
  • 网络sanlu group;Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group;san lu group
  1. 高强说,三鹿集团应该要承担大部分的责任。

    " Sanlu Group should take a large part of the responsibility ," said Gao .

  2. 该案件是一起典型的大规模侵权案件,三鹿集团也因此破产。

    The incident was a typical mass tort case . Sanlu Group therefore went into bankruptcy .

  3. 这种局面下最大的受益者就是新西兰。新西兰国家级乳品联营公司恒天然(Fonterra)曾与三鹿集团合作,还揭发过三鹿奶粉掺杂三聚氰胺的情况。

    One of the biggest beneficiaries has been New Zealand , whose national dairy co-operative Fonterra had partnered Sanlu and blew the whistle on the melamine adulteration .

  4. 上周四,三鹿集团被勒令停产,并发布了全面召回声明。调查人员此前发现,三鹿奶粉中含有的化学物质三聚氰胺(melamine)造成了婴儿患肾结石。三聚氰胺通常用于生产塑料、化肥和清洁产品。

    Sanlu was ordered to halt production and issue a general recall on Thursday after investigators found that the chemical melamine – which is normally used in plastics , fertilisers and cleaning products – in its milk powder was causing kidney stones in infants .

  5. 2008年,三元在检测中未发现带有三聚氰胺的产品,不过该公司后来收购了许多三鹿集团(Sanlu)的资产。三鹿集团是一家总部位于与河北省的国有婴儿奶粉生产商,该集团正是三聚氰胺丑闻的当事人。

    Sanyuan products tested free of melamine products in 2008 , but it subsequently bought many of the assets of state-owned formula maker Sanlu based in neighbouring Hebei province , which was at the centre of the scandal .

  6. 三鹿集团对此事件的反应更是使整个丑闻变的更加糟糕。

    The scandal was worsened by the way Sanlu reacted to the affair .

  7. 目前已经破产的三鹿集团董事长被判处无期徒刑。

    The chairwoman of the now bankrupt Sanlu dairy group was jailed for life .

  8. 三鹿集团董事长田文华定于星期三出庭。

    Sanlu group 's chairwoman ( Tian Wenhua ) is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday .

  9. 1968年,她26岁,她加入了石家庄农场,也就是三鹿集团的前身。

    At26 , she joined the Shijiazhuang Dairy Farm , the predecessor of Sanlu Group , in1968 .

  10. 中国河北省的三鹿集团生产的婴幼儿奶粉成为此次事件的罪魁祸首。

    Infant milk powder produced by Sanlu Group in China 's Hebei Province was the main culprit .

  11. 周五在公司指挥部,三鹿集团的官员拒接了八个不同来源的电话。

    Sanlu officials did not answer calls to eight different phone numbers at the company 's headquarters on Friday .

  12. 卫生部表示,所有患儿看来都食用了石家庄三鹿集团生产的配方奶粉。

    The ministry said that all the sickened children appear to have consumed formula made by Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co.

  13. 之后,比较系统地研究了石家庄三鹿集团公司综合一体化发展战略。

    Afterwards the paper establishes the company 's development strategy-the Scheme of Integrated Development Strategy of Shijiazhuang Sanlu Milk Group .

  14. 据国家级媒体报道,三鹿集团忽视了自去年12月就有家长和医生警告孩子已经患病。

    State media reported the company ignored warnings as early as last December from parents and doctors that babies were being sickened .

  15. 河北省政府已经要求该省受污染奶粉生产商&三鹿集团停止生产。

    The government of Hebei Province has ordered Sanlu Group , the Hebei-based producer of the contaminated milk powder , to stop production .

  16. 随着企业专业化程度的加深,三鹿集团将奶源外包生产,于是造成了信息不对称和外部性。

    With the deepening of enterprise degree of specialization , Sanlu Group will outsource production of milk , thus creating information asymmetries and externalities .

  17. 在这种情况下,三元乳业收购原三鹿集团后2009年在河北市场开展了一系列的整合营销传播活动。

    In this situation , Sanyuan dairy firm launched a series of Integrated Marketing Communication ( IMC ) activities after acquisitioning Sanlu dairy group .

  18. 最后,创造性的运用动态的定量选择方法,分阶段的选出三鹿集团最佳发展战略,并以此为指导确定三鹿集团2002-2006年发展战略的各项指标。

    Finally , dynamic quantitative elective method has been chosen to achieve the optimal development stratagem and guidelines from 2002 to 2006 for Sanlu Group .

  19. 这起丑闻导致主要牛奶生产企业石家庄三鹿集团倒闭,公司董事长入狱,两名被告被判死刑。

    That led to the failure of major milk producer Shijiazhuang Sanlu Milk , a jail term for the Sanlu chief and two death sentences .

  20. 三鹿集团管理层头头以及石家庄市的政府官员都为此不得不辞去职位。同样在周三,香港食品安全部分也发现在日本企业在中国生产的奶酪蛋糕中发现三聚氰胺。

    Top Sanlu executives and government officials in the northern city of Shijiazhuang , where the company is based , have been forced to resign .

  21. 恒天然称对三鹿集团破产并不感到意外。该公司已经将其对三鹿集团2.01亿新西兰元(约合1.14亿美元)的投资全部减记。

    Fonterra , which has completely written off its NZ $ 201m ( $ 114m ) investment in San Lu , said the bankruptcy was no surprise .

  22. 这位发言人说,三鹿集团请求官员帮助控制有关毒牛奶的媒体反应,以减轻对公众的负面影响。

    The spokesman says the company asked officials to help it manage media response to the tainted milk situation in order to lessen negative impact on the public .

  23. 高强称,三鹿集团对此事进行了调查,并开始暗中召回一些产品,但没有将此事立即上报政府部门。

    Gao , the health official , said the company investigated the matter and began quietly recalling some of its product but didn 't immediately inform the government .

  24. 他们的痛苦,部门、官员、三鹿集团、知情不报的传媒人都有份「赐予」。

    Such misery some officials , some Sanlu managers and some media workers that have helped cover the scandal up have worked together to " bestow " on them .

  25. 论文利用企业战略管理理论的分析框架,通过定性和定量相结合的分析方法,研究三鹿集团的未来发展规划,为集团的战略发展提供了理论依据和行动方案。

    Adopted the framework analysis of the enterprise stratagem management theory , this paper has provided the growth strategy , academic basis as well as action projects for Sanlu Group .

  26. 中国奶制品公司三鹿集团的大股东新西兰恒天然集团表示因质量问题三鹿集团已宣布召回一批婴幼儿配方奶粉。

    The New Zealand-based Fonterra , a major investor in the Chinese dairy firm Sanlu says the company has recalled a line of baby formula after a " quality " issue .

  27. 该协会表示,负债11亿元的河北三鹿集团上周向当地法院提出破产申请。三鹿也在22家提供赔偿金的企业之列。

    The association said Hebei-based Sanlu Group , which filed a bankruptcy petition to a local court last week with a debt of1.1 billion yuan , was among the22 companies providing compensation .

  28. 中国主流商业杂志《财经》报道说,本案中的男孩从他出生的时候就开始食用三鹿集团制造的婴儿配方奶粉。

    According to the lawsuit , the boy was fed baby formula made by Sanlu from the time of his birth , said the report by Caijing , a leading Chinese business magazine .

  29. 三鹿集团经过40多年的艰苦创业,已由一卖奶的小合作社,发展成为集奶牛饲养、乳品加工、科研开发为一体的大型企业集团。

    Sanlu Group has already become a large enterprise from a small milk selling artel after more than 40 years ' carve-out , including cow breeding , dairy products processing , design and research .

  30. 丑闻上周首次传出,中国最大的婴儿奶粉制造商之一,三鹿集团宣布,他们生产的奶粉受到三聚氰胺污染,导致婴儿肾结石等一系列症状。

    The scandal first emerged last week when the Sanlu Group , China 's biggest baby milk maker , announced that some babies had developed kidney stones and complications after drinking milk made from powder tainted with melamine .