
  1. 企业竞争的新焦点&战略供应链

    Strategic Supply Chain & A New Focus on Competition Among Enterprises

  2. 战略供应链的内涵与操作实践

    The Connotation and Operating Practice of the Strategical Supply Chain

  3. 不确定环境下两阶段战略供应链计划研究

    Research on the Two-Stage of Strategic Supply Chain Planning under Uncertain Environment

  4. 战略供应链的形成机理及其在钢铁行业中的实践&宝钢构建战略供应链案例分析

    Analysis on the Mechanism of Strategic SC and its Practice in Iron & Steel Line

  5. 敏捷化战略是供应链管理(SCM)中的一个重要课题,也是降低企业成本,提高企业柔性及快速响应能力的重要手段,其重要性已得到学术界和企业界的一致认可。

    The Agile Strategy that became an important research focus for SCM , debased an enterprise 's cost and improved a enterprise 's flexibility and quick response ability , that was accepted by academic entities and enterprises .

  6. 第一章通过对FAG公司的企业背景、生产运营模式及市场环境的分析,指出FAG公司实施本地化战略及供应链管理模式的必然性。

    The paper is divided in five chapters : In the first chapter , the author introduces the company 's background , operational model , and marketing environment , points out the certain trends of the supply chain management and localization strategies engaged in FAG business .

  7. 基于战略的供应链管理的合作博弈分析

    A Cooperative Game Analysis of Strategic Supply Chain Management

  8. 企业战略与供应链管理策略匹配之绩效研究

    The Performance of Strategy Pairing of Enterprise Strategy and Supply Chain Management Strategy

  9. 除非周密说明,这一组织结构产生的作用是不会对应产品战略和供应链策略的。

    Unless carefully addressed , the typical impact of this organizational structure is misalignment of product and supply chain strategies .

  10. 进而尝试提出供应链业务流程再造的框架性思路:供应链战略确定供应链网络设计核心业务流程的再造。同时总结供应链网络设计方法和业务流程再造的方法。

    Core business process reengineering goes from the initial supply chain strategy , supply chain network structuring and BPR ( Business Process Reengineering ) .

  11. 按照决策范围和时间的不同,又将企业层供应链协同管理分为战略层供应链协同管理、战术层供应链协同管理和操作层供应链协同管理。

    According to the different decision range and time , we divide the management of enterprise layer into strategy layer , tactics layer and operation layer .

  12. 基于时间竞争的供应链管理已成为企业的主导战略,供应链的响应能力和反应速度取决于供应链各环节间的交货时间。

    Time Based Competition in supply chain has been the dominant strategy . The capability to response customer demand rapidly has been accepted as a key to success .

  13. 前瞻性战略打造供应链竞争力差异化产品策略把握市场脉搏&广西国发林纸公司运营谋略。

    Forward-looking strategy for the competitiveness of the supply chain diverse product strategy to the market pulse & the operation strategy of Guofa forestry and papermaking co. , Ltd.

  14. 概述了物流管理的重要性,从企业战略、供应链优化和非核心业务外包等方面探讨了制造业企业如何通通过物流管理降低成本创造价值。

    The paper studies how manufacturing company to decrease cost and create value through logistics management , such as company strategy , supply chain optimization and non-core business outsourcing etc.

  15. 手机厂商的战略选择及供应链结构分析

    Strategy Choice and Supply Chain Structure Analysis for Mobile Phone Manufacturers

  16. 基于战略管理的供应链客户服务能力评价

    Evaluation of the Supply Chain Customer Service Capacity on the strategic management

  17. 品牌驱动战略下的供应链管理研究

    A Study on Supply Chain Management under the Brand-Driven Strategy

  18. 煤电企业战略联盟及供应链管理研究

    Research on Coal-Electricity Enterprise Strategic Alliance and Supply Chain Management

  19. 基于柔性战略的军事供应链系统集成研究

    Research on the Integration of Military Supply Chain System Based on Flexible Strategy

  20. 我国企业应采取必要的战略措施加强供应链管理,以增强企业核心竞争力。

    Chinese enterprises should strengthen the necessary strategic measures for supply chain management to build up their core competence .

  21. 战略联盟、供应链联盟、动态联盟、产业集群这些新的网络组织正逐步改变着制造业传统的以企业为核心的组织结构。

    Strategic Alliance , Supply Chain Alliance , Clusters and Dynamic Alliance had changed the traditional organization forms of enterprises .

  22. 笔者希望通过这些努力能对现实企业根据自身具体的情况实施供应链战略匹配和供应链的运营管理起到一些帮助作用。

    The author hopes that these efforts can help enterprises better implement the matching of supply chain strategies and supply chain management .

  23. 重视物流管理战略过程是供应链物流阶段区别于传统企业物流管理的重要标志之一。

    Emphasizing the strategic process of logistics management is as a character that supply-chain logistics differs from the traditional enterprise logistics management .

  24. 因此,供应链各级节点之问的战略合作是供应链取得进一步发展的有效途径。

    So , the cooperation of all members in the supply chain is an effective way for the development of the supply chain .

  25. 但由于扩展精益管理的环境还不成熟,在中国当前薄弱的供应链中,发展精益战略到上游供应链还有一些障碍。

    As ' lean ' environment is not mature in China , currently due to the vulnerability supply chain , there are some specific constrains to develop ' lean ' strategy in the upstream supply chain .

  26. 旨在逐步完善供应链管理体系,提高其协调性,建立一条能适应市场竞争、支持企业发展战略的高效供应链系统。

    By doing this , we aim to gradually improve supply chain management system , enhance its coordination , and build up a supply chain adaptable to market competition and supporting the long term development of the enterprise .

  27. 企业网络是指许多企业之间由于各种各样的合作关系而形成的网络,如战略联盟、供应链网络、小企业网络、企业集群、银行网络等,是一类重要的社会经济网络。

    Firm network , a important socio-economic network , is a kind of network of various cooperate relationship between many firms , such as strategic alliance , supply chain network , small firms network , firm cluster , bank network .

  28. 学术界和业界对供应链管理进行了大量的研究和探讨,这些研究包括供应链的战略研究、供应链建模、供应链成员间合作关系研究、供应链的运作协调研究、供应链绩效评价等。

    The academia and practitioners do a lot of studies and discussions for the supply chain management around the management strategy , models , the cooperation relationships of supply chain entities , the operation coordination and performance evaluation , etc. .

  29. 本文比较了传统供应链和战略伙伴关系供应链在交易成本上的差别,证明当供应商和订货商都对双方交易的长期性有良好的预期时,战略伙伴关系供应链将优于传统供应链。

    This paper compares the difference of transaction cost between a traditional supply chain and strategic partnership supply chain , proves that the latter would perform better than the former when the supplier and the buyer would anticipate a long business relationship .

  30. 另一方面;明确企业战略在企业供应链管理中所起的关键作用,促使企业传统供应链管理体系的变革,从而推动企业向更为科学、高效、先进的层次迈进。

    The enterprise business strategy ; For the other side , clear in the supply chain management in the key role of the traditional enterprises and supply chain management system transformation , help enterprise to make a scientific , efficient and advanced progress .