
  • 网络Universal cash saving and withdrawing;Deposit and withdrawal
  1. 这一分析结论与通存通兑业务市场的现状是一致的。

    The analysis conclusion is consistent with the status quo of universal cash saving and withdrawing .

  2. 本文结合一个城市储蓄通存通兑网络系统及微机服务器群UNIX系统核心参数的调整,对其参数与银行业务应用系统的相互关系进行了分析和探讨。

    The text integrate a saving network system on a city and to adjust the UNIX system function parameter on the PC-Servers , and construe and discuss hypotaxis that the UNIX system function parameter with bank application system .

  3. 凭密码支取,通存通兑,结算账户。

    Withdrawing with cipher , free deposit & withdrawal ; account settlement .

  4. 城市储蓄业务通存通兑网络系统的规划及设计

    A universal deposit / cash network for urban savings business : its programme and design

  5. 本外币活期、定期存款等储蓄存款业务已实现全国通存通兑。

    Nationwide different-areas automatic banking of local and foreign currency current and time deposits has been realized .

  6. 12月份完成小额支付系统跨行通存通兑系统在全省范围内的推广。

    The small amount payment system cross bank deposit and exchange system has been spread by December .

  7. 那么,造成目前通存通兑业务市场不利状况的根结在哪里呢?能否通过制度改进改变这一状况呢?本文正是试图通过理论分析和模型研究解决这一问题。

    Can it be changed the situation through the system ? This paper attempts to solve the problem by theoretical analysis and model studies .

  8. 但对于象银行通存通兑这样的大型联机事务处理系统来说,在C/S构架中加入中间件,可以有效提高系统的实时性和安全性。

    But for largescale online transacter such as bank of entire deposit and conversion work , the realtime property and safety of the system can be improved efficiently after adding middleware in C / S structure .

  9. 储蓄存款通存通兑业务是指客户只要开立储蓄存款账户,便可以持借记卡或存折在全国各地的银行网点办理存取款的一种银行服务形式。

    Automatic banking of savings deposits is a method of banking service that a client having a deposit account will make deposits or withdrawals against a debit card or the passbook in any banking outlets all over the country .