
  • 网络Mercury
  1. 白宫记者会秘书MikeMcCurry被问到这件事时,随机应变回答说,林肯纪念碑也被卖了,现在被命名为福特水星汽车纪念碑。

    It would now be known , he said , as the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial .

  2. 历经70余载,福特水星汽车即将淡出市场。

    After more than 70 years , Mercury is .

  3. 因此盖茨的反攻计划是从汽车行业乃至起居室设备入手,将微软同步播放音乐和接听电话的技术整合到所有的福特、福特水星、林肯汽车2009年新款车模型上。

    Instead gates planned to bounce from cars_microsoft 's sync technology for playing music and making phone calls should be in all ford , mercury and Lincoln vehicles in the2009 model year_to the living room .