
shuǐ huò
  • smuggled goods;contraband goods;shoddy products;imports of questionable origin
水货 [shuǐ huò]
  • [smuggled goods] 原指水路运输的走私货,现也泛指对外贸易中通过非正常途径和不正当手段销售的货物

  1. 水货香水和化妆品现在常常通过邮购方式售卖。

    Grey-market perfumes and toiletries are now commonly sold by mail .

  2. 然而,对于一些中国消费者而言,苹果品牌具有强大的吸引力。事实证明,iPhone水货颇受一些富有消费者欢迎。

    However , Apple 's brand has strong appeal for some Chinese consumers , with grey-market imports of iPhones proving popular with some wealthy consumers .

  3. 据ESPN消息,NBA水货状元夸梅·布朗与飞人迈克尔·乔丹再度合作,让无数的NBA观察家大跌眼镜。

    To the surprise of many NBA observers , Kwame Brown and Michael Jordan are together again , ESPN reports .

  4. 对于iphone将给联通带来多大的提振作用,分析师们持怀疑态度,因为市场上不捆绑任何移动运营商的水货iphone随处可见。

    Analysts doubted how much of a boost the iPhone would provide to China Unicom as grey-market iPhones not tied to any operator are widely available .

  5. 为了逼A就范,B运用他的资金和规模优势,把产品降价到水货的价格销售,打击药店的正货销量。

    For forcing A for Fan , the B makes use of his funds and scale advantage , reducing price the product to the price sale of water goods , stroke medicine the positive goods of the store sell quantity .

  6. 天呐,看看你的衣服,真是水货!

    God , Look at your clothes , really parallel imports !

  7. 水货,其实就是国外的行货!

    Parallel , in fact , is licensed abroad !

  8. 兔保证以后不再卖水货了。

    Tu promised to stop selling H2Ogoods .

  9. 大家都知道布朗是乔丹当奇才总经理时选的水货状元。

    Also known as the absolutely horrendous first overall pick by MJ when he was GM for the Wizards .

  10. 此类商品通常被称为“灰色产品”(即我们所说的“水货”),在国际贸易和知识产权领域颇有争议。

    Parallel imports are often referred to as grey product , and are implicated in issues of international trade , and intellectual property .

  11. 如何分辨您购买的手机是否为没有保障的水货机呢!

    How to distinguish the mobile telephone that you purchase , whether it is the machine of commodities from abnormal channel of no guarantee !

  12. 这反而达到“本年夏天,”该发言人说,在一封邮件,虽然没有具体的上市日期只是还没有。水货手机。

    It will instead arrive " later this summer ," the spokesman said in ane-mail , though there is no specific launch date just yet .

  13. 苹果在中国拥有约1000家授权经销商,但这些远远赶不上销售苹果水货的店铺数量。

    The company has about 1,000 authorised resellers in the country but these are by far outnumbered by shops that sell Apple gadgets smuggled in from abroad .

  14. 如果你买嘅系“水货车”未出行车证的(所谓未出牌),应该可以有环保车首次在香港登记税务优惠。

    Depend on any first car registration for your new brand cars or imported car . I think nothing for the second-handed car deal in Hong Kong .

  15. 据报,布朗与乔丹的夏洛特山猫队已经签约,这名9年级的水货状元下一赛季的报酬仅仅为130万美元。

    Brown has reportedly signed with Michael Jordan 's Charlotte Bobcats in a deal which will earn the9-year veteran a minimum wage of US $ 1.3 million next season .

  16. 专业店之所以售后服务基本能保证,就在于它要自己维护自己的信誉和口碑,当然也不乏被水货替代的。

    The reason why the basic service specialty store can guarantee is that it should maintain their own credibility and reputation , of course , be no lack of alternative parallel .

  17. 香港居民抱怨称,很多内地游客都是水货客,他们来香港以低价购买商品,然后在内地以更高价格转卖。

    Hong Kong residents complain that many of the visitors are parallel traders who come to the territory to buy goods cheaply and then resell them at a higher price on the mainland .

  18. 一只鸡笼耶货运船《新华轮》今阿日透早驶去马祖路中船及十耶船员去乎中国掠水货耶挟船押去福建,理由是查裀走私。

    A Keelung cargo ship , including a crew of ten , en route to Mazo ( Matsu ) was hijacked by China 's customs authority in Fujian early this morning on suspicion of smuggling .

  19. 国产品牌机,优势在于价格低,变化及风格与市场上的衣服一样随着潮流走,但是与水货比,就没有什么优势了!

    China-made brands , the advantage of low prices , and changes in style and market the same clothes as the trend , but with more than parallel , there will be no advantage of what !