
  • 网络hyper competition;hyper-competition
  1. 然而,在目前的超级竞争市场上,阶段性的版本发布在经济上已不再是可行的了。

    In today 's hyper-competitive market , however , staged releases are no longer economically viable .

  2. 我认为世界上有两种人——不惜一切代价也要赢的超级竞争狂和我们这些剩下的人。

    I think there are two sorts of people - the hypercompetitive who insist on winning whatever the cost , and the rest of us .

  3. 这也是造成超级大国竞争的一个原因。

    It is also a cause of superpower rivalry .

  4. 文章还提出当前战略管理的发展态势,即极度(超级)竞争和动态竞争。

    Finally , it advances the two development trends of strategic management , including hyper-competition and dynamic competitive strategy .

  5. 枪手自始至终一直在欧洲超级俱乐部竞争中,但是温格的球队一直作得不够。

    The Gunners have been tipped to go all the way in Europe 's prestigious club competition , but Arsene Wenger 's side have consistently fallen short of the mark .

  6. 随着时间的推移国外公司操作这种不平衡来达到他们的目标,他们发展自己的产业到一定的程度后,他们就能够和经济超级大国竞争。

    Over time foreign firms have manipulated this imbalance to meet their own goals and have grown their industries to such an extent that they are able to compete with the economic super-powers .

  7. 在二战后的时代背景下,美苏两个超级大国的竞争让人们把矛头指向了美国的进步教育。

    After World War ⅱ, the competition between the two super powers-the United States and the Soviet Union-makes people targeted their contradiction to American progressive education .

  8. 该算法在一定程度上克服了引发算法早熟的超级个体和封闭竞争问题。

    This algorithm overcomes " super-individual " and " close competition " problems which lead premature of SGA in a way .

  9. 但这不可能成功,因为中国不会被视为屈服于超级大国地位唯一竞争对手的压力。

    But it cannot succeed because China will not be seen as giving in to pressure from its only rival for superpower status .