
  • 网络strategic competition;strategy competition
  1. 我们正处在一个战略竞争的年代。

    We are in the age of the strategy competition now .

  2. 进入新世纪,围绕战场全维空间认知优势的战略竞争趋向深化。

    The strategy competition of cognition advantage encircling the full dimension of battlefield tends to deepen in new century .

  3. 服装企业CI战略竞争

    The CI Competition Among Clothes Companies

  4. 昨日,澳大利亚MurchisonMetals向竞争对手、铁矿石开采商MidwestCorporation提出了敌意收购报价,突显了日本与中国在澳大利亚矿产资源问题上的战略竞争。

    The strategic rivalry between Japan and China over access to Australia 's mineral resources was highlighted yesterday when Murchison Metals launched a hostile bid for rival iron ore miner Midwest Corporation .

  5. 太空是国际战略竞争制高点。

    Outer space has become a commanding height in international strategic competition .

  6. 基于战略竞争优势的信息系统项目选择模型

    Information system project selection model based on strategic competitive advantage

  7. 战略竞争、股权融资约束与高负债融资抉择

    Strategic Competition , Equity Financing Constraint and High Leverage

  8. 所以,人力资源竞争力在管理信息系统的支持下,将会成为寿险公司的战略竞争优势。

    HR MIS became strategic advantage of insurance company .

  9. 第三,战略竞争性行业。

    Third , the strategy competitive industry .

  10. 业务外包已经不仅是一个学术概念,而且是一种战略竞争模式。

    Now outsourcing is not only an academic notion but also an important competition strategy .

  11. 当前,信息系统是企业获取战略竞争优势的重要手段。

    Information systems are important tools for firms to create its strategic competitive advantage today .

  12. 把黑莓卖给战略竞争对手的时间就是现在,而不是以后。

    The time to sell BlackBerry to a strategic competitor is now , not tomorrow .

  13. 论美俄在伊朗核问题上的战略竞争与合作

    On Strategic Competition and Cooperation between the United States and Russia on Iran ' sNuclear Issue

  14. 2000年的企业战略竞争优势

    Competitive edge Business Strategy in 2000

  15. 企业要想适应这种环境,就必须掌握战略竞争的方法。

    Enterprises must have strategic competition method in hand if they want to adapt to this environment .

  16. 战略竞争制胜的法宝是核心竞争力(核心能力)的竞争。

    A magic weapon for winning strategic competition is a core capability ( core competency ) competition .

  17. 印度比中国穷,也没有与美国形成战略竞争的意识。

    India is poorer than China and does not feel the same sense of strategic rivalry with the US .

  18. 在这种环境下,管理会计应为企业战略竞争优势的形成和保持提供服务,作为管理会计重要组成部分的业绩评价也应如此。

    Under such situation , management accounting should service for it , performance evaluation system should do she same .

  19. 第二节主要讨论问题的一般表示形式,以及为取得战略竞争优势,解决问题的方法。

    The second section deals with a general formulation of a problem and the approach to achieve strategic competitive advantage .

  20. 面对不同企业的战略竞争,企业控制人也会根据战略实施的结果来反思价值观,从而,在一定的范围内做有限度的战略调整。

    Faced by strategic competition with other firms , the people who control will adjust the strategy and change the value view .

  21. 但是传统的业绩评价方法已经无法反映中小型饭店的实际业绩和战略竞争能力,我国中小型饭店业绩评价方法亟待进行改革。

    The traditional performance evaluation methods can not reflect the medium and small sized hotels ' actual performance and strategic competition abilities .

  22. 中国企业进入了战略竞争时代,研究企业的战略成为企业管理研究的一个热点。

    The time of strategy competition has come . The investigation of corporation strategy has become an emphases of the business management investigation .

  23. 企业文化内部一致性与企业战略竞争创新性显著负相关。第二,企业文化4个特质均对企业战略对外关注度起到显著影响。

    The level of internal consistency of corporate culture has a significant negative impact on competition and innovation of strategy and external attention .

  24. 网络空间国际战略竞争日趋激烈,不少国家都在发展网络空间军事力量。

    As international strategic competition in cyberspace has been turning increasingly fiercer , quite a few countries are developing their cyber military forces .

  25. 中国有关部门坚决反对美国参议院外交关系委员会通过的《2021战略竞争法案》。

    Chinese authorities have expressed firm opposition to the passing of the Strategic Competition Act of 2021 by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations .

  26. 高盛将风险视为一项战略竞争优势,而非一个工具,并且有效地为全球客户提供了一贯的服务。

    Goldman views risk as a strategic competitive advantage rather than as a tool and has been effective at delivering consistent client service throughout the world .

  27. 很多企业为了增强战略竞争优势,回避业务萎缩以及获得超额利润,选择了多元化战略。

    Many companies adopted diversification strategies in an effort to strengthen competitive advantage , avoid business shrinking , and gain exceptional profit at the same time .

  28. 在北京,随着中国是战略竞争对手的早期言辞让位于基于共同利益的联盟,他的实用主义受到赞赏。

    In Beijing there was appreciation of his pragmatism as early rhetoric about China being a strategic competitor gave way to an alliance based on mutual interest .

  29. 第二部分介绍相关管理理论,主要有战略竞争理论、营销理论、创新理论等。

    The second part introduced the relevant management theory , which are the competition strategy theory , the marketing theory , the innovation theory and so on .

  30. 对中国来说,中俄关系(历史上以相互猜疑和战略竞争为特征)可能意味着从燃料到木材的各种资源的更可靠供应。

    For China , the relationship which has historically been characterised by mutual suspicion and strategic rivalry could mean more secure supplies of everything from fuel to timber .