
yì huò mào yì
  • barter trade
  1. 他们以易货贸易的方式安排食品进口。

    They have arranged food imports on a barter basis .

  2. 然而,易货贸易显然是一种不方便且.不精确的交易方法。

    But barter is obviously an inconvenient and inexact method of trading .

  3. 联合国粮农组织(UnitedNationsFoodandAgricultureOrganisation,FAO)称,这种政府间的易货贸易已有数十年未使用的贸易方式可能会变得更为常见,因私人部门发现难以获得粮食进口所需的信贷。

    The United Nations ' Food and Agriculture Organisation said such government-to-government bartering – a system of trade not used for decades – was likely to become more common as the private sector was finding it hard to access credit for food imports .

  4. 这还算是一种直接的易货贸易吗?

    Is it stfll a nd direct Ba yer idkwzo trade ?

  5. 边境贸易以低附加值商品和易货贸易为主;

    Frontier trade is centered on the low-cost consumable supplies and consignation trade .

  6. 准备易货贸易;较高的福利,薪金,反之亦然。

    Be prepared to barter ; higher salary for fringe benefits or vice versa .

  7. 经过长时间的讨论,我们已在易货贸易方面达成了协议。

    After a long discussion we 've come to an agreement on barter trade .

  8. (二)咱们能不能做一笔易货贸易呢?

    Can we do a barter trade ?

  9. 我们先签一个易货贸易协议,规定一般性条款,行吗?

    Shall we first sign a barter trade agreement stipulating the general terms and conditions ?

  10. 因此实现易货贸易的网上交易模式具有非常重要的现实意义。

    Therefore create an on-line barter trade transaction system have a very vital practical significance .

  11. 我们能否做一笔易货贸易?

    Can we do barber trade ?

  12. 进口总额除以出口总额为总易货贸易条件。

    Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports .

  13. 在易货贸易中,商品与商品进行交换;在私人赔偿中,以资产抵付资产。

    In barter , goods are exchanged for goods , and in private compensation , assets against assets .

  14. 它就一定是进行易货贸易,以便把家庭专门生产的产品拿去交换。

    It must engage in barter in order to trade those goods that the household specializes in producing .

  15. 另外,我们也可用易货贸易的方式来促进双方的经济交流。

    In addition , we can also promote economic exchanges between the two sides in the way of barter .

  16. 伊朗石油的进口商还可以使用易货贸易,从而避免使用常规的金融工具。

    It is possible importers of Iranian oil could resort to barter , thereby avoiding using normal financial instruments .

  17. 易通网是在现代易货贸易的基础上,开发的一个全新的面向企业的易货交易平台。

    Yi tong website based on modern barter trade is a new platform of barter trade which faces company .

  18. 补偿贸易在某种程度上不同于易货贸易和反向贸易,在国外提供的设备和制成品中有直接的联系。来件组装始于1978年,特殊的对外贸易形式有资格免除关税和其他税收。

    Assembly manufacturing began in1978 and particular forms of foreign trade are eligible for exemption from customs duties and taxation .

  19. 抗战时期中德易货贸易述评&兼论中德关系的演变

    Review on China-Germany Barter Trade During the Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan & On the Change of China-Germany

  20. 如果贵方同意易货贸易的建议,我方将用化肥与贵方交换小麦。

    If you agree to our barter trade proposal , we will give you chemical fertilizer in exchange for your wheat .

  21. 因此很早以前,在各个社会中,某种形式的货币代替了易货贸易,至少日常的交易是如此。

    So very early in every society some form of money takes the place of barter , at least for everyday transactions .

  22. 如果你方同意我们进行易货贸易的建议,我们将用纸与你们交换木材。

    If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade , we ' ; ll give you paper in exchange for your timber .

  23. 现代易货贸易的兴起为电子商务注入了新的活力,也为企业解决资金困难的问题带来了便利。

    The rising of modern barter trade brings new energy to E-bossiness , as well as convenience to the problem for shortage of funds .

  24. 咱们开门见山吧。我这次来的目的是探讨与你方进行易货贸易的可能性。

    Let 's come to the point , the purpose of my current visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter trade with you .

  25. 这一时期的中朝贸易表现出了社会主义阵营间贸易的特殊性,即通过签订长期贸易协定开展以物易物的易货贸易。

    Sino-Korean trade during this period demonstrated a specificity of trade between the socialist camp , and by signing long-term agreement to carry out barter trade .

  26. 论我国金融衍生产品交易的法律规制在易货贸易中,商品与商品进行交换;在私人赔偿中,以资产抵付资产。

    Research on China 's Legal Regulation on Financial Derivatives Transaction In barter , goods are exchanged for goods , and in private compensation , assets against assets .

  27. 更有甚者,一些政府严重地限制本币与外币的兑换,甚至求助于完全不用货币的易货贸易。

    Furthermore , some governments severely restricted the exchange of domestic for foreign money and even resorted to barter schemes that would eliminate the use of money completely .

  28. 收入贸易条件:即以出口额加权的净易货贸易条件,以此表明出口带来的购买力。

    Income terms of trade : The net Barter terms of trade weighted by the volume of exports . It gives an indication of the purchasing power of exports .

  29. 业界估计,两国之间的石油贸易额每年达200亿至300亿美元,不过其中一部分以易货贸易的形式进行。

    The trade is worth as much as $ 20bn - $ 30bn annually , according to industry estimates , but a share of this is in barter form .

  30. 互联网技术的迅猛发展,为传统的易货贸易提供了信息共享和支付交易的新平台,大大提高了传统易货交易的可操作性。

    The rapid development of internet has provided the information a new sharing and payment transaction platform for the traditional barter trade , enhanced the tradition barter transaction feasibility greatly .