
  • 网络capital competition
  1. 人力资本竞争优势与战略成本管理

    The manpower capital competition superiority and the strategic cost management

  2. 电信运营业已经进入了资本竞争时代。

    Capital competition era is coming in telecommunication industry .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,随着外资的大量进入,原本就已遭遇国内商业资本竞争的甘肃省流通业,面临的压力和挑战将更加严峻。

    After China 's entering of WTO , foreign capital begin entering China at a faster pace . Gansu 's circulation in-dustry has been facing intensive domestic capital competition , the pressure and challenge now is intensified .

  4. 面对金融业界业务和技术日益趋同,银行间核心竞争力已经转向深层次人力资本竞争的形势,H分行客观上对人力资源素质提出了更高的要求。

    Confronting the increasing convergence of the financial technology and the financial service , the situation that the competition between the banks has turned to the competition of the deeper human capital , H Provincial Bank objectively promote the higher requirement concerning the quality of the human resources .

  5. 资本竞争时代我国中型房地产企业外源融资渠道分析

    Analysis of Financing Channels for Middle-Sized Real Estate Enterprises in Capital Competition Age in China

  6. 目前世界竞争的焦点,己从物质资本竞争转向人力资源及其潜能充分发挥的竞争。

    The key competition of the world has already been changed from the capital competition to the human resources competition .

  7. 当代全球经济已经从产品竞争、资本竞争进入到了品牌竞争这一新的历史时期。

    The global economy today has entered a new era of Brand competition from the competitions of commodity and capital .

  8. 上市公司为了在资本竞争中占有优势,将盈余管理作为其常用手段。

    In order to take advantage of competition of the capital , the earnings management will be used as a management tool .

  9. 随着技术的进步和经济社会的发展,国家、地区之间的竞争已由资源竞争、资本竞争转向以创新能力的竞争。

    As technology advances and economic and social development , national , regional competition has been among the competition for resources and capital .

  10. 而当今的国际经济竞争正由资本竞争向技术竞争转变,其核心已逐步演变为专利之争和标准之争。

    Nowadays the international economy competition is changing from competition of capital to the competition of technique whose kernel is evolving into competition of standard .

  11. 随着时间跨入21世纪,企业之间的竞争已经由物质资本竞争、技术的竞争,逐步过渡到人力资本的竞争。

    Getting into the 21st Century , the competitions between enterprises have progressively changed from those in material , capital and technology to those in Human resources .

  12. 为了限制银行业和证券市场间发生的资本竞争,政府以制度限制了首次公开招股时可以获得的资本总额。

    In order to limit the competition for capital between the banking sector and the stock market , the government imposed restrictions on the amount of capital that can be raised through ipo .

  13. 随着知识经济的到来,依靠资源和资本竞争的时代逐渐被以人口素质为前提的科学技术竞争时代所代替。

    With the coming of knowledge economy , the times that depend on material and capital to compete have been replaced by the times that depend on scientific technology with a preface of population quality .

  14. 全球经济一体化浪潮给企业带来了机遇,同时也带来了更加激烈的市场竞争,而企业竞争的核心已经由原来的资本竞争逐步转向为人才的竞争。

    The tidal wave of integrative global economic not only brings opportunity to the enterprise , but also generates more severe market competition . However , the core of enterprise competition is gradually changed to talent competition .

  15. 〕随着科技和教育的发展,资源和物质资本竞争的时代将逐渐由人力资本所决定的科学技术竞争的时代所取代,人力资本将日益成为社会经济可持续发展的重要因素。

    With the development of science , technology and education , the age of competition in resources and material capital is likely to be replaced by the age of competition in science and technology whose decisive factor is human capitale .

  16. 进入21世纪知识经济时代,企业发展的关键逐渐由之前的产品竞争、资本竞争演变为人力资源和人力资本的竞争。

    As we enter the 21st century known as the age of knowledge-based economy , the key to success of businesses has been gradually turned from being the competition of product and capital into being the competition of human resources and manpower .

  17. 在现代企业竞争越发表现为人力资本竞争的今天,企业如何有效的获取、保留并激励人力资本,是企业获得并保持核心竞争力的关键。

    Nowadays the competition of human capital is for more important than other aspects in the competition of enterprises . So the key to keep the central power in the competition is to attract and keep the manager 's human capital effectively .

  18. 随着欧盟一体化进程的不断加快,特别是欧元的即将正式启用,欧盟各国的税收政策将成为国家主权最后的防线之一,并已经成为各国在吸引外国企业和外国资本竞争中的一个重要工具。

    With the development of the European Union 's integration , especially with the starting of the euro , the member countries ' tax policy is to become one of their last sovereigns , and an important method in the competition to attract foreign enterprises and foreign assets .

  19. 随着我国加入WTO以及社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,国有资本从竞争性行业退出的步伐不断加快;

    Joining WTO and along with the gradually establishment of our socialism market economy systems , the speed of State-owned capital withdrawing from the competition business has been increasing gradually .

  20. MBO在我国不仅是改变公司股权结构的一种重组行为,也为解决我国国有企业所有者缺位及国有资本从竞争性行业逐渐退出提供了一条有效途径。

    In our country MBO not only change ownership structure of a restructuring behavior , but also solve our state-owned enterprises and state-owned capital owner absence from competitive industry gradually withdraw provides an efficient way .

  21. 近代外国在华直接投资与民族资本的竞争&对机制棉纺织市场的供求分析

    Competition of Foreign Direct Investment and National Capital in Modern Times

  22. 企业竞争更主要的是人力资本的竞争。

    The competition among enterprises is competition of human capital .

  23. 中小企业社会资本与竞争优势的关系研究

    The Study on Relationship between Social Capital and Competitive Advantage

  24. 基于顾客资本建立竞争优势研究

    Study of Constructing Competitive Advantage Based on Customer Capital

  25. 国有资本从竞争领域有效退出的控制系统

    The Control System of the Efficient Exit of State-owned Capital from the Competitive Field

  26. 旅行社的竞争实质是人力资本的竞争。

    Therefore , the competition of travel-agency is , actually , the one of human resources .

  27. 从引入市场竞争机制到鼓励民间资本参与竞争;

    From introducing to the competition mechanism of the market to encouraging private 's capital participate in ;

  28. 知识经济时代农业的竞争主要表现为知识资本的竞争。

    The competition of agriculture in knowledge economy era is mainly expressed in the competition of knowledge capital .

  29. 以设计为核心的知本(知识资本)竞争将会成为未来产品竞争力的主导因素。

    The knowledge capital competition with design as the core will become the leading element for the future product market .

  30. 虽然资本的竞争性正促使我国公司进行更多的MD&A信息披露,但仍存在一些阻碍因素;

    Although the competition of capital improves the information disclosure of MD & A of China , there are still restriction factors .