
  • 网络horizontal transfer;lateral transfer
  1. 玉米接种AM真菌使Se的水平迁移减弱,GM作用优于GC,刺槐接种AM真菌对Se水平迁移影响较小。

    Zea mays inoculation with AM fungi reduced the horizontal migration , and the influence of GM was higher than GC . RPL inoculation with AM fungi had little influence on Se horizontal migration . 5 .

  2. 此外,HCHs和DDTs含量都与黄河较接近,体现了其作为支流与黄河水平迁移和输送的密切关系。

    Moreover , the contents of HCHs and DDTs of Qin River were similar to those of the Yellow River , which showed a close relationship to Yellow River in the level of migration and transport .

  3. 其中原子水平迁移是薄膜热弛豫的主要途径,入射原子的注入和迁移行为相互竞争,决定了薄膜生长的模式和最终结构。

    The transverse migration of the atoms is the main route of film relaxation . The competition between atomic implantation and migration determines the growth mode and final structures of the film .

  4. 在教学中应注重对学生发散性思维的培养,加强逆向思维的训练,冲破单向思维定势,实现知识的水平迁移;

    In teaching , we should attach importance to the cultivation of students ' volatilization thinking , strengthen the training of adverse thinking , break through one-way thinking , realize the horizontal transference of knowledge .

  5. 鄱阳湖饶河段重金属污染水平与迁移特性

    Characteristics of heavy metals contaminant status and migration in Raohe River of Lake Poyang

  6. 建筑物水平旋转迁移技术适用于建筑朝向发生改变的迁移工程,其技术核心包括旋转迁移路线、旋转中心确定和旋转迁移的同步控制。

    Key points of the technique are the selection of the moving path , determination of the rotating center and synchronous control of rotation and movement .

  7. 在社区特征方面,社区非农产业发展水平和迁移网络对农村女性劳动力流动转移产生了重要影响,农村女性劳动力流动转移与社区非农产业发展水平成反比,与社区迁移网络水平成正比。

    For community characteristics , community non-agricultural industry development and transfer networks have an important impact on rural female labor flow and transfer and it is proportional to the level of non-agricultural industry development and inversely proportional to the level of community transfer networks .

  8. 以初中生为被试、以平面几何问题为材料进行实验研究,探讨他们的推理能力、认知风格及其对先后问题之间存在共性关系的意识水平对解题迁移的协同影响。

    The influence of awareness of isomorphic problems with student 's reasoning ability and cognitive style on geometry problem solving transfer has been examined through experimental research .

  9. 结果表明:(1)当靶题是低难度或高难度问题时,解题者对靶题与源题之间共性关系的意识及加工水平对解题迁移的影响没有显著差异;

    The results showed that during the process of mathematical problem solving , the level of awareness of related problems was one of the major factors that influenced the effect of problem solving transfer .

  10. 分别是:写作体裁,语言水平,母语迁移,语用迁移,学校正式教育等。最后,本文对研究结果进行了总结,指出了不足之处,并为后续研究提出了设想。

    They are : genre , L2 proficiency , mother tongue transfer , pragmatic transfer and formal instruction . Finally , the findings are concluded and the limitations of the study are pointed out and some future researches are suggested .

  11. 因此,农村劳动力需要很大的城乡工资差距水平才愿意迁移;并且随着农村居民收入水平的提高,其心理评价也会提高,家人离别的心理成本就会增加,农村劳动力的迁移意愿就会降低。

    Consequently , China rural labors need quite a huge level of urban-rural wage gap to migrate . And peasants ' mental evaluation is increasing as their income increases . If the urban-rural wage gap is as the same as before , their willingness of migration will decrease .

  12. 多环芳烃在水平方向上的迁移存在色谱效应。

    There was a chromatographic effects in the horizontal migration of the PAHs .

  13. 不同阅读水平对组织策略迁移的影响

    Reading ability 's effect on the transfer of organizational strategy in text reading

  14. 利用狭长通道的小型实验台模拟研究了火灾烟气毒性成分在水平方向上的迁移规律。

    Numerical simulation and experimental study of influence of ventilation on temperature distribution in long and narrow space ;

  15. 在水平组件中的迁移试验是核素在含水层迁移试验的重要组成部分。

    The tracer migration test in horizontal assembly is an important part of the field tracer migration test of nuclides in aquifer .

  16. 此外,居住地类型(环境)、交通条件以及经济发展水平对农村劳动力迁移选择影响显著。

    In addition , the kind of residence ( Environment ), traffic conditions and economic development level have a great influence on rural labor migration option .

  17. 家庭户规模继续缩小,主要是由于我国生育水平不断下降、迁移流动人口增加、年轻人婚后独立居住等因素的影响。

    The shrinking of household size was caused by the continued decline of fertility , the increase of population migration and the independent living arrangement of young couples after marriage .

  18. 实验2探讨阅读水平对组织策略迁移的影响,结果表明,阅读水平高与低的读者,均需要进行提示才能实现策略迁移。

    The result showed that the transfer of organizational strategy may happen when the indication is given to the readers . In experiment 2 , the influence of reading ability on the transfer of organizational strategy was studied .

  19. 同时实验数据也反映了在最小图上的全局近似最优剖分可能是初始图的局部最优剖分,需要加强多水平优化阶段的迁移优化算法逃离局部最优的能力。

    Meanwhile , the experiments show that the approximate global minimum partition of the coarsest graph may be the local minimum partition of the finest graph and we need to strengthen the global search ability of refinement algorithm in the refinement phase . 3 .

  20. 要提高学生的元认知水平需从提高教师的认知水平以及学生的认知能力、动机水平、迁移策略与认知策略等方面入手。

    In order to raise students ' standard of metacognition , we must first raise teachers ' cognitive standard and students ' cognitive ability , motivation level , transfer strategy and metacognition strategy , etc.