
  1. 亚太旅游者协会的战略情报中心主任张科德说,对经济增长预测偏低,商业信心的丧失以及H1N1病毒的传播都对商务旅游和休闲旅游造成了伤害。

    John Koldowski , PATA 's director of strategic intelligence , says lower economic growth forecasts combined with a loss of business confidence and the spreading H1N1 flu virus have hurt both the business and leisure travel markets .

  2. 索科在华盛顿的国际战略研究中心发表讲话说,莫斯科希望在天然气方面也同样取得成功。

    Socor told an audience at Washington 's Center for Strategic and International Studies that Moscow hopes for a similar success in gas .