
  • 网络Frauds on bills of lading
  1. 国际贸易中的提单欺诈问题探析

    On the Problems Concerning Bill of Lading Fraud in International Trade

  2. 但今天,提单欺诈己经成为目前海事欺诈的最主要形式。

    But currently , the fraud in bill of lading has become the main maritime cheat of most form .

  3. 第五章阐述了提单欺诈引发的提单改革,并对其有效做法作了分析评价;

    Chapter 5 the author introduce the reform of bill of lading because of the fraud in bill of lading , and commons on its effective method .

  4. 提单欺诈严重地破坏了提单基本制度,影响了国际贸易的顺利进行。

    The fraud in bill of lading has swindle and destroy the basic system of the bill of lading seriously , has influenced the harmony of international trade .

  5. 然而,随着国际贸易和航运的日益繁荣,提单欺诈亦疯狂的蔓延起来,已经危机到整个提单的正常运作机制,阻碍了国际贸易的顺利进行。

    But the fraud in bill of lading has swindle and destroy the basic system of the bill of lading seriously , that has influenced the harmony of international trade with the development and booming of international trade and ocean shipping .

  6. 随后通过对国际海事组织相关概念和著名学者提出的定义比较分析,提出了自己对提单欺诈的定义,为下面问题的探讨作了必要的理论铺垫。

    The ones that passed to the relevant concepts of International Maritime Organization and famous scholar 's proposition defined comparative analysis afterwards , have put forward the definition the fraud in bill of lading by myself , has done essential theory foreshadowing for the discussion of the following problem .

  7. 在最后一章里,笔者根据以上各章对提单欺诈及其引发问题的分析研究,对我国国内立法以及通过推动国际立法来达到反提单欺诈目的提出了建议。

    In the last chapter , I analysis and research of the problem to fraud in the bill of lading according to the above every chapter , and put forward the suggestion to the internal legislation of our country against the fraud in bill of lading through promoting internation legislating .