
  • 网络clearance efficiency
  1. 同时港口的服务对象对海关的通关效率提高意愿迫切。

    While port service object to improve customs clearance efficiency urgent wishes .

  2. 我国对外贸易的发展日益迅速,社会各界对口岸通关效率也有了越来越高的要求。

    With the rapid development of foreign trade in China , the society needs customs to increase the clearance efficiency .

  3. 改善服务,加强监管,提高通关效率

    To improve services , strengthen the supervision and control , increase the efficiency of customs clearance

  4. 海关要深化改革,进一步提高通关效率和监管水平。

    Reform of the customs service must be deepened to further facilitate customs clearance and to improve customs supervision .

  5. 政府和企业要求海关提高通关效率的呼声比以往任何时候都更为强烈。

    The voice of government agencies and enterprises calling for efficiency improvement of Customs clearance has been louder than any time before .

  6. 而且这种激烈的竞争还会使口岸通关效率低下,形成贸易壁垒,对双边贸易造成了负面影响。

    And this competition also makes inefficient customs clearance , the formation of trade barriers , had a negative impact on bilateral trade .

  7. 在严格执行口岸查验制度的前提下提高通关效率。

    Pursuant to the law so as to raise the efficiency of customs clearance under the precondition of strictly implementing the port check and inspection system .

  8. 所以研究出口型加工贸易企业海关手册进出口流程再造问题,对于企业合法经营、提高通关效率、节约物流成本具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , researching on Reengineering Process of Customs handbook import and export is real meaningful to lawful operation , improvement of Customs Clearance and reduction of logistics cost .

  9. 国际航行船舶的出境入境管理秩序关系到开放港口的通关效率和对外形象。

    Among them the harbor Exit Entry Immigration Inspection department in Shanghai is the example theExit Entry Immigration manage order of the international sail ships is connected with the customs efficiency and outward image .

  10. 开展预归类、预审价工作,加强通关效率的监控分析,促进通关效率不断提高。

    Carry out the work of pre-categorization and pre-examination of price , strengthen the supervision on and analysis to the efficiency of customs passage and shall promote the continuous increase of efficiency of customs passage .

  11. 为了提高通关效率以及一些现存的应用程序被用来处理当前的业务流程,因此从头建立一个新的基础环境是不可能的。

    In order to improve cargo clearance efficiency , as well as some existing application procedures are used to deal with current business processes , from scratch to establish a new foundation for the environment is not possible .

  12. 中方愿同各方加强政策协调,减少贸易和投资壁垒,进一步扩大市场准入,提高通关效率,切实使商品、技术、信息、人员往来更加通畅。

    China is ready to enhance policy coordination with other parties , reduce trade and investment barriers , widen market access and raise efficiency of customs clearance to ensure better flow of goods , technology , information and personnel .

  13. 基于关联规则的分组方法较原方法相比,极大减少了报关单电子数据的流转次数,提高了海关通关效率。

    By comparison the original method and the commodity grouping method of association rule , the circling time and frequency of declaration digital data in the course of manual documents checking is diminished , and higher customs clearing efficiency is reached .

  14. 因此,如何提高车辆进出停车场的通关效率和车辆停放安全性即是当前智能停车场管理系统迫切需要解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to improve means of vehicle access to parking lot , to ensure quick and safe access is currently an urgent task for intelligent car park management system to be resolved . A intelligent parking management system based on NPR is developed .

  15. 并从提高保税区管理层次,统一规范保税区政策,提高货物进出保税区的通关效率,相关外汇及税务政策协调统一,加强信息化水平,建立高效便捷的物流平台等方面提出相应的政策建议。

    The suggestions are also given for enhancing the administration of Guangzhou Free Trade Zone , unifying and standardizing its regulations , improving its custom efficiency , the unification and coordination of the tax and foreign currency policies , strengthening the information application , establishing efficient and convenient logistic platform .

  16. 大通关制度的提出,将有效改善空港口岸通关效率,但基于大通关模式空港口岸通关支持系统还有待完善。

    Customs clearance system will greatly improve the efficiency of airport customs clearance , but the airport customs clearance support system which based on customs clearance mode remains to be perfect .

  17. 随着世界贸易组织提倡贸易便利化,产业追求消除贸易壁垒的压力不断增加,催生了对通关便捷化的要求,现代化和信息化成为海关提高通关效率的必然趋势。

    As World Trade Organization promotes trade facilitation , the increasing pressure from industrial pursuit of elimination of the trade barriers raises the requirements of customs clearance facilitation .