
  • 网络Strategic Partner;strategic partnership;PARTNER
  1. 以业务优化为主导、信息技术为支撑的观念,实行项目监理制度,聘请战略合作伙伴,国家相关部门开展资质认证,组织基础数据等等。

    Ideas that are conducted by business optimization and supported by information technology , supervision principles , strategic partners retaining , qualification certificating defined by relevant national bureaucracies , fundamental data preparing and so on .

  2. 这也将结合康柏、DEC、天腾公司以及康柏诸多战略合作伙伴的强大力量。

    One that builds on the combined strengths of Compaq , Digital , Tandem and our strategic partners .

  3. 本周一,中国与文莱将双方关系提升至战略合作伙伴层面。

    China and Brunei on Monday agreed to upgrade their relations to a strategic cooperative partnership .

  4. 中国和尼泊尔要推动两国面向发展与繁荣的世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系不断向前发展,共同打造中尼更加紧密的命运共同体,造福两国和两国人民。

    China and Nepal should push forward their strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity , and work together to build a closer community of shared future benefitting both countries and peoples .

  5. 打造RFID专业品牌,服务我们尊贵的战略合作伙伴。

    RFID to create a professional brand , Services to our valued strategic partner .

  6. 2000年大选前,布什还在谴责克林顿(Clinton)政府推行的所谓中美战略合作伙伴关系。

    Before the 2000 election Mr Bush decried the so-called strategic partnership with Beijing promoted by the Clinton administration .

  7. 中芯国际仍然是AT2重要的战略合作伙伴和股东。

    SMIC continues to be AT2 valued strategic partner and shareholder .

  8. 在领域分析阶段,给出客户关系管理软件的用例模型、战略合作伙伴关系(SPM)用例模型和活动模型。

    In domain-specific analysis stage , we give the use case model and activity model of CRM and SPM .

  9. 在ERP管理系统基础上,构建精益敏捷供应链,建立与供应商的战略合作伙伴关系也是实施精益敏捷管理的必备条件。

    Based on the ERP management system , building lean supply chain , and establish strategic partnership with suppliers become the necessary conditions for the implementation of lean agile management .

  10. 近日,意大利两大豪门足球俱乐部--国际米兰和其同城死敌AC米兰均表示,已与中国财团进行过接触,它们或寻求入股,或想达成战略合作伙伴关系。

    Two of Italy 's top soccer clubs , Inter Milan and its rival AC Milan , said they have been approached by Chinese groups either seeking a stake or offering strategic partnerships .

  11. 最后对R企业的供应商战略合作伙伴选择进行了本文模型的实证部分,使模型不仅具有理论意义,更具有实践意义。

    In the last part of the dissertation , it applies this method to the strategic supplier selection of R Company , making the method not only of great academic significance but also of practical significance .

  12. 在JIT采购的环境下,供应商的选择与评估方式,深入研究W公司JIT采购供需双方的战略合作伙伴关系的建立具有很重要的理论和现实意义。

    Supplier selection and evaluation based on JIT Purchasing deeply researches the partnership between supplier and W company , which will bring benefit and has important reference and actual significance .

  13. 作为战略合作伙伴,CRO与合作客户依靠创新、专业技术及业务变革驱动,共同实现战略价值。

    As strategic partners , CRO and cooperation achieved their value depending on innovation , professional technology and business transformation .

  14. 合众宝华与中国国际广播电台CRI签署战略合作伙伴协议,共同推广中国民族世界音乐,为其他大型活动代理广告业务。

    ArtyBright signed the strategic partnership agreement with CRI , join hand to publish World Music and operate other advertising business for major events .

  15. 新闻稿没有解释Hulu将如何运用7.50亿美元的新增投资,以及新战略合作伙伴关系是否已经开展。

    The press release does not explain what Hulu will do with its $ 750 million windfall or if new strategic partnerships are afoot .

  16. 他们的业务问题是大型组织普遍存在的:他们有15个以上的不同渠道来与1000多个战略合作伙伴进行企业对企业的交互,范围从FTP和EDI到RosettaNet。

    Their business problem is common to large organizations : they had over 15 different channels for business-to-business interactions with over 1000 strategic partners , ranging from FTP and EDI to Rosetta Net .

  17. 供应商管理库存(VMI)是一种战略合作伙伴之间的合作性策略,以系统和集成的管理思想进行库存管理,使供应链系统能够同步优化运行。

    VMI is a strategic of cooperation between the partners , and it can manage inventory with Systematic and integrated management ideological , which makes the supply chain system run simultaneously .

  18. 在过去10年里,CEMS公司与地方和国际成员结成了战略合作伙伴关系,共同在会展行业中达到格子希望达到的目标。

    For the past decade , CEMS has formed strategic partnerships with both local and international players to achieve mutually desirable goals in the MICE industry .

  19. 中铝集团(chinalco)表示,没有减持力拓(riotinto)股份的计划,并且将力拓视为中铝海外扩张的一个重要战略合作伙伴。

    Chinalco , the Chinese aluminium group , has no plans to sell down its shares in Rio Tinto , viewing the mining house as a key strategic partner as Chinalco expands overseas .

  20. 尽管Sullivan称穆巴拉克的人权和民主记录非常“可怕”,然而,他说,美国和埃及能够保持30年的战略合作伙伴关系非常重要。

    Although Sullivan calls Mr. Mubarak 's record on human rights and democracy " horrible , " he says it is important for the U.S. and Egypt to maintain their 30-year strategic partnership .

  21. 亚马逊公司周二宣布与中国移动子公司咪咕文化科技集团有限公司建立战略合作伙伴关系,并推出了专为中国读者定制的新款Kindle,将丰富的网络文学整合到其电子阅读器中。

    Amazon.com Inc announced a strategic partnership on Tuesday with China Mobile Communications Corp 's subsidiary Migu Culture and Technology Group Co , and launched a new Kindle created exclusively for Chinese readers that integrates abundant online literature content into its e-reader .

  22. 电信运营商向内容服务环节一体化转型,面对自己战略合作伙伴SP,两者之间又多了一层竞争关系,从而形成竞争合作的复杂关系。

    With telecom operators transition to the content areas of service integration , operators will face its own strategic partners , SP , at the same time operators and SP have competition relationship between the two value subjects , thus forming the complex relationship of competition and cooperation .

  23. Artsy网站的主策展人和战略合作伙伴负责人克里斯汀·关(ChristineKuan)核实了这些数据,她说,Instagram平台的使用者们是“年轻的收藏家和正在崛起的收藏家,”他们懂技术,在社交媒体上非常活跃。

    Christine Kuan , chief curator and director of strategic partnerships at Artsy , qualifies those numbers , saying that the platform 's audience is " young collectors and emerging collectors , " who are tech savvy and active on social media .

  24. 在25个国家(主要是在欧洲)运营着400家酒店的nhhoteles集团,将这宗交易形容为战略合作伙伴关系,称两家集团计划成立一个合资企业,在中国开发酒店。

    NH Hoteles , which runs 400 hotels in 25 countries , mainly in Europe , described the deal as a strategic partnership and said the two groups planned to set up a joint venture to develop hotels in China .

  25. 构建灰色综合评价模型是对供应商评价方法的创新,建立合作伙伴之间的利润分配模型是对战略合作伙伴关系协调方法的创新,构架MDDSS结构框架是一种尝试。

    Setting up a grey comprehensive evaluation model is the innovation of supplier selection method . Establishing an allocation of benefit model for partnership is the innovation means of strategic partnership harmony . Putting forward the framework of MDDSS is an attempt .

  26. 建筑企业供应链战略合作伙伴的选择

    Selecting of Tactic Cooperative Partner of Supply Chain for Construction Enterprise

  27. 我们期盼着拓展我们的战略合作伙伴关系。

    We are now looking forward to extend our strategic partnership .

  28. 供应链战略合作伙伴关系治理结构的研究

    Research on the Governance Structure of Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain

  29. 房地产开发企业战略合作伙伴选择与关系维护研究

    Research on Strategic Partners Selection and Partnership Maintenance of Estate Corporations

  30. 指出:苏州模式注重发展战略合作伙伴;

    The Suzhou mode puts emphasis on finding strategic partner ;