
  1. 这些细节通常在发行说明中捕获。

    These details are typically captured in release notes .

  2. 这些公司通常不发行有价证券。

    These companies usually do not I ue securities .

  3. 评级机构通常由发行人付钱。

    Rating agencies are often paid by issuers .

  4. 书籍的发行商通常首先发行硬封面版,然后一年后发行平装本。

    Publishers first issue a book in hardback and then , a year later , in paperback .

  5. 在企业进行公司制改造时,通常会发行国家股、法人股和个人股。

    Any state-owned enterprise transforming into a company will issue state-owned shares , corporation shares and individual shares .

  6. 募集成长资金的公司通常希望发行价定得高一些,以便只出售尽量少的股份就能募得尽量多的资金。

    A company raising growth funds typically wants a high IPO price , to raise the maximum proceeds for the sale of the fewest shares .

  7. 电影公司一般都有发行部,但小型独立制片商则通常依靠发行公司在海外市场销售影片。

    While major film companies have their own distribution departments , smaller independent filmmakers usually rely on distribution companies to sell their films in overseas markets .

  8. 著名的大公司通常自己发行短期无担保的负债票据,而不是直接向银行借款。这些票据就称为商业票据。

    The famous big companies often issue short term debit note with no mortgagee , instead of borrowing directly money from bank , these notes are called commercial note .

  9. 报纸通常是每天发行的,它收集了关于当前事件的各种文章。

    A newspaper is a collection of articles about current events usually published daily .

  10. 大企业通常可以通过发行股票或债券融得扩张所需的资金。

    Large corporations can usually obtain the funds they need for expansion from equity or bond issues .

  11. 分布程序通常是负责发行程序及其预订程序之间同步数据的服务程序。

    The Distributor is the server that is most often responsible for synchronizing data between Publishers and their Subscribers .

  12. 缓冲区溢出是第一号的问题,这些方法中最好的方法通常能够减轻发行套件中几乎半数已知缺陷的影响。

    Buffer overflows are the # 1 problem , and the best of these approaches can often reduce the effects of nearly half of the currently-unknown vulnerabilities in your distribution .

  13. 债券是一种期票,通常以一定数额发行。

    A bond is a promissory note , usually issued for a specified amount .

  14. 在路演前夕,公司通常会提供股票发行价区间。

    A price range for the shares is typically given just ahead of the start of the roadshow .

  15. 优先股通常在首次公开发行后5年便可随时赎回,有较长的到期日,或者根本没有到期日。

    Typically callable five years after their initial public offering , preferreds have long maturities or none at all .

  16. 国外通常采用首次公开发行预留、增发新股、股份回购三种方式来解决行权所需之股票,但这三种股票来源渠道在我国均存在着一定的法律障碍。

    In foreign countries , there are usually three channels to get stock for exercising but in our country there exist legal obstacles .

  17. 企业通常计划在年初发行债券,因为此时投资者手中握有新的资金,且许多企业尚未进入发布业绩前的“朦胧”期。

    Companies usually aim to sell bonds early in the year when investors have fresh funds and before many companies enter a " purdah " period ahead of earnings announcements .

  18. 为保护发行公司的真正股东&存托凭证持有人,存托凭证市场监管机构通常会明确规定发行人的信息披露义务及违反义务所应承担的责任。

    In order to protect the real shareholder of the Company & holder of DR , the regulation organs will specify the disclosure duty of the Company and the liability when violating the duty .