
  • 网络Strategic Management Theory
  1. 首先,运用企业战略管理理论和SWOT模型分析决定浏阳市国有粮食行业资源重组模式;

    First , enterprise strategic management theory and SWOT model analysis are adopted to decide the re-structuring mode ;

  2. 根据N房地产公司的实际情况,结合企业战略管理理论,明确了以差异化战略为主、低成本战略与集中化战略为辅的战略发展定位。

    According to the actual situation of the N real estate company , with corporate strategic management theory , a clear differentiation strategy , positioning strategy development , supplemented by low-cost strategy and decentralization strategy .

  3. 本文在第一章阐述了企业战略管理理论的内涵及SWOT分析模型的原理和运用方法。

    In Chapter 1 of this thesis , the theory of enterprise strategy management , the SWOT analysis mould and its usage are expounded .

  4. 以波特为代表的战略管理理论继承了传统产业组织(IO)的范式,采用一种由外而内(outside-in)的研究方法。

    With the outside-in research approach , Porter adopts the " S-C-P " paradigm of the Industrial Organization theory .

  5. 然后,利用战略管理理论中的SWOT分析法分析广西民办高校的竞争环境,包括自身的优势、劣势与宏观方面的机遇、威胁。

    Thirdly , through using SWOT analytic method of the strategy management theory , this search analysis the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities , threats of the private colleges in Guangxi .

  6. 本文的研究思路是以战略管理理论为基础,在对传统的财务管理与战略进行分析与评价的基础上,构建了基于EVA的企业财务战略。

    This article research mentality is take the strategic management theory as a foundation , in carries on the analysis and in the appraisal foundation to the traditional financial control and the strategy , has constructed based on the EVA enterprise financial strategy .

  7. 第二部分首先介绍了战略管理理论及其发展史,其次介绍了国内外主要战略学派的战略分析方法,如:宏观环境分析模型(PEST)、波特五力竞争模型、SWOT分析模型等。

    Strategic management theory and its phylogeny are introduced at first in the second part . Secondly the strategy analysis methods of main school at home and abroad are presented , for instance , PEST , Five Forces model and SWOT analytical mode and so on .

  8. 鉴于以上的情况,本文结合DH集团的具体案例和相关绩效管理的理论知识,结合战略管理理论,提出DH集团的绩效管理的进一步优化建议。

    In view of the above situation , this paper combines the theoretical knowledge of specific cases of DH group and the related performance management , combined with strategic management theory , puts forward suggestions of performance management of DH group .

  9. 第二章回顾了企业战略管理理论的演进、波特的竞争战略理论与SWOT分析法,同时梳理了相关的企业竞争力与商业银行竞争力的理论,并阐述了股份制商业银行竞争力的来源。

    The second chapter reviews the progress of enterprise strategic management theory , Competition Strategy Theory by Michael E. Porter and SWOT analysis tool . It also summaries and surveys the theory about relative enterprise competitiveness , commercial competitiveness and the sauce of the shareholding commercial bank competitiveness .

  10. 本文以有关组织设计和组织战略管理理论为指导,通过对CSIC的技术、资源和能力进行分析,得出其人才职务体系的特点,提出了CSIC企事业单位人才职位数量控制的参考标准;

    Under the guidance of the theories of organization design and organization strategy management , this thesis concludes the characteristics of personnel function system , and expounds the reference standards of controlling the number of personnel positions of corporations of CSIC through analyzing technology , resource and ability of CSIC ;

  11. 第一部分是战略管理理论回顾,介绍战略及战略管理涵义、战略管理理论的发展历程,对战略管理管理理论观点综述。

    The first part is the review of strategic management theory .

  12. 第二章阐述了所涉及的战略管理理论依据。

    The second chapter expounds theoretical basis involved in strategic management .

  13. 企业战略管理理论形成的两条线

    Two Threads of Forming the Theory of Corporation Strategic Management

  14. 基于协同学的公司战略管理理论框架

    The Theory Outline of Corporation Strategy Management Basing on Synergetics

  15. 企业战略管理理论成因的另类视角

    Other perspective on cause of formation of theory of enterprise strategy management

  16. 战略管理理论研究知识结构及其动态演进

    Knowledge Structure of Strategic Management Research and Its Dynamic Evolution

  17. 基于网络经济下的企业战略管理理论与实证研究

    The Theory and Substantial Evidence Research of Enterprise Strategy Management Based on Network Economy

  18. 三种战略管理理论的比较分析

    Comparative analysis on three theories of strategic management

  19. 提出从知识整合角度业研究企业动态能力,企业的管理水平。探讨动态能力的提升路径,以期对战略管理理论和实践有所借鉴。

    Studying dynamic capabilities based on knowledge integration , expect to enhance strategic management theory .

  20. 企业战略管理理论的演进与发展

    On the evolution of strategy management theory

  21. 企业战略管理理论的演变及发展趋势

    Evolution and tendency of strategy management theories

  22. 战略管理理论新思维&战略生态管理

    New Strategic Theory : Ecological Strategic Management

  23. 企业进化论是现代企业理论和战略管理理论的一个重要学派。

    Enterprises evolutionism is a main school of the theory of modern enterprise and strategy management .

  24. 其次,运用新制度经济学理论、组织网络理论和组织学习理论以及战略管理理论(价值链、企业能力理论)对跨国战略联盟的形成机理进行了解释。

    Secondly , it uses various theories to explain the forming mechanism of multinational strategy alliance .

  25. 首先对战略管理理论以及供应商选择和管理方面的理论进行归纳总结。

    Firstly , this paper sums up strategic theories and theories related to supplier selection and management .

  26. 与此同时,战略管理理论与实践也在不断的发展。

    At the same time , the theory and practice of strategic management also continue to develop .

  27. 第2章理论借鉴,主要介绍了战略管理理论和战略营销理论;

    In the second chapter , I will introduce the theory of strategic management and strategic marketing .

  28. 在对湖北省能源供需量准确预测的条件下,本文结合战略管理理论,提出了湖北省能源发展战略和相关企业的对策研究。

    Under this condition , the paper puts forwards the development strategy of Hubei province and relative corporations .

  29. 在此背景下,超越竞争成为战略管理理论发展的一个新热点。

    Under this situation , the surmounting competition becomes a new hot spot of the strategic management theories .

  30. 古典战略管理理论假设环境相对稳定,或是可测和基本可测的。

    The classic strategic management theory always presumes the circumstances are relatively stable , measurable or generally measurable .