  11. 当地政府8月13日通报,8月11日至12日,湖北省随县柳林镇发生极端强降雨天气,已造成柳林镇8000余人受灾,21人死亡、4人失联。

    Twenty-one people were killed and four others missing as heavy rain lashed in the township , according to the announcement .

  12. 3月20日,“考古中国”重大项目工作进展会在成都举行,通报了四川广汉三星堆遗址重要考古发现与研究成果。考古学家宣布,四川广汉三星堆遗址新发现的6座三星堆文化“祭祀坑”中已出土500余件文物。

    Chinese archaeologists announced the discovery of over 500 cultural relics at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan , Sichuan province .

  13. 针对下级政府及公办学校的责任人,主要采取约谈、通报批评、组织处理、移交监察机关或司法机关等问责方式。

    The main administrators7 of lower governments and public schools can be held accountable through having talks , name and shame , administrative punishment , or being handed over to law enforcement authorities and supervisory commissions , it said .

  14. 用BLOG改造图书馆新书通报服务

    Rebuilding the new books ' notice service of library with Blog

  15. 如与目前通报版本不符,是否会考虑重新向WTO通报?

    If it is not consistent with the currently notified version , will the US consider a second notification to WTO ?

  16. 第二,对CAC食品标签相关标准和WTO食品标签通报进行了较为系统的研究。

    Second , it comprehensively studied related CAC food labeling standards and WTO food labeling notifications .

  17. 《个性与社会心理学通报》(PersonalityandSocialPsychologyBulletin)去年发表的一项研究显示,看看绿色的东西可能会有助于让那些新想法变得更明晰。

    Viewing the color green may help make those ideas more apparent , according to research published last year in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin .

  18. 文章通过实例介绍了如何利用ASP技术实现图书馆新书通报的动态发布,完成数据库内容动态交互式查询及页面显示。

    This paper gives an example on how to realize dynamic announcement and query the database with ASP technology and displays it on homepage .

  19. DELL在其季度收入财报中通报了其6%的利润减少,而导致利润较低是因为低利润抵消了其销售的增长。

    Dell has reported a6 % fall in quarterly earnings , as low profit margins offset an increase in sales .

  20. 美国贸易代表办公室(officeoftheunitedstatestraderepresentative)和美国商务部上个月发布了年度补贴执行报告,指责中国在补贴项目的通报方面存在延迟和不完全。

    An annual report on subsidies enforcement issued by the office of the United States trade representative and the Department of Commerce last month accused China of delayed and incomplete notification of its subsidy programmes .

  21. 中国发布了国防“白皮书”,同时承诺向联合国(un)提交年度报告,通报其军事预算和海外武器销售情况。

    China has published defence " white papers " and has committed to make annual reports to the United Nations on its military budget and international arms sales .

  22. 文章认为,有必要基于Blog对图书馆新书通报服务再次进行改造,并分析了利用Blog发布新书信息的诸多优势。

    The article thinks that it is necessary that libraries rebuild the new books ' notice with Blog , and it analyses the several advantages of distributing the new books information .

  23. 巴基斯坦卫生部向世卫组织通报,在该国白沙瓦地区有8起人感染H5N1型禽流感疑似病例。

    The Ministry of Health in Pakistan has informed WHO of8 suspected human cases of H5N1 avian influenza infection in the Peshawar area of the country .

  24. JohnWalley和他的同事在《世界卫生组织通报》中号召对卫生保健研究采取一种新的观点。

    John Walley and colleagues call for a new perspective on healthcare research in this Bulletin of the World Health Organization editorial .

  25. 用户可以始终保持登录状态,一旦有包裹即将到达,便能随时收到通报(当然,他们也可以只在需要使用Slice软件时才登录,避免好打听的人破坏用户安排的意外惊喜。)

    Users can remain logged in at all times to be alerted of impending package arrivals . ( They can also log in with each use to avoid prying eyes that might spoil gift surprises . )

  26. 据韩国保健福祉部6月2日通报,韩国首次出现2例中东呼吸综合征(MERS)死亡病例。

    South Korea on Tuesday reported the first two deaths from an outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ( MERS ) .

  27. 澳门特首何厚铧(edmundho)昨日向立法会通报了澳门特别行政区的相关措施,以解决有关对抗性反应,并缓解中央政府的忧虑。

    Edmund Ho , Macao chief executive , yesterday told legislators about steps the Chinese special administrative region would use to address a backlash and ease concerns of Beijing politicians .

  28. 有些产品瞄准的是那些关注安全的人群:Dropcam售价200美元的Pro相机,能持续监视用户的住所,在用户离家后向他们通报家中的动态,并能让用户观看关于家中动态的实况视频。

    Some are aimed at security-conscious folk : Dropcam 's $ 200 Pro camera constantly monitors its owner 's home , alerting them to movement after they 've left the house and letting them watch a live video feed .

  29. 戴蒙后来作证说,3月份CIO达到了其风险限制,4月上旬该行就此向监管部门通报了情况。

    In March , the CIO risk limits had been hit , and in early April , the bank had notified regulators of the situation , Dimon later testified .

  30. 虽然自巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)当选美国总统以来,俄罗斯与北约盟国的关系发生了变化,但我们担心的是,俄罗斯仍只是得到(有关这个概念的)通报,而不是参与机会。

    Although there was a change in relations between Russia and the Nato allies since the election of US president Barack Obama , We are concerned that Russia is still being informed [ about this concept ] , not involved .