
  • 网络strategic supplier
  1. 供应链中战略供应商选择的多级模糊综合评价

    Multistage fuzzy comprehensive appraisal of strategic suppliers ' selection in SCM

  2. 汽车制造业战略供应商评价与选择研究

    The Evaluation and Selection Study of Strategic Suppliers for Automotive Manufacturers

  3. 本文得出的研究成果有:(l)建立基于供应链的制造型企业战略供应商评选的综合指标体系,并提出一套评选方法;

    The research achievements : ( 1 ) A comprehensive index system of strategic supplier selection is established .

  4. 基于组合赋权的战略供应商评价选择研究

    Study of Strategic Vendor Selection Based on Combined Weight

  5. 其中,在绿色供应链管理的成功实施中,绿色战略供应商起着重要的作用。

    Green strategic supplier is playing an important role of green supply chain strategy implement .

  6. 企业开始重视并加强与战略供应商之间的合作。

    Companies begin to pay more attention to strengthen the cooperation with suppliers , especially with strategic suppliers .

  7. 壳牌最近还选定艾默生为其全球战略供应商,提供测量压力、温度和流量的现场仪表。

    Shell also recently selected Emerson as a global strategic supplier of pressure , temperature and flow field instruments .

  8. 越来越多的企业开始加强与供应商之间的合作,尤其是与战略供应商保持密切合作关系。

    More and more enterprises begin to strengthen co-operation with suppliers , especially to maintain close cooperation with strategic suppliers .

  9. 文章尝试从供应链的角度对房地产开发企业材料类战略供应商的评价与选择展开研究。

    This article attempts to launch a research on strategic material supplier evaluation and selection from the angle of supply chain .

  10. 因此,为了能达到这一目的,所选择的战略供应商必须具备良好质量能力、生产能力、技术能力、服务能力、安全能力及社会责任感。

    Therefore , the selected supplier should be with very good quality capability , production capability , technical capability , service , security & social responsibility .

  11. 通过合理地选择战略供应商能在一定程度上起到整合行业供应链的作用,降低营运风险。

    With the increasingly fierce market competition , the supply chain of industry can be integrated to some extent for reduced operation risk by selecting strategic suppliers .

  12. 这些能力也就成了构建了战略供应商评价的指标体系。(2)战略供应商的选择与评价是一个十分复杂的过程,需要分步完成。

    These capabilities build up the strategic supplier evaluation index matrix . ( 2 ) Strategic supplier selection process is complex and need to be performed by steps .

  13. 战略供应商的培育模式应根据自身市场规模与发展预期进行抉择,并提出了国内汽车制造商&供应商关系的相机抉择模型。

    It is found that the decisions on the cultivation of strategic supplier should be made based on their production scale , and a corresponding model was offered .

  14. 本文首先分析了战略供应商选择的目的与意义,描述了战略供应商选择和管理的步骤及信息采集来源。

    This paper makes a thorough research on the three aspects of strategic supplier management : the supplier selection part , the supplier relationship management part and the supplier evaluation part .

  15. 采用模糊数学方法对战略供应商选择进行多级模糊综合评价,旨在对战略供应商的综合实力进行合理判断。

    Based on the analysis of the multistage index , the multistage fuzzy comprehensive appraisal is carried out of strategic suppliers ' selection by utilizing fuzzy mathematical method with the purpose of passing rational judgment on the strategic suppliers ' comprehensive capability .

  16. XM公司战略伙伴供应商的选择与评价研究

    Selection and Evaluation on Strategic Partnership Supplier to XM Company

  17. 汽车企业要想健康快速的发展离不开对战略型供应商的选择。

    Auto companies can not develop well and healthy without the supplier selection .

  18. 供应商管理战略从供应商绩效管理、供应商关系管理、供应商质量管理三方面分别进行研究论述。

    The supplier management strategy will discuss the management of supplier performance , relationship and quality , respectively .

  19. 第一,为公司提出了建立战略伙伴供应商的指导思想,第二,建立了战略伙伴供应商的评价与选择流程,第三,建立了战略伙伴供应商的评估与激励机制。

    First , I propose the guiding ideology for establishment of strategic partnership supplier . Second , I establish the process to strategic partnership supplier evaluation and selection .

  20. 而在绿色供应链管理中重要的一环就是选择合适的供应链合作伙伴,尤其是选择符合具有可持续发展战略的供应商。

    In the green supply chain management , it is an important part to choose the right supply chain partners , especially choose the suppliers with sustainable development strategy .

  21. 对于今后的发展,作者认为,更多关注的应该是建立战略伙伴供应商程序中的细节问题,如评价方法的选取,激励与评估机制的选取等。

    For future development , I believe that more attention should be the detail problems to establishment of strategic partnership supplier , such as selection to evaluation method as well as incentive and evaluation mechanism .

  22. 本文以江苏电信SDH传输设备为例,构建供应商评价指标体系,并提出一种基于群决策求解不确定信息下战略型物料供应商评价指标权重模型。

    As SDH transmission equipment in Jiangsu Telecom for example , this paper builds supplier evaluation index system and advances the model to solve the supplier evaluation index weight under uncertain information on the basis of group decision-making .

  23. 然后给出了战略外包中供应商伙伴关系的特点,建立步骤。

    Then we point out the character of supplier relationship in strategic outsourcing and construction step .

  24. 接着就战略合作伙伴供应商关系的维护和优化提升管理的几个主要方面进行了深入分析。

    And then , the author analyzes thoroughly a few main aspects of maintaining and improving the relationships with strategic cooperators .

  25. 其次,分析了国内外对供应商选择评价指标和评价方法的研究情况,介绍了建立新型战略伙伴关系供应商的选择评价指标,评价方法。

    Secondly , it also analyses the domestic and foreign research on the supplier assessment methods and introduces the ways to establish a new strategic partnership with suppliers .

  26. 此外,在工业时代发展起来的营销战略(如供应商通过促销鼓励消费者购买产品)应必须进行回顾,并适应用户推进企业战略的新现实。

    Furthermore , Marketing strategies , developed during the industrial era ( such as push strategy where vendor encourages the consumer to buy the product ) must be reviewed and adapted to a new social reality where the recommendations of users supersede the corporate rationale .

  27. 开发战略还包括供应商选择,企业按供应商选择方法进行采购商务、份额的采购管理,满足企业采购需求的同时,实现采购成本、服务、交付综合最优方案。

    The supplier development strategy also specifies how suppliers should be selected , based on which a company should manage the procurement business and quota , meet the corporate procurement requirements , and ensure that an optimal integrated solution covering procurement costs , services , and delivery is in place .

  28. 在JIT制造理念的基础上,战略外包强调与供应商建立长期合作关系,这对于提高整体供应链绩效极其关键。

    Based on JIT , strategic outsourcing emphasis on the long-term relationship with the supplier . This is critical for improve overall supply chain .

  29. 战略外包中的供应商评价研究

    A Study on Supplier Evaluation in Strategic Outsourcing

  30. 首先对战略管理理论以及供应商选择和管理方面的理论进行归纳总结。

    Firstly , this paper sums up strategic theories and theories related to supplier selection and management .