
  • 网络MITSUBISHI;mitsubishi motors;MMC;Mitsubishi Motors Corp;Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
  1. 三菱汽车急于在欧洲市场上取得初步的立足之地。

    Mitsubishi Motors were anxious to get a toehold in the European market .

  2. 马自达(MazdaMotorCorp.MazdaMotorCorp)和三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotorsCorp.)均报告上个月在华销售大幅下滑。

    Both Mazda Motor Corp. and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. reported sharp declines in Chinese sales last month .

  3. 三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)已承认自己故意更改了测试数据,以证明其在日本销售的四款微型车具有更低的耗油率。

    Mitsubishi Motors has admitted it deliberately altered testing data to show better fuel consumption rates for four of its mini-car models sold in Japan .

  4. 日本国土交通省官员突击搜查了三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)研发中心。此前,该公司承认伪造了逾60万辆汽车的燃油经济性数据。

    Japanese regulators have raided the research and development centre of Mitsubishi Motors after the carmaker admitted to falsifying fuel economy data on more than 600000 vehicles .

  5. 上周承认夸大旗下一些车型的燃油经济性后深陷丑闻的三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)的高管们并未来到北京。

    Executives from Mitsubishi Motors , which became engulfed in scandal last week after admitting the fuel economy performance of some of its cars had been exaggerated , did not come to Beijing . Christian Shepherd

  6. 三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)是日产规模较小的竞争对手。供应商及其他接近三菱公司的人士称,该公司正考虑在泰国制造微型车的类似计划,将面向包括日本在内的全球市场销售。

    Mitsubishi Motors , Nissan 's smaller rival , is considering a similar plan to build an ultra-compact car in Thailand for export to global markets including Japan , according to suppliers and others close to the company .

  7. 三菱汽车昨日表示,从今年年中开始,该公司将从标致采购2.2升柴油发动机,用于三菱欧蓝德(Outlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Mitsubishi Motors Corporation yesterday said that from the middle of this year it would start procuring 2.2-litre diesel engines from Peugeot for its Outlander sports utility vehicles .

  8. 日本第四大汽车制造商铃木汽车(SuzukiMotor)表示,它使用了不恰当的方法来检测其汽车的燃油效率。这一披露导致该公司股价下挫9.4%,外界担心,可能会有更多的公司被始于三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)的丑闻波及。

    Suzuki Motor says it has been using improper methods to test the fuel economy of its vehicles , sending its stock down 9.4 per cent as the disclosure triggered concerns more companies could be affected by the scandal that began with Mitsubishi Motors .

  9. 法国和日本的调查人员昨日突击搜查了标致(Peugeot)和三菱汽车(MitsubishiMotors)的办公室,这些互不关联的调查涉及车辆性能和排放。同时英国发表的一份报告称,37款柴油汽车未能通过英国的排放测试。

    Investigators in France and Japan yesterday raided offices of Peugeot and Mitsubishi Motors in separate probes related to vehicle performance and emissions , while the UK released a report saying 37 different diesel cars in the UK failed emissions tests .

  10. 十多年前,我就听说三菱汽车要把它的一款汽车叫作Dingo,我当时以为他们是在开玩笑。

    When I heard , just over a decade ago , that Mitsubishi was going to name a car " Dingo ," I thought they were joking .

  11. 三菱汽车表示自己将全力配合调查,该公司社长相川哲郎(TetsuroAikawa)也就不当行为表示道歉。

    Mitsubishi said it was fully co-operating with the investigation , and Tetsuro Aikawa , president , has apologised for the misconduct .

  12. 美国当局已经要求三菱汽车提供有关其发动机的信息,但三菱汽车执行副社长中尾龙吾(RyugoNakao)表示,该公司还未发现任何证据表明其在日本以外存在不实燃油经济性数据。

    US authorities have requested information from Mitsubishi about itsengines , but Ryugo Nakao , executive vice-president , said the company had notfound any evidence that the false fuel economy data were carried out outside ofJapan .

  13. 三菱汽车公司发言人则拒绝对此事作出评论。

    A Mitsubishi Motors spokesman declined to comment .

  14. 三菱汽车的正确使用经验谈

    Correct Opertion of Mitsubishi Motor Vehicles

  15. 三菱汽车的缸内直喷汽油发动机

    Cylinder-in Direct Ignition Engine of Mitsubishi

  16. 三菱汽车旨在制造廉价的汽车基于与日产汽车公司联合开发的小型汽车。

    Mitsubishi Motors aims to manufacture low-priced vehicles based on minicars jointly developed with Nissan Motor Co.

  17. 三菱汽车后桥导向轴承座孔的修理

    Repair of Bearing Support of Motor Vehicle Rear Axle Main Driving Gear of Mitsubishi Company Japan Truck

  18. 在国内市场不断萎缩和在其重要的美国市场形象受损的情况下,三菱汽车仍面临一场挑战。

    MMC still faces a struggle amid a shrinking home market and a tarnished image in the all-important US market .

  19. 他还表示,三菱汽车将成立一个委员会来调查此事,委员会将由外部专家组成。

    The company will set up a committee to look into the issue consisting of outside experts , he added .

  20. 三菱汽车表示,该公司之前使用的测试方法和美国所用的方法一样。

    The tests Mitsubishi had used were the same as those used in the US , according to the company .

  21. 2004年,三菱汽车承认隐瞒汽车缺陷达数十年,在爆出那起汽车安全性丑闻后,三菱汽车获得了三菱集团的一笔纾困资金。

    In 2004 , it received a Mitsubishi group bailout following asafety scandal where the company admitted to hiding vehicle defects fordecades .

  22. 三菱汽车表示,该公司相信其在其他国家使用的测试方法是正确的,但补充说将向日本以外的有关部门提供证据。

    Mitsubishi said it believed testing methods were correct in othercountries , but added it would provide evidence to relevant authorities outsideof Japan .

  23. 日本国土交通省拒绝就可能会对三菱汽车施加的处罚置评,称自己的调查还处于初期阶段。

    The transport ministry declined to comment on what penalties it might impose on Mitsubishi , saying its inquiry was at an early stage .

  24. 但由于三菱汽车在两家合作伙伴中的股权都比较小,它对它们如何运营工厂和销售部门都很难实现控制。

    But because it has small stakes in those two partners , Mitsubishi has had difficulty controlling how they run factories and sales operations , which Mr.

  25. 文章分析了三菱汽车主动稳定牵引控制系统(M-ASTC)的结构及原理,探讨了提高汽车主动安全的方法。

    The structure and principle of Mitsubishi active stability and traction control system are analyzed , and the methods to advance vehicle active safety are discussed .

  26. 据悉,三菱汽车向其财务支持方要求更多援助,以抵消公司众多召回造成的日益增长的成本。

    It is understood that MMC asked its financial backers for more aid in a bid to offset the growing cost of the company 's numerous recalls .

  27. 三菱汽车展开的一次内部调查发现,该公司的测试方法并未遵守日本法律的规定。这次内部调查是由日产方面提出的问题引发的。

    An internal investigation , triggered by questions raised by Nissan , found that the company 's testing method did not comply with requirements under Japanese law .

  28. 日本国土交通省表示,其官员搜查了三菱汽车位于日本中部冈崎的实验室,所谓的不当行为据信就是在这里发生的。

    The transport ministry said its officials raided Mitsubishi 's laboratories in Okazaki , central Japan , where the alleged misconduct is believed to have taken place .

  29. 三菱汽车尚未决定将进行多少赔偿,以及是否需要从三菱集团内部寻求财务支持以支付这项成本。

    The company has yet to decide what compensation it will pay and whetherit will need to seek financial support from within the Mitsubishi group tocover the costs .

  30. 三菱汽车表示,这一不当测试方法只用于在日本销售的车辆,但公司仍将调查销往海外市场的车辆。

    Mitsubishi Motors said the improper testing method was carried out for vehicles sold in Japan , and that it will also investigate cars sold in overseas markets .