
  • 网络Strategic Trade Policy
  1. 中国实施战略贸易政策的若干问题研究

    Research on the Several Problems of Implementation of Strategic Trade Policy in China

  2. 论世贸组织框架下我国推行战略贸易政策的可能性

    Discussion on the Possibility of applying Strategic Trade Policy in China under WTO Structure

  3. 本文首先对传统国际贸易理论进行了简要的回顾,并阐述了传统国际贸易理论的局限性,进而引出适应时代发展的战略贸易政策理论。

    The article analyzes the traditional international trade theory briefly .

  4. 技术创新和竞争性垄断与战略贸易政策相互影响机理诠解

    Analysis of the Interrelationship among Technological Innovation , Competitive Monopoly and Strategic Trade Policy

  5. 战略贸易政策新进展与发展中国家贸易政策

    On the New Progress in the Strategic Trade Policy and Trade Policy in Developing Countries

  6. 在欧共体,《贸易壁垒条例》是实施市场进入战略贸易政策的重要工具。

    In EC , Trade Barriers Regulation ( TBR ) is an important tool to realize the Market Access Strategy .

  7. 目标产业是战略贸易政策核心,一国政府应选择何种产业作为实施战略贸易政策的对象就成为关注的焦点。

    Target industry is the policy center of strategical trade , which make it a focus that one country should choose what industry as its object to put in practice strategical trade policy .

  8. 其次,从长期、短期效应和对外贸易过度发展的负面影响分析了该作用机制及其制约因素,重点分析了贸易战略、贸易政策、贸易冲击、进出口商品结构以及贸易方式的影响。

    Second , it analyses this effect mechanism and restricted factors through long-term , short-term effect and over developed impact of foreign trade , with the emphasis such as trade strategy , trade policy , trade shock , import and export goods compositions along with trade means effect .

  9. 对中国外贸依存度的准确把握关系中国经济发展战略和对外贸易政策的制订与实施。

    Accurately grasping the ratio of dependence on China 's foreign trade concerns the formulation and implementation of Chinese economic development strategies and foreign trade policies .

  10. 本章第三部分探讨了贸易政策与产业政策的相互关系,包括以贸易政策促进产业结构调整,以及幼稚产业政策、战略产业政策与贸易政策的协调关系。

    The third section discusses the co-relationship of the trade policy and the industrial policy , which includes the promotion of the trade policy to the industrial structural adjustment , and the coordination of the infant industry , strategic industry , and the trade policy .

  11. 其次,从战略的高度分析了提高促进作用所急需进行的宏观调整,包括优化制度环境,实施经济增长导向的贸易战略和贸易政策,构建与完善贸易冲击防御体系等几个方面。

    Second , analyses macroscopic adjustment needed by improving promotion effect from the strategic angle , including optimizing the system environment , implement economic growth orientation trade strategy and trade policy , constructing and perfecting the defending system against trade shock .