
  1. 战略缺口理论(TyjeeandOsland)也认为当外界环境对企业的要求与企业依靠自身能力所能达到的目标之间存在战略缺口时,可以通过战略联盟弥补这种能力的不足。

    According to strategic gap theory ( Tyjee & Osland ), when there is a strategic gap between the requirement of the environment and the goal that companies can achieve , companies can acquire the needed competence through SAs .

  2. 知识交易成本理论、核心竞争力理论以及战略缺口理论,为知识联盟型虚拟企业跨组织界面的知识共享提供了理论基础和实现必要性。

    Knowledge transaction cost theory , core competence theory and strategy gap theory provide theoretical foundation and completion necessity of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in knowledge-linked virtual enterprise .

  3. 通过整合钻石模型、战略缺口和战略协同理论以及社会资本理论,在产学研合作网络结构和特征研究的基础上阐述了产学研合作网络的功能机制。

    Through integrate diamond model , strategic gaps and strategic coordination theory and social capital theory , based on the research of cooperation network ' structure and characteristics , explained the functions of the cooperation network .