
  • 网络Yili Group;Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group
  1. 市场的广阔与多变,使得作为中国乳品企业龙头老大的伊利集团公司也面临着严峻的考验。

    Vast and diverse market , making the Yili Group which is the leader of Chinese dairy companies is also facing a severe test .

  2. 第二篇介绍了伊利集团及其后勤服务系统的基本情况,结合案例进行分析并提出伊利集团后勤改革的方案;

    The second chapter introduces the general conditions through some case and refer to logistics managerial system revolution 's project .

  3. 分析研究国内外其他知名乳制品企业的核心竞争力建设状况,最后提出了伊利集团提高企业核心竞争力的具体途径。

    Through study the domestic and international famous diary products enterprises , at last put forward how YiLi-Group to set up and strengthen her core competence .